PRO dustem_plot_fit_sed,st,sed,cont, $ res=res,errors=errors,chi2=chi2,rchi2=rchi2, $ no_spec_error=no_spec_error, $ help=help,_extra=extra,win=win,ps=ps ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_plot_fit_sed ; PURPOSE: ; Plots a Dustem model and SED. Parameter values and error are ; printed on plot. Used for plotting results during fit. ; CATEGORY: ; Dustem ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_plot_fit_sed,st,sed,cont[,/no_spec_error][,res=][,errors=][,chi2=][,rchi2=][/help][_extra=] ; INPUTS: ; st = Dustem model output structure ; sed = Dustem model SED ; cont = Dustem model NIR continuum ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; res = fit result values. If set values are written on plot. ; errors = fit result errors. If set values are written on plot. ; chi2 = fit chi^2. if set value is written on plot. ; rchi2 = Reduced fit chi^2. if set value is written on plot. ; _extra = extra parameters for the plot routine ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = If set, print this help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; SED and model are plotted ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The dustem idl wrapper must be installed ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; EXAMPLES ; dustem_plot_fit_sed,st,sed,cont ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by J.-Ph. Bernard ; see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR ; Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_plot_fit_sed' goto,the_end ENDIF if keyword_set(ps) then begin set_plot, 'PS' device, filename=ps, /color, /encapsulated endif else begin set_plot,'X' if keyword_set(win) then window,win endelse fact = 1.e4*1.E20/(4.*!pi)/(3.e8/1.e-6/st.sed.wav)*1.e20/1.e7 use_col_data_filt=70 use_col_sed_spec=170 IF not keyword_set(col_sed) THEN BEGIN use_col_sed_filt=250 ;red ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_col_sed_filt=col_sed ENDELSE IF not keyword_set(col_tot) THEN BEGIN use_col_tot=200 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_col_tot=col_tot ENDELSE IF not keyword_set(line_tot) THEN BEGIN use_line_tot=0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_line_tot=line_tot ENDELSE IF not keyword_set(col_pah) THEN BEGIN use_col_pah=50 ;blue ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_col_pah=col_pah ENDELSE IF not keyword_set(line_pah) THEN BEGIN use_line_pah=2 ;dash, like in Desert et al. ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_line_pah=line_pah ENDELSE IF not keyword_set(col_vsg) THEN BEGIN use_col_vsg=150 ;green ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_col_vsg=col_vsg ENDELSE IF not keyword_set(line_vsg) THEN BEGIN use_line_vsg=1 ;dots, like in Desert et al. ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_line_vsg=line_vsg ENDELSE IF not keyword_set(col_bg) THEN BEGIN use_col_bg=250 ;red ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_col_bg=col_bg ENDELSE IF not keyword_set(line_bg) THEN BEGIN use_line_bg=3 ;dot-dash, like in Desert et al. ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_line_bg=line_bg ENDELSE IF not keyword_set(col_cont) THEN BEGIN use_col_cont=30 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_col_count=col_cont ENDELSE IF not keyword_set(line_cont) THEN BEGIN use_line_cont=5 ;long dash ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_line_cont=line_cont ENDELSE ;spec = st.sed.em_tot * fact + cont spec = st.sed.em_tot * fact IF !dustem_idl_continuum THEN spec=spec+cont ;stop ;use_cols=[use_col_pah,use_col_vsg,use_col_bg,use_col_cont] ;use_lines=[use_line_pah,use_line_vsg,use_line_bg,use_line_cont] col_off=30 ;Ngrains=(*!dustem_params).grain.Ngrains Ngrains=(*!dustem_params).Ngrains use_cols=long(findgen(Ngrains)/(Ngrains-1)*(255-col_off)+col_off) use_lines=replicate(1,Ngrains) if !dustem_show_plot EQ 2 then begin norm = sed yr=[0.,2.] ylog = 0 endif else begin norm = sed * 0. + 1 yr=[1e-4,10] ylog = 1 endelse plot,(*!dustem_data.sed).wav,(*!dustem_data.sed).values/norm,/nodata,_extra=extra,yr=yr,/ys,ylog=ylog,/xlog ind_filt=where((*!dustem_data.sed).filt_names NE 'SPECTRUM',count_filt) ind_spec=where((*!dustem_data.sed).filt_names EQ 'SPECTRUM',count_spec) ;=== Plot the data IF count_spec NE 0 THEN BEGIN plotsym,0,/fill oplot,((*!dustem_data.sed).wav)(ind_spec),((*!dustem_data.sed).values)(ind_spec)/norm(ind_spec),psym=8,_extra=extra,syms=0.5 IF not keyword_set(no_spec_error) THEN BEGIN err_bar,((*!dustem_data.sed).wav)(ind_spec),((*!dustem_data.sed).values)(ind_spec)/norm(ind_spec),yrms=3.*((*!dustem_data.sed).sigma)(ind_spec)/2./norm(ind_spec) ENDIF ENDIF IF count_filt NE 0 THEN BEGIN plotsym,0,/fill oplot,((*!dustem_data.sed).wav)(ind_filt),((*!dustem_data.sed).values)(ind_filt)/norm(ind_filt),psym=8,_extra=extra,color=use_col_data_filt err_bar,((*!dustem_data.sed).wav)(ind_filt),((*!dustem_data.sed).values)(ind_filt)/norm(ind_filt),yrms=3.*((*!dustem_data.sed).sigma)(ind_filt)/2./norm(ind_filt),color=use_col_data_filt ENDIF ;=== Plot the computed SED IF count_filt NE 0 THEN BEGIN plotsym,8 oplot,((*!dustem_data.sed).wav)(ind_filt),sed(ind_filt)/norm(ind_filt),color=use_col_sed_filt,psym=8,syms=2 ENDIF IF count_spec NE 0 THEN BEGIN plotsym,0 oplot,((*!dustem_data.sed).wav)(ind_spec),sed(ind_spec)/norm(ind_spec),color=use_col_sed_spec,psym=8,syms=0.5 ENDIF if !dustem_show_plot EQ 2 then begin norm = spec endif else begin norm = spec * 0. + 1 endelse FOR i=0L,Ngrains-1 DO BEGIN oplot,st.sed.wav,st.sed.(i+1)*fact/norm,color=use_cols(i),linestyle=use_lines(i) ENDFOR ;NIR continuum IF !dustem_idl_continuum THEN BEGIN oplot,st.sed.wav,cont,color=use_col_cont,linestyle=use_line_cont ENDIF ;;PAH emission ;oplot,st.sed.wav,st.sed.em_pah*fact,color=use_col_pah,linestyle=use_line_pah ;;VSG emission ;oplot,st.sed.wav,st.sed.em_vsg*fact,color=use_col_vsg,linestyle=use_line_vsg ;;BG emission ;oplot,st.sed.wav,st.sed.em_bg*fact/norm,color=use_col_bg,linestyle=use_line_bg ;Total emission ;oplot,st.sed.wav,(st.sed.(4)+st.sed.(5)+st.sed.(1)+st.sed.(2))*fact/norm,color=use_col_tot,linestyle=use_line_bg oplot,st.sed.wav,spec/norm,color=use_col_tot,linestyle=use_line_tot ;if !dustem_show_plot EQ 2 then return frmt0='(A20)' frmt1='(1E10.2)' frmt2='(F7.2)' IF keyword_set(res) THEN BEGIN offset=0.2 xy_xpos=2. Npar=n_elements(res) FOR i=0L,Npar-1 DO BEGIN ; sstr=(str_sep((*!PDO)(i),'(*!dustem_params).')) sstr=(str_sep((*(*!dustem_fit).param_descs)(i),'(*!dustem_params).')) ssstr=sstr(n_elements(sstr)-1) str=string(ssstr+'=',format=frmt0)+string(res(i),format=frmt1) IF keyword_set(errors) THEN BEGIN str=str+textoidl('\pm')+string(errors(i),format=frmt1) ENDIF xyouts,xy_xpos,10^(1.-(i+1)*offset),str ENDFOR ENDIF IF keyword_set(chi2) THEN BEGIN xyouts,xy_xpos,10^(1.-(Npar+1)*offset),string('chi2=',format=frmt0)+string(chi2,format=frmt2) ENDIF IF keyword_set(rchi2) THEN BEGIN xyouts,xy_xpos,10^(1.-(Npar+2)*offset),string('red. chi2=',format=frmt0)+string(rchi2,format=frmt2) ENDIF if keyword_set(ps) then begin device,/close set_plot,'X' endif the_end: END