PRO dustemwrap_plot,p_dim,st,dustem_sed,SED_spec,dustem_qsed,Q_spec,dustem_used,U_spec,dustem_polsed,P_spec,dustem_polfrac,SP_spec,dustem_psi_em,PSI_spec,_extra=_extra ;As stated above I do not think that I need this block. This will need to be corrected. IF not keyword_set(st) THEN BEGIN ;Activation of the plugins is needed because of the plotting of the total emission model that includes them. dustem_activate_plugins,p_dim/(*(*!dustem_fit).param_init_values) ; 0/0 division case? st=dustem_run(p_dim) ;should I add something here so that we can run this procedure without the keywords? Probably yes... ENDIF ;if ~windowavailable(cgquery()) then begin ;LIST OF TESTS THAT NEED TO BE RAN SO THAT THE PLOTTING OF THE MODEL SPECTRA OCCURS test_sed = isa(!dustem_show.sed) test_ext = isa(!dustem_show.ext) if !run_pol then begin test_polext = isa(!dustem_show.polext) test_polsed = isa(!dustem_show.polsed) test_polfrac = isa(!dustem_show.polfrac) test_psi_em = isa(!dustem_show.psi_em) test_psi_ext = isa(!dustem_show.psi_ext) test_qsed = isa(!dustem_show.qsed) test_used = isa(!dustem_show.used) test_qext = isa(!dustem_show.qext) test_uext = isa(!dustem_show.uext) test_m = test_sed or test_polsed or test_polfrac or test_qsed or test_used or test_psi_em test_x = test_ext or test_polext or test_qext or test_uext or test_psi_ext endif else begin test_m = test_sed test_x = test_ext endelse ;testing on the fitting of emission vs extinction data n_plgns = n_tags(*!dustem_plugin) frmt0='(A36)' frmt1='(1E10.2)' frmt2='(10F10.2)' ;I have decided to keep track of the command index manually as I did not find any command online that does this. cmdind_m = 0 ;for emission cmdind_x = 0 ;for extinction ;trying to do the same thing for parameters and plugins cmdind_prms = 0 ;for parameters cmdind_plgns = 0 ;for plugins ;ADDING PLUGIN(S) TO SPECTRUM---------------- ;these following indices will be used to change the keep the same information in the _extra structure ;this is an initial solution until I finish coding the _extra-filtering procedure. iswinsed = !dustemcgwin_id.sed EQ la_undef() iswinext = !dustemcgwin_id.ext EQ la_undef() ;trying to do the same thing for parameters and plugins ;But we need to know if the extinction or the emission mode is on. ;so the use of ths pointer will be different than the others iswinprms = !dustemcgwin_id.prms EQ la_undef() iswinplgns = !dustemcgwin_id.plgns EQ la_undef() ;plotstrct = !p degtorad = !pi/180 ;factor that the arctan will be devided by in order to have an axis in degrees. Talk to JP maybe he wants angle in radians. ;I think I will test over the presence of the errors because they are not computed at that point. ;errors = ((*!dustem_fit).current_param_errors) if isa((*!dustem_fit).current_param_errors) then begin errors = (*(*!dustem_fit).current_param_errors) endif else begin errors = (*(*!dustem_fit).param_init_values)*0.+la_undef() ENDELSE if isa((*!dustem_fit).chi2) then begin chi2 = (*!dustem_fit).chi2 endif else begin chi2 = la_undef();maybe not the best initialization endelse if isa((*!dustem_fit).rchi2) then begin rchi2 = (*!dustem_fit).rchi2 endif else begin rchi2 = la_undef();maybe not the best initialization endelse if isa((*!dustem_fit).current_param_values) then begin res = (*(*!dustem_fit).current_param_values) endif else begin res = (*(*!dustem_fit).param_init_values)*0.+la_undef();maybe not the best initialization ;=(*(*!dustem_fit).param_init_values)*0. endelse ;if iswinsed then begin ;I believe the iswin test should be below the case condition because I am not copying all the first 'HUGE LOOP' but rather replacing the positional arrays. if test_m then begin ;Generating emission window and saving window ID if iswinsed then begin if !run_pol then cgwindow,wxsize=910,wysize=658,wtitle='DUSTEMWRAP v2.0 (EMISSION)' else cgwindow, wtitle='DUSTEMWRAP v2.0 (EMISSION)';, wback='grey';,wobject=winobj_m winid_m = cgquery(dimensions=dim_m,/current) ;this has to be changed because the dimensions of this array change with the data sets present (extinction/emission). !dustemcgwin_id.sed = winid_m cgcontrol, winid_m, execute=0 ;cgset, winid_m ;Plotting model string (legend) xxpos = 0.015 yypos = 0.97 ;Plotting Hydrogen column density string (legend) cgtext, xxpos, yypos,'Model : '+!dustem_model,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,/addcmd ;& cmdind_m+=1 This is the first command in the window yypos = 0.95 cgtext, xxpos, yypos,textoidl('N_{H}')+textoidl(' (H/cm^2) : ')+strmid(string(*!dustem_HCD,format='(1E10.2)'),2),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 ;plotting of (mostly) fixed