\instrument_description.xcat \------------------------------------------------------------------ \Caution: units and flux_conv wrong for MIPS \Caution: units and flux_conv probably wrong for IRAC and bolocam \Caution: PACS wavelengths must be checked \------------------------------------------------------------------ \instru: instrument name -- must match the non-numerical part of filter name \filter: filter name used by DustEMWrap \wave: reference wavelength in microns \bunit: typical brightness unit of archival data -- for convenience only \flux_conv : flux convention \reso_orig: intrinsic angular resolution in degrees -- for convenience only \sighit: sigma for one hit (except for some experiments) -- for convenience only \sigabs: absolute uncertainty in percent (%) -- for convenience only \name : filter name used by original instrument team -- for convenience only \filename : file containing filter transmission information (in subdirectories of Data/FILTERS/) \trans_conv : convention used to specify filter transmission curve -- for convenience only \-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |INSTRU |FILTER |WAVE |BUNIT |FLUX_CONV |reso_orig |sighit |sigabs |NAME |Filename | |char |char |real |char |char |real |real |real |char |char | |NULL |NULL |NULL |NULL |NULL |NULL |NULL |NULL |NULL |NULL | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \=========JWST/NIRCAM filter files (v4.0 April 2016) downloaded from NIRCam filters page of JWST-docs ============================================= \========= Contact Scientist: Bryan Hilbert, STScI, hilbert@stsci.edu =========================================================================================== \========= Reference wavelength = pivot wavelength, see Gordon et al (2022) AJ, 163, 267G ========================================================= \========= Transmissions represent total throughput of energy (including the blocking filter if relevant) ========================================= \========= By default, averaged module A and B throughputs are used by DustEMWrap ================================================================ \========= Separate module A and B throughput files are also provided in the Data/FILTERS/NIRCAM/ directory ============================================= \========= and can be invoked using filter names e.g. NIRCAMA1: F070W + module A, NIRCAMB14: F070W + module B, ===================================== NIRCAM NIRCAM1 0.704323 flambda=cste F070W F070W_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM2 0.902381 flambda=cste F090W F090W_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM3 1.154065 flambda=cste F115W F115W_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM4 1.405601 flambda=cste F140M F140M_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM5 1.500799 flambda=cste F150W F150W_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM6 1.627364 flambda=cste F162M F162M_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM7 1.644702 flambda=cste F164N F164N_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM8 1.657596 flambda=cste F150W2 F150W2_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM9 1.844911 flambda=cste F182M F182M_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM10 1.872914 flambda=cste F187N F187N_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM11 1.988332 flambda=cste F200W F200W_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM12 2.095315 flambda=cste F210M F210M_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM13 2.122228 flambda=cste F212N F212N_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM14 2.504492 flambda=cste F250M F250M_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM15 2.768483 flambda=cste F277W F277W_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM16 2.994073 flambda=cste F300M F300M_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM17 3.231917 flambda=cste F322W2 F322W2_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM18 3.236066 flambda=cste F323N F323N_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM19 3.362212 flambda=cste F335M F335M_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM20 3.568228 flambda=cste F356W F356W_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM21 3.624104 flambda=cste F360M F360M_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM22 4.054260 flambda=cste F405N F405N_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM23 4.082090 flambda=cste F410M F410M_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM24 4.282131 flambda=cste F430M F430M_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM25 4.403900 flambda=cste F444W