FUNCTION read_xcat,filename,tagnames=tagnames,silent=silent ;+ ; NAME: ; read_xcat ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; list=read_xcat(filename) ; PURPOSE: ; read an IPAC ASCII format table. ; The content of the table is put the result into an IDL ; structure. ; The name and types of the structure tags corresponds to that ; of the columns ; INPUTS: ; filename = file name ; OPTIONAL INPUT: ; silent = If set, behaves silently. ; OUTPUTS: ; list = output structure. ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT: ; tagnames = structure tagnames ; PROCEDURE AND SUBROUTINE USED ; my_create_struct, remove_tmp_files ; round ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; ? ; EXAMPLE: ; file=!jpblib_example_dir+'xcat_example.xcat' ; st=read_xcat(file) ; help,st,/str ; file_out=!jpblib_example_dir+'xcat_output.xcat' ; write_xcat,st,file_out ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; written by Jean-Philippe Bernard 23-Jul-93 @ IPAC ; Modified JPB 30-Jul-98 to include /silent and missing free_lun ; Modified JPB 02-Dec-98 to get number of lignes right ; Modified JPB 27/12/98 to remove random name. ; Modified JPB 16/06/99 to disregard lines starting with '\' or ; ';' ; Modified JPB 26/10/03 to use my_create_struct with /nodelete ; otherwise, pb with new IDLv6.0 in OSX ; which apparently cannot resolve_routine ; in /tmp if /tmp/ does not exist ! ;- IF N_PARAMS(0) LT 1 THEN begin print,'Calling Sequence: struc=read_xcat(filename)' print,'Accepted K-words: tagnames=' GOTO,sortie ENDIF ;== read the file to derive Nline,Ncol , etc ... line='\ ' head_lines=[''] OPENR,unit,filename,/get_lun WHILE strmid(line,0,1) EQ '\' OR strmid(line,0,1) EQ '|' OR strmid(line,0,1) EQ ';' OR strlen(strtrim(line,2))EQ 0 DO BEGIN head_lines=[head_lines,line] READF,unit,line ENDWHILE head_lines=head_lines(2:*) all_head=head_lines ind=where(strmid(head_lines,0,1) EQ '|',count) head_lines=head_lines(ind) ;Analyse first header line fields=str_sep(head_lines(0),'|') & si=size(fields) & Ncol=si(1)-2 col_larg=strlen(fields) & col_larg=col_larg(1:Ncol) & col_larg=col_larg+1 fields=strtrim(fields(1:si(1)-2),2) ;Analyse second header line field_type=str_sep(head_lines(1),'|') & field_type=strtrim(field_type(1:si(1)-2),2) ;Analyse third header line (not used for now) ;keep counting lines to the end of file Nline=1L & Nline_tot=1L WHILE not eof(unit) DO BEGIN READF,unit,line first_char=strmid(line,0,1) IF first_char NE '\' AND first_char NE ';' THEN BEGIN Nline=Nline+1 Nline_tot=Nline_tot+1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN Nline_tot=Nline_tot+1 ENDELSE ENDWHILE close,unit & free_lun,unit a=strarr(Nline_tot) IF not keyword_set(silent) THEN BEGIN FOR i=0,(size(all_head))(1)-1 DO BEGIN print,all_head(i) ENDFOR print,'Number of Columns in file= '+strtrim(Ncol,2) Print,'Number of lines in file= '+strtrim(nline,2) ENDIF type_tag='' FOR i=0,Ncol-1 DO BEGIN IF field_type(i) EQ 'real' OR field_type(i) EQ 'r' THEN type_tag=type_tag+'F' IF field_type(i) EQ 'double' OR field_type(i) EQ 'd' THEN type_tag=type_tag+'D' IF field_type(i) EQ 'int' OR field_type(i) EQ 'i' THEN type_tag=type_tag+'I' IF field_type(i) EQ 'char' OR field_type(i) EQ 'c' THEN type_tag=type_tag+'A' IF field_type(i) EQ 'long' OR field_type(i) EQ 'l' THEN type_tag=type_tag+'J' IF i NE Ncol-1 THEN type_tag=type_tag+',' ENDFOR tagset=fields ;st_name='Read_Xcat' st_name='' ;THIS IS TO CREATE AN ANONYMOUS STRUCTURE ;stop my_create_struct,one_ps,st_name,tagset,type_tag IF !version.os EQ 'MacOS' THEN BEGIN ; remove_tmp_files ENDIF ps_st=replicate(one_ps,Nline) ;print,'Opening the file to read ',Nline,' sources' OPENR,unit,filename,/get_lun FOR i=0,(size(all_head))(1)-1 DO BEGIN READF,unit,line ENDFOR READF,unit,a CLOSE,unit free_lun,unit IF not keyword_set(silent) THEN print,'Reading completed' i=0L FOR ii=0L,Nline_tot-1 DO BEGIN deb=0 first_char=strmid(a(ii),0,1) IF first_char NE ' ;' AND first_char NE '\' THEN BEGIN FOR j=0L,Ncol-1 DO BEGIN width=col_larg(j) truc=strtrim(strmid(a(ii),deb,width),2) IF truc EQ 'nul' THEN truc=string(!indef) IF strlen(truc) EQ 0 THEN truc=!indef ; stop ps_st(i).(j)=truc deb=deb+width ENDFOR i=i+1 ENDIF ENDFOR IF keyword_set(tagnames) THEN tagnames=fields return,ps_st free_lun,unit sortie: END