data for rchi2 ;Since the format of the strings is specified, the length/width of the string in thex direction is fixed. ;Getting the width of the unrefreshed string widthtot=0. cgtext, xxpos, yypos,textoidl('\chi^{2} : '),color=0,/normal,charsize=-1,width=thiswidth,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 widthtext = thiswidth widthtot+= thiswidth ;fixed width ;Getting the width of the refresh.ed string cgtext, xxpos, yypos,strtrim(string(chi2,format=frmt2),2),color=0,/normal,charsize=-1,width=thiswidth,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 widthtot+= thiswidth;varying width ;saving the command string width to replace it !dustemcgwin_ncmds.chi2.txtwdth = thiswidth xxpos = 1.0 - widthtot - 0.015 yypos = 0.97 ;Displaying fixed part cgtext, xxpos, yypos,textoidl('\chi^{2} : '),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 ;Displaying refreshed part (first run . This is the command that will be replaced) cgtext, xxpos + widthtext , yypos,strtrim(string(chi2,format=frmt2),2),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 ;saving the command id to replace it ! = cmdind_m ;plotting of (mostly) fixed data for rchi2 ;Getting the width of the unrefreshed string widthtot=0. cgtext, xxpos, yypos,textoidl('r_{\chi^{2}} : '),color=0,/normal,charsize=-1,width=thiswidth,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 widthtext = thiswidth widthtot+= thiswidth ;fixed width ;!dustemcgwin_ncmds.rchi2.txtwdth1 = thiswidth ;Getting the width of the refreshed string cgtext, xxpos, yypos,strtrim(string(rchi2,format=frmt2),2),color=0,/normal,charsize=-1,width=thiswidth,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 widthtot+= thiswidth;varying width !dustemcgwin_ncmds.rchi2.txtwdth = thiswidth ;These two lines will also have to be modified when plotting the refreshed values xxpos = 1.0 - widthtot - 0.015 yypos = 0.95 ;Displaying fixed part cgtext, xxpos, yypos,textoidl('r_{\chi^{2}} : '),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.35,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 ;Displaying refreshed part (first run . This is the command that will be replaced) cgtext, xxpos + widthtext , yypos,strtrim(string(rchi2,format=frmt2),2),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 ;saving the command id to replace it ! = cmdind_m ;Plotting of the title of the dashboard (plot(s)) ;Getting the width of the title tit=string(_extra.title);'HI THERE WHAT IS upppp??' cgtext, 0.3, 0.95,tit,color=0,/normal,charsize=-1,width=thiswidth,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 !dustemcgwin_ncmds.pltit.txtwdth = thiswidth xxpos = (1 - thiswidth)/2 yypos = 0.96 cgtext, xxpos, yypos,tit,color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.6,/addcmd & cmdind_m+=1 ! = cmdind_m endif else begin winid_m = !dustemcgwin_id.sed cgcontrol, winid_m, execute=0 cgset, winid_m ;apparently specifying the window index isn't enough. This might be because of the use of cgcontrol ;Refreshing chi2 data: cmdin_m = ! xxpos = 1 - !dustemcgwin_ncmds.chi2.txtwdth - 0.015 yypos = 0.97 cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos , yypos,strtrim(string(chi2,format=frmt2),2),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdin_m, winid=winid_m ;& cmdind_m+=1 ;Refreshing rchi2 data: cmdin_m = ! xxpos = 1 - !dustemcgwin_ncmds.rchi2.txtwdth - 0.015 yypos = 0.95 cgwindow,'cgtext', xxpos , yypos,strtrim(string(rchi2,format=frmt2),2),color=0,/normal,charsize = 1.0,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdin_m, winid=winid_m ;& cmdind_m+=1 endelse ;cgWindow_GetDefs,xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize ;cgcontrol, resize=[xsize,ysize] if !run_pol then begin ;,wback='grey' ;position arrays for plot and normalized graph ;THIS IS HARD-CODED IN A VERY SILLY WAY p_sed = [0.05,0.67,0.475,0.90] p_psed = [0.525,0.67,0.95,0.90] p_spsed = [0.05,0.375,0.475,0.575] p_psised = [0.525,0.375,0.95,0.575] p_qsed = [0.05,0.12,0.475,0.35] p_used = [0.525,0.12,0.95,0.35] np_sed = [0.05,0.60,0.475,0.67] np_psed = [0.525,0.60,0.95,0.67] np_qsed = [0.05,0.05,0.475,0.12] np_used = [0.525,0.05,0.95,0.12] p_sed[1]+= 0.0125 & p_sed[3]+= 0.0125 p_psed[1]+= 0.0125 & p_psed[3]+= 0.0125 p_spsed[1]+= 0.0125 & p_spsed[3]+= 0.0125 p_psised[1]+= 0.0125 & p_psised[3]+= 0.0125 p_qsed[1]+= 0.0125 & p_qsed[3]+= 0.0125 p_used[1]+= 0.0125 & p_used[3]+= 0.0125 np_sed[1]+= 0.0125 & np_sed[3]+= 0.0125 np_psed[1]+= 0.0125 & np_psed[3]+= 0.0125 np_qsed[1]+= 0.0125 & np_qsed[3]+= 0.0125 np_used[1]+= 0.0125 & np_used[3]+= 0.0125 endif else begin p_sed = [0.07,0.30,0.97,0.85] np_sed = [0.07,0.10,0.97,0.30] endelse ;Plotting of sed data axes (whether or not data is present) plotsym,0,/fill ;you might need to execute this again. hmm... ;This is not the right test the user might want to show the prediction for sed and fit the stokes parameters if ~test_sed then begin ; SED data is not present (For completeness) # This is only valid when !run_pol=1 cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='SED', /nodata, position=p_sed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='SED', /nodata, /norm, position=np_sed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 endif else begin ;SED exists if ~iswinsed then begin cmdind_m = ! cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_sed,SED_spec,dataset='SED', /refresh ,position=p_sed, winid=winid_m,cmdindex=cmdind_m,/replacecmd,_extra=_extra cmdind_m = !dustemcgwin_ncmds.sed.nrm cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_sed,SED_spec,dataset='SED', /norm, /refresh,position=np_sed, winid=winid_m,cmdindex=cmdind_m,/replacecmd,_extra=_extra endif else begin cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='SED', position=p_sed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_sed,SED_spec, dataset='SED', /refresh ,position=p_sed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 ! = cmdind_m cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='SED',/norm, position=np_sed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 ;I think nodata can also be used too cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_sed,SED_spec, dataset='SED', /norm, /refresh,position=np_sed, /addcmd ,winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 !dustemcgwin_ncmds.sed.nrm = cmdind_m endelse endelse ;if ~!run_pol then begin;I don't think the order of the ;goto, end_m if !run_pol then begin ;then goto, end_m if ~test_qsed then begin ;Qsed is not present cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='QSED', /nodata, position=p_qsed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='QSED', /nodata, /norm, position=np_qsed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 endif else begin ;Qsed data is present if ~iswinsed then begin cmdind_m = ! ;refreshing the positive_only and negative_only plots if data is present in them cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_qsed,Q_spec,SED_spec,dataset='QSED',/positive_only, nodata=0, /refresh ,position=p_qsed, winid=winid_m,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdind_m, _extra=_extra cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_qsed,Q_spec,SED_spec, dataset='QSED',/negative_only, nodata=0, /refresh ,position=p_qsed, winid=winid_m,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdind_m, _extra=_extra cmdind_m = !dustemcgwin_ncmds.qsed.nrm cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_qsed,Q_spec,SED_spec, dataset='QSED', /refresh, nodata=0, /norm,position=np_qsed, winid=winid_m,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdind_m, _extra=_extra endif else begin ;Plotting of postive values if they exist (if hidden data is present it is plotted if not an empty plot is rendred) cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='QSED', position=p_qsed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m,/positive_only, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 ;Refreshing the positive_only plot ONLY if there is data. If not do nothing cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_qsed,Q_spec,SED_spec, dataset='QSED',/positive_only, /refresh ,position=p_qsed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='QSED', position=p_qsed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m,/negative_only, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 ;Refreshing the negative_only plot ONLY if there is data. If not do nothing cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_qsed,Q_spec,SED_spec,dataset='QSED',/negative_only, /refresh ,position=p_qsed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 ! = cmdind_m cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='QSED',/norm, position=np_qsed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 ;I think nodata can also be uqsed too cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_qsed,Q_spec,SED_spec,dataset='QSED', /norm, /refresh,position=np_qsed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 !dustemcgwin_ncmds.qsed.nrm = cmdind_m endelse endelse ;stop if ~test_used then begin ;used is not present cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='USED', /nodata, position=p_used, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='USED', /nodata, /norm, position=np_used, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 