F444W_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM26 4.632282 flambda=cste F460M F460M_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM27 4.654755 flambda=cste F466N F466N_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM28 4.702287 flambda=cste F470N F470N_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt NIRCAM NIRCAM29 4.815854 flambda=cste F480M F480M_NRC_and_OTE_ModAB_mean.txt \========= Total System transmission curves for observations using Module A only ===================================== NIRCAMA NIRCAMA1 0.704323 flambda=cste F070W F070W_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA2 0.902381 flambda=cste F090W F090W_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA3 1.154065 flambda=cste F115W F115W_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA4 1.405601 flambda=cste F140M F140M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA5 1.500799 flambda=cste F150W F150W_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA6 1.627364 flambda=cste F162M F162M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA7 1.644702 flambda=cste F164N F164N_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA8 1.657596 flambda=cste F150W2 F150W2_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA9 1.844911 flambda=cste F182M F182M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA10 1.872914 flambda=cste F187N F187N_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA11 1.988332 flambda=cste F200W F200W_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA12 2.095315 flambda=cste F210M F210M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA13 2.122228 flambda=cste F212N F212N_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA14 2.504492 flambda=cste F250M F250M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA15 2.768483 flambda=cste F277W F277W_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA16 2.994073 flambda=cste F300M F300M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA17 3.231917 flambda=cste F322W2 F322W2_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA18 3.236066 flambda=cste F323N F323N_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA19 3.362212 flambda=cste F335M F335M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA20 3.568228 flambda=cste F356W F356W_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA21 3.624104 flambda=cste F360M F360M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA22 4.054260 flambda=cste F405N F405N_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA23 4.082090 flambda=cste F410M F410M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA24 4.282131 flambda=cste F430M F430M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA25 4.403900 flambda=cste F444W F444W_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA26 4.632282 flambda=cste F460M F460M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA27 4.654755 flambda=cste F466N F466N_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA28 4.702287 flambda=cste F470N F470N_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt NIRCAMA NIRCAMA29 4.815854 flambda=cste F480M F480M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt \========= Total System transmission curves for observations using Module B only ===================================== NIRCAMB NIRCAMB1 0.704323 flambda=cste F070W F070W_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB2 0.902381 flambda=cste F090W F090W_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB3 1.154065 flambda=cste F115W F115W_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB4 1.405601 flambda=cste F140M F140M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB5 1.500799 flambda=cste F150W F150W_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB6 1.627364 flambda=cste F162M F162M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB7 1.644702 flambda=cste F164N F164N_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB8 1.657596 flambda=cste F150W2 F150W2_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB9 1.844911 flambda=cste F182M F182M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB10 1.872914 flambda=cste F187N F187N_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB11 1.988332 flambda=cste F200W F200W_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB12 2.095315 flambda=cste F210M F210M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB13 2.122228 flambda=cste F212N F212N_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB14 2.504492 flambda=cste F250M F250M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB15 2.768483 flambda=cste F277W F277W_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB16 