FUNCTION dustem_read_isrf,file,silent=silent,Nisrf=Nisrf ; lambISRF(k) = val(1) ; ISRF(k) = val(2) readcol,file,lambisrf,isrf,silent=silent nlines=n_elements(lambisrf) one_st={lambisrf:0.,isrf:0.} st=replicate(one_st,Nlines) st.lambisrf=lambisrf st.isrf=isrf ;FOLLOWING IS WRONG (SOMEBODY GET CONFUSED BETWEEN isrf.dat AND ;lambda.dat) ;THIS was right. Somebody else got confused too: The first element is ;now the number of lines, so it should not be included in the ;strcuture. Signe JPB ;IF getenv('DUSTEM_WHICH') EQ 'VERSTRAETE' THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_which EQ 'VERSTRAETE' THEN BEGIN st=st(1:*) Nisrf=n_elements(st) ENDIF ;IF getenv('DUSTEM_WHICH') EQ 'WEB3p8' THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_which EQ 'WEB3p8' THEN BEGIN st=st(1:*) Nisrf=n_elements(st) ENDIF ;stop return,st END