2.994073 flambda=cste F300M F300M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB17 3.231917 flambda=cste F322W2 F322W2_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB18 3.236066 flambda=cste F323N F323N_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB19 3.362212 flambda=cste F335M F335M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB20 3.568228 flambda=cste F356W F356W_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB21 3.624104 flambda=cste F360M F360M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB22 4.054260 flambda=cste F405N F405N_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB23 4.082090 flambda=cste F410M F410M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB24 4.282131 flambda=cste F430M F430M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB25 4.403900 flambda=cste F444W F444W_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB26 4.632282 flambda=cste F460M F460M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB27 4.654755 flambda=cste F466N F466N_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB28 4.702287 flambda=cste F470N F470N_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt NIRCAMB NIRCAMB29 4.815854 flambda=cste F480M F480M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_modb_sorted.txt \=========JWST MIRI filter files constructed from Pandeia Engine version 1.7 data files =========================================================== \========= Contact Scientist: Karl Gordon, STScI, kgordon@stsci.edu ============================================================================================ \========= Reference wavelength = pivot wavelength, see Gordon et al (2022) ================================================================= \========= Transmissions represent total throughput of energy =============================================================================== MIRI MIRI1 5.63619630 flambda=cste F0560W jwst_miri_f0560w.fits MIRI MIRI2 7.64577776 flambda=cste F0770W jwst_miri_f0770w.fits MIRI MIRI3 9.95328271 flambda=cste F1000W jwst_miri_f1000w.fits MIRI MIRI4 10.5958888 flambda=cste F1065C jwst_miri_f1065c.fits MIRI MIRI5 11.3049857 flambda=cste F1140C jwst_miri_f1140c.fits MIRI MIRI6 11.3102220 flambda=cste F1130W jwst_miri_f1130w.fits MIRI MIRI7 12.8151874 flambda=cste F1280W jwst_miri_f1280w.fits MIRI MIRI8 15.0508478 flambda=cste F1500W jwst_miri_f1500w.fits MIRI MIRI9 15.5116694 flambda=cste F1550C jwst_miri_f1550c.fits MIRI MIRI10 17.9695595 flambda=cste F1800W jwst_miri_f1800w.fits MIRI MIRI11 20.8015428 flambda=cste F2100W jwst_miri_f2100w.fits MIRI MIRI12 22.6615252 flambda=cste F2300C jwst_miri_f2300c.fits MIRI MIRI13 25.2323335 flambda=cste F2550W jwst_miri_f2550w.fits \=========JWST/NIRISS filter files (v. September 2021) downloaded from NIRISS filters page of JWST-docs ============================================= \========= Contact Scientist: XXXXXX ============================================================================================ \========= Reference wavelength = pivot wavelength, see Gordon et al (2022) AJ, 163, 267G ========================================================= \========= Transmissions represent total throughput of energy (including the blocking filter if relevant) ========================================= NIRISS NIRISS1 0.900389 flambda=cste F090W NIRISS_F090W.txt NIRISS NIRISS2 1.150102 flambda=cste F115W NIRISS_F115W.txt NIRISS NIRISS3 1.405134 flambda=cste F140M NIRISS_F140M.txt NIRISS NIRISS4 1.498293 flambda=cste F150W NIRISS_F150W.txt NIRISS NIRISS5 1.586646 flambda=cste F158M NIRISS_F158M.txt NIRISS NIRISS6 1.983678 flambda=cste F200W NIRISS_F200W.txt NIRISS NIRISS7 2.775790 flambda=cste F277W NIRISS_F277W.txt NIRISS NIRISS8 3.594819 flambda=cste F356W NIRISS_F356W.txt NIRISS NIRISS9 3.828358 flambda=cste F380M NIRISS_F380M.txt NIRISS NIRISS10 4.285510 flambda=cste F430M NIRISS_F430M.txt NIRISS NIRISS11 4.434596 flambda=cste F444W NIRISS_F444W.txt NIRISS NIRISS12 4.816824 flambda=cste F480M NIRISS_F480M.txt \========= Filter information for PILOT taken from Bernard et al (2022) ========================================================================== PILOT PILOT1 240 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.03666667 NULL NULL \========= Filter information for HAWC+ taken from Chuss et al (2019) ============================================================================ HAWCPLUS HAWCPLUS1 53 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.001361111 NULL NULL HAWCPLUS HAWCPLUS2 89 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.002166667 NULL NULL HAWCPLUS HAWCPLUS3 154 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.003777778 NULL NULL HAWCPLUS HAWCPLUS4 214 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.005055556 NULL NULL \========= additional filters provided by Longji Bing ============================================================================================ \JPB modified the name of filters to intrument# with # starting from 1, for consistency. \The resolution of Spitzer IRS, SCUBA2, NIKA2 1.2mm and NIKA2 2.0mm are 3.8", 13.0", 11.7" and 17.0", respectively. IRS IRS1 15.687 MJy/sr NULL 0.001055555 SCUBA2 SCUBA21 863.218 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.003611111 NIKA2 NIKA21 1187.537 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.003249999 NIKA2 NIKA22 2025.892 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.004722222 \=== Non-photometric data (This is not necessary, as spectrometer data don't require information about the instrument) \INSTRU |FILTER |WAVE |BUNIT |FLUX_CONV |reso_orig |sighit |sigabs | IRS IRS_spec -32768. MJy/sr NULL \========= S-PASS ========== \information taken from Carretti et al. 2019 \flux convention does not really matter (narrow band of 8 MHz for 2.3 GHz). Resolution is 8.9' (0.148333 deg) \ref frequency is actually 2.303 GHz (130174.74 mic) SPASS SPASS1 130174.74 MJy/sr NULL 0.14833333 5.0 \========= ZOA-FF (free free from Alves, M. I. R., et al, 2015, MNRAS, 450, 2025) ========== \information taken from Alves, M. I. R., et al, 2015, MNRAS, 450, 2025 \flux convention does not really matter (narrow band of ? MHz for 1.4 GHz) \CHIPASS ZOA_FF1 214286. MJy/sr NULL 0.24 5.0 \========= CHI-PASS ========== \information taken from Calabretta, M. et al. 2014, PASA, 31, 7 \flux convention does not really matter (narrow band of ? MHz for 1.4 GHz) CHIPASS CHIPASS1 214286. MJy/sr NULL 0.24 5.0 \========= IRAC ==================================================================================================== \resolution taken to be 1.7, 1.7, 1.9, 2" (eg Meixner et al) IRAC IRAC1 3.55000 MJy/sr IRAC 0.000472222 IRAC IRAC2 4.49300 MJy/sr IRAC 0.000472222 IRAC IRAC3 5.73100 MJy/sr IRAC 0.000527778 IRAC IRAC4 7.87200 MJy/sr IRAC 0.000555556 \========= IRAS ==================================================================================================== \ang resolution from IRIS web site: 3.8,3.8,4.0,4.3' \ang resolution error: +-0.2 in all bands \sig_hit=[0.04,0.05,0.03,0.06] ;errors in MJy/sr (according to MAMD, this is for "average" coverage, not 1 hit) \iris_abs_error=[5.1,15.1,10.4,13.5] ; in % from www.cita.utoronto.ca/~mamd/IRIS/IrisTechnical.html IRAS IRAS1 12.0000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 IRAS IRAS2 25.0000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.05 15.1 IRAS IRAS3 60.0000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0666667 0.03 10.4 IRAS IRAS4 100.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0716667 0.06 13.5 \========= AKARI ==================================================================================================== \Akari filters are S9w, L18w, N60, WS, N160, WL (Ryou) \Akari filters are N60, WS, N160, WL \wavelength provided by M. Juvela & Ryou Ohsawa AKARI AKARI1 9.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste AKARI AKARI2 18.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste AKARI AKARI3 65.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste AKARI AKARI4 90.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste AKARI AKARI5 140.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste AKARI AKARI6 160.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste \========= MIPS ==================================================================================================== \resolution taken to be 6,18,40" (eg Meixner et al) MIPS MIPS1 23.6800 MJy/sr MIPS 0.00166667 MIPS MIPS2 71.4200 MJy/sr MIPS 0.00500000 MIPS MIPS3 155.900 MJy/sr MIPS 0.0111111 \========= SPIRE ==================================================================================================== \Spire resolution below correspond to 18.1,25.2,36.9" (Matt Griffin SDP2009 slides) SPIRE SPIRE1 250.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.00502778 SPIRE SPIRE2 350.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.00700000 SPIRE SPIRE3 500.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0102500 \========= PACS ==================================================================================================== \PACS resolution taken to be 5,8,13" (P. Andre .pdf). Must confirm \PACS PACS1 75.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.00138889 \PACS PACS2 110.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.00222222 \PACS PACS3 170.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.00361111 \Wavelengths and flux conventions from Marc Sauvage email on Oct 16 2009 \resolution 9.01, 9.84, 13.645" from ScanReleaseNote \Caution, this is cross-scan + in-scan average in // mode (dirty) PACS PACS1 70.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.00250278 PACS PACS2 100.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.00273333 PACS PACS3 160.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.00379028 \========= WMAP ==================================================================================================== \K must be checked. \resolution from lambda: 0.88 0.66 0.51 0.35 0.22 \sigabs 1% Dixit GL but ... \sigabs 0.1% Dixit Bennett et al 2003 \sig-hit as computed in psd_wmap_data.pro in MJy/sr from Tab 1 of Bennett 2003 : \W: 1.7616037 \V: 0.35912723 \Q: 0.11226172 \Ka: 0.049682426 \K: 0.022302618 \INSTRU |FILTER |WAVE |BUNIT |FLUX_CONV |reso_orig |sighit |sigabs | WMAP WMAP1 3200. MJy/sr CMB 0.22 1.762 0.1 WMAP WMAP2 4900. MJy/sr CMB 0.35 0.359 0.1 WMAP WMAP3 7300. MJy/sr CMB 0.51 0.112 0.1 WMAP WMAP4 9100. MJy/sr CMB 0.66 0.049 0.1 WMAP WMAP5 13000. MJy/sr CMB 0.88 0.022 0.1 \========= MSX ==================================================================================================== \wfilt=[8.28,12.13,14.65,21.34] \Everything should be checked. MSX MSX1 8.28 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.005083 MSX MSX2 12.13 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.005083 MSX MSX3 14.65 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.005083 MSX MSX4 21.34 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.005083 \========= BOLOCAM ==================================================================================================== \wfilt=[1105.4] \Everything should be checked. BOLOCAM BOLOCAM1 1105.4 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0 \========= DIRBE ======================================================================================================= \wfilt_dirbe=[1.25,2.2,3.5,4.9,12,25.,60.,100.,140,240] \dirbe_abs_errs=[3.1,3.1,3.1,3.0,5.1,15.1,10.4,13.5,10.6,11.6] ;in %, from Hauser et al 98 ApJ 508, 25 tab 2 \nuInu=[2.4,1.6,0.9,0.8,0.9,0.9,0.9,0.5,32.8,10.7] ;1-sig nuInu in nW/m2/sr from Hauser et al 98 ApJ 508, 25 tab 2 \above are in 0.7°*0.7° \gives in MJy/sr in 1° beam: \0.0007, 0.089, 0.00046, 0.00065, 0.001, 0.0025, 0.0052, 0.007, 0.766, 0.35 (see dustem_dirbe_errors.pro) \INSTRU |FILTER |WAVE |BUNIT |FLUX_CONV |reso_orig |sighit |sigabs | DIRBE DIRBE1 1.25 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 1. 0.0007 3.1 DIRBE DIRBE2 2.2 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 1. 0.089 3.1 DIRBE DIRBE3 3.5 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 1. 0.00046 3.1 DIRBE DIRBE4 4.9 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 1. 0.00065 3.0 DIRBE DIRBE5 12. MJy/sr nuInu=cste 1. 0.001 5.1 DIRBE DIRBE6 25. MJy/sr nuInu=cste 1. 0.0025 15.1 DIRBE DIRBE7 60. MJy/sr nuInu=cste 1. 0.0052 10.4 DIRBE DIRBE8 100. MJy/sr nuInu=cste 1. 0.007 13.5 DIRBE DIRBE9 140. MJy/sr nuInu=cste 1. 0.766 10.6 DIRBE DIRBE10 240. MJy/sr nuInu=cste 1. 0.35 11.6 \========= DIRBE ==================================================================================================== \nu_archeops=[143.,217.,353.,545.] ;GHz \resolution must be checked ARCHEOPS ARCHEOPS1 550.07791 K CMB 0. ARCHEOPS ARCHEOPS2 849.27042 K CMB 0. ARCHEOPS ARCHEOPS3 1381.5321 K CMB 0. ARCHEOPS ARCHEOPS4 2096.4508 K CMB 0. \========= HFI ==================================================================================================== \nu_hfi=[100.,143.,217.,353.,545.,857.] ;GHz \ 3000.00 2097.90 1382.49 849.858 550.459 350.058 \Must check if freq is the reference \resolution res=[4.25,4.7,4.8,4.7,7.0,9.6] ;median value Taken from Ma et al. \ 0.0708333 0.0783333 0.0800000 0.0783333 0.116667 0.160000 \From F. Bouchet email for DR2 release \ Freq: 100 143 217 353 545 857 GHz \ FWHM: 9.94 7.04 4.66 4.41 4.47 4.23 arcmin \leads to: 0.165667 0.117333 0.0776667 0.0735000 0.0745000 0.0705000 \ FWHM from latest table by FRB (email Oct 18 2010) \ FWHM: 9.53 7.08 4.71 4.5 4.68 4.41 arcmin \leads to: \ 0.158833 0.118000 0.0785000 0.0750000 0.0780000 0.0735000 \sig-hit in practice taken from internal noise in PSD \values below from FRB table: \in muK for 1 sq deg: 1.8 0.9 1.3 4.7 70 4.E3 \lead to:0.121905 0.0523205 0.0180480 0.00796892 0.00281441 0.00274250 (see dustem_hfi_errors) \INSTRU |FILTER |WAVE |BUNIT |FLUX_CONV |reso_orig |sighit |sigabs | \HFI HFI1 349.81617 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0735000 0.1219 7. \HFI HFI2 550.07791 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0780000 0.118 7. \HFI HFI3 849.27042 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0750000 0.0785 2. \HFI HFI4 1381.5321 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0785000 0.075 2. \HFI HFI5 2096.4508 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.118000 0.075 2. \HFI HFI6 2997.9246 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.158833 0.0735 2. \The following flux conventions are used to compute cc using official routine. \INSTRU |FILTER |WAVE |BUNIT |FLUX_CONV |reso_orig |sighit |sigabs | HFI HFI1 349.81617 MJy/sr HFI 0.0735000 0.1219 7. HFI HFI2 550.07791 MJy/sr HFI 0.0780000 0.118 7. HFI HFI3 849.27042 MJy/sr HFI 0.0750000 0.0785 2. HFI HFI4 1381.5321 MJy/sr HFI 0.0785000 0.075 2. HFI HFI5 2096.4508 MJy/sr HFI 0.118000 0.075 2. HFI HFI6 2997.9246 MJy/sr HFI 0.158833 0.0735 2. \========= LFI ==================================================================================================== \nu_lfi=[30.,44.,70.] ;GHz \fwhm from Clive's email of Oct 18 2010: 13.01, 27.92, 32.65 \leading to: 0.216833 0.465333 0.544167 \Units TBC LFI LFI1 4285.71 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.216833 5. LFI LFI2 6818.18 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.465333 5. LFI LFI3 10000.0 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.544167 5. \========= SPM ==================================================================================================== \wfilt_spm=[200,260,360.,580] \resolutions: 2,2,2.5,3.5' \Everything should be checked. SPM SPM1 200.00 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0333333 SPM SPM2 260.00 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0333333 SPM SPM3 360.00 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0416667 SPM SPM4 580.00 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0583333 \========= ISOCAM ===================================================================================================== \reso_orig values arbitrary \sighit values arbitrary \sigabs values arbitrary \|INSTRU |FILTER |WAVE |BUNIT |FLUX_CONV |reso_orig |sighit |sigabs |NAME |Filename | ISOCAM ISOCAM1 2.78000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 SW4 ISOCAM_SW4_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM2 3.05000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 SW7 ISOCAM_SW7_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM3 3.30000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 SW2 ISOCAM_SW2_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM4 3.58000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 SW1 ISOCAM_SW1_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM5 3.72000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 SW6 ISOCAM_SW6_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM6 3.88000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 SW9 ISOCAM_SW9_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM7 4.06000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 SW8 ISOCAM_SW8_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM8 4.25000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 SW5 ISOCAM_SW5_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM9 4.26000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 SW11 ISOCAM_SW11_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM10 4.50000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 SW3 ISOCAM_SW3_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM11 4.50000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 LW1 ISOCAM_LW1_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM12 4.70000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 SW4 ISOCAM_SW4_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM13 6.00000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 LW4 ISOCAM_LW4_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM14 6.75000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 LW5 ISOCAM_LW5_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM15 6.75000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 LW2 ISOCAM_LW2_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM16 7.75000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 LW6 ISOCAM_LW6_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM17 9.63000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 LW7 ISOCAM_LW7_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM18 11.40000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 LW8 ISOCAM_LW8_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM19 11.50000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 LW10 ISOCAM_LW10_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM20 15.00000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 LW3 ISOCAM_LW3_transmission.xcat ISOCAM ISOCAM21 15.00000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 LW9 ISOCAM_LW9_transmission.xcat \========= ISOPHOT ==================================================================================================== \reso_orig values arbitrary \sighit values arbitrary \sigabs values arbitrary \INSTRU |FILTER |WAVE |BUNIT |FLUX_CONV |reso_orig |sighit |sigabs | ISOPHOT ISOPHOTP1 3.30000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTP2 3.60000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTP3 4.80000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTP4 7.30000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTP5 7.70000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTP6 10.0000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTP7 11.3000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTP8 12.0000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTP9 12.8000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTP10 15.0000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTP11 20.0000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTP12 25.0000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTP13 60.0000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTP14 100.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 \ ISOPHOT ISOPHOTC1 65.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTC2 60.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTC3 80.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTC4 90.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTC5 100.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTC6 105.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTC7 120.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTC8 150.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTC9 170.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTC10 180.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 ISOPHOT ISOPHOTC11 200.000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0633333 0.04 5.1 \=== Non-photometric data====================================================================== \INSTRU |FILTER |WAVE |BUNIT |FLUX_CONV |reso_orig |sighit |sigabs | PARKES PARKES1 -32768. Kkm/s NULL 0.0166667 AVDO AVDO1 0.55 mag NULL 0.0433333 XMM XMM1 -32768. cts/s NULL 0.000555 \HI LAB data: 1.7 Kkm/s taken from Bernard Planck early paper. Absolute accuracy 10% assumed. HI_CENT_II HI_II -32768. Kkm/s NULL 0.6 1.7 10. LABII LABII1 -32768. Kkm/s NULL 0.6 1.7 10. \CO data \NANTEN sig-hit of 1.2 Kkm/s has to be checked. Maybe 3-sig. Varies on sky. 10% absolute assumed \DHT2001: 1.2 Kkm/s assumed. 24% is from intercalib with NANTEN NANTEN NANTEN1 -32768. Kkm/s NULL 0.0433333 1.2 10. DHT DHT1 -32768. Kkm/s NULL 0.146667 1.2 24. CO12_COMB NANTEN1 -32768. Kkm/s NULL 0.0666667 1.2 10. CO12_COMBNVNANTEN1 -32768. Kkm/s NULL 0.0666667 1.2 10. \resolution 6': http://astrometry.fas.harvard.edu/skymaps/halpha/processing.html WHAM HALPHA -32768. R NULL 0.1 1. 10. \8.6 GHz sighit corresponds to 0.5 Jy/beam for Nside=4096 ATCAPRAD ATCAPRAD1 34859.587 MJy/sr ? 0.00972222 16.56 2. \4.8 GHz sighit corresponds to 0.5 Jy/beam for Nside=4096 ATCAPRAD ATCAPRAD2 62456.760 MJy/sr ? 0.00611111 10.4 2. \========= WISE ================================================================================ \wfilt=[3.4,4.6,12.,22.] \ filters from http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/prelim/expsup/sec4_3g.html#WISEZMA WISE WISE1 3.40000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0016944 WISE WISE2 4.60000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0017778 WISE WISE3 12.0000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0018055 WISE WISE4 22.0000 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0033333 \========= LABOCA ================================================================================ LABOCA LABOCA1 869.570 MJy/sr LABOCA 0.0053333 \========= GISMO ================================================================================ GISMO GISMO1 2000.00 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0.0046389 \========= BOLOCAM ================================================================================ \wfilt=[1105.4] \Everything should be checked. BOLOCAM BOLOCAM1 1105.4 MJy/sr nuInu=cste 0 \================ ================================================================================ \This last dummy filter needs to be included to cope for spectrum data UNKNOWN SPECTRUM -32768. MJy/sr NONE 0