endif else begin ;used data is present if ~iswinsed then begin cmdind_m = ! ;refreshing the positive_only and negative_only plots if data is present in them cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_used,U_spec,SED_spec, dataset='USED',/positive_only, /refresh, nodata=0 ,position=p_used, winid=winid_m,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdind_m, _extra=_extra cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_used,U_spec,SED_spec, dataset='USED',/negative_only, /refresh, nodata=0 ,position=p_used, winid=winid_m,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdind_m, _extra=_extra cmdind_m = !dustemcgwin_ncmds.used.nrm cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_used,U_spec,SED_spec, dataset='USED', /refresh, nodata=0, /norm,position=np_used, winid=winid_m,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdind_m, _extra=_extra endif else begin ;stop ;Plotting of postive values if they exist (if hidden data is present it is plotted if not an empty plot is rendred) cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='USED', position=p_used, /addcmd, winid=winid_m,/positive_only, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 ;Refreshing the positive_only plot ONLY if there is data. If not do nothing cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_used,U_spec,SED_spec, dataset='USED',/positive_only, /refresh ,position=p_used, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='USED', position=p_used, /addcmd, winid=winid_m,/negative_only, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 ;Refreshing the negative_only plot ONLY if there is data. If not do nothing cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_used,U_spec,SED_spec, dataset='USED',/negative_only, /refresh ,position=p_used, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 ! = cmdind_m cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='USED',/norm, position=np_used, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 ;I think nodata can also be uused too cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_used,U_spec,SED_spec, dataset='USED', /norm, /refresh,position=np_used, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 !dustemcgwin_ncmds.used.nrm = cmdind_m endelse endelse if ~test_psi_em then begin ; psi_em data is not present (For completeness) # This is only valid when !run_pol=1 cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='psi_em', /nodata, position=p_psised, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 endif else begin ;psi_em exists if ~iswinsed then begin cmdind_m = ! cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_psi_em,PSI_spec,SED_spec, dataset='psi_em', /refresh ,position=p_psised, winid=winid_m,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdind_m, _extra=_extra endif else begin ;stop cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='psi_em', position=p_psised, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_psi_em,PSI_spec,SED_spec, dataset='psi_em', /refresh ,position=p_psised, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 ! = cmdind_m endelse endelse if ~test_polsed then begin ; polsed data is not present (For completeness) # This is only valid when !run_pol=1 cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='polsed', /nodata, position=p_psed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='polsed', /nodata, /norm, position=np_psed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 endif else begin ;polsed exists if ~iswinsed then begin cmdind_m = ! cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_polsed,P_spec, dataset='polsed', /refresh ,position=p_psed, winid=winid_m,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdind_m, _extra=_extra cmdind_m = !dustemcgwin_ncmds.polsed.nrm cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_polsed,P_spec, dataset='polsed', /norm, /refresh,position=np_psed, winid=winid_m,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdind_m, _extra=_extra endif else begin ;stop cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='polsed', position=p_psed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_polsed,P_spec, dataset='polsed', /refresh ,position=p_psed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 ! = cmdind_m cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='polsed',/norm, position=np_psed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 ;I think nodata can also be upolsed too cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_polsed,P_spec, dataset='polsed', /norm, /refresh,position=np_psed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 !dustemcgwin_ncmds.polsed.nrm = cmdind_m endelse endelse if ~test_polfrac then begin ; polfrac data is not present (For completeness) # This is only valid when !run_pol=1 cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='polfrac', /nodata, position=p_spsed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 endif else begin ;polfrac exists if ~iswinsed then begin cmdind_m = ! cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_polfrac,SP_spec,SED_spec, dataset='polfrac', /refresh ,position=p_spsed, winid=winid_m,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdind_m, _extra=_extra endif else begin ;stop cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dataset='polfrac', position=p_spsed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, dustem_polfrac,SP_spec,SED_spec, dataset='polfrac', /refresh ,position=p_spsed, /addcmd, winid=winid_m, _extra=_extra & cmdind_m+=1 ! = cmdind_m endelse endelse ENDIF end_m: ;cgcontrol, update=1 ; varrr=cgquery(dimensions=dim_m) ;be careful because the dim_m array can be multi-dimensional because of the presence of two windows. ; cgcontrol, update=1 ; cgcontrol, resize=[dim_m(0),dim_m(1)] ; ;cgcontrol, resize=1 ; cgcontrol,update=1 ; cgcontrol,update=1 ; cgcontrol, resize=[!D.X_SIZE,!D.Y_SIZE] ;cgcontrol, update=1 ;cgcontrol, update=0 ; cgcontrol, update=1 ;varr=cgquery(dimensions=dim_m,objectref=winobj_m) ;stop cgcontrol, winid_m, execute=1 ;cgcontrol, winid_m, execute=0 ENDIF ;Plotting of the parameter and plugin values / This will have to be placed after the extinction block which hasn't been ;written yet. ;This block will be different because it does not depend on wether dustemwrap is used in polarization or not ;stop ;Plotting the parameter window ;cgcontrol, execute=0 IF ~iswinprms THEN BEGIN;(NEXT RUNS) winid_prms = !dustemcgwin_id.prms cgcontrol, winid_prms, execute=0 cgset, winid_prms cmdind_prms = ! cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, res, errors, p_dim,dataset='PARAMETERS', /refresh, winid=winid_prms,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdind_prms, _extra=_extra cgcontrol, winid_prms ,execute=1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;(FIRST RUN) cgwindow,wxsize=350,wysize=200,wtitle='DUSTEMWRAP v2.0 (PARAMETERS)' ; keeping the same y dimension of the emission/extinction plot? winid_prms = cgquery(dimensions=dim_prms,/current) ;we don't need the dimension of the window so far/ I don't know why I needed it before cgcontrol, winid_prms, execute=0 !dustemcgwin_id.prms = winid_prms cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, res, errors, p_dim,dataset='PARAMETERS', /addcmd , winid=winid_prms,_extra=_extra ;& cmdind_prms+=1 cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, res, errors, p_dim,dataset='PARAMETERS', /addcmd, /refresh , winid=winid_prms, _extra=_extra & cmdind_prms+=1 ! = cmdind_prms cgcontrol, winid_prms ,execute=1 ENDELSE IF ~iswinplgns THEN BEGIN;(NEXT RUNS) winid_plgns = !dustemcgwin_id.plgns cgcontrol, winid_plgns, execute=0 cgset, winid_plgns cmdind_plgns = ! cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, res, errors, p_dim,dataset='PLUGINS', /refresh, winid=winid_plgns,/replacecmd,cmdindex=cmdind_plgns, _extra=_extra cgcontrol, winid_plgns ,execute=1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;(FIRST RUN) cgwindow,wxsize=350,wysize=200,wtitle='DUSTEMWRAP v2.0 (PLUGINS)' ; keeping the same y dimension of the emission/extinction plot? winid_plgns = cgquery(dimensions=dim_plgns,/current) ;we don't need the dimension of the window so far/ I don't know why I needed it before cgcontrol, winid_plgns, execute=0 !dustemcgwin_id.plgns = winid_plgns cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, res, errors, p_dim,dataset='PLUGINS', /addcmd , winid=winid_plgns,_extra=_extra ;& cmdind_prms+=1 cgwindow,'dustemcgwin_dataset', st, res, errors, p_dim,dataset='PLUGINS', /addcmd, /refresh , winid=winid_plgns, _extra=_extra & cmdind_plgns+=1 ! = cmdind_plgns cgcontrol, winid_plgns ,execute=1 ENDELSE ;stop ; ;#COMMENTED BITS OF CODES ; ; IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN ; doc_library,'dustem_plot_fit_sed' ; goto,the_end ; ENDIF ; ; IF keyword_set(ps) THEN BEGIN ; set_plot, 'PS' ; device, filename=ps, /color,set_character_size=[170,250], /encapsulated ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; ; set_plot,'X' ; IF keyword_set(win) then window,win;,xsize=600,ysize=800 ; ENDELSE ; ; fact = 1.e4*(*!dustem_HCD)/(4.*!pi)/(3.e8/1.e-6/st.sed.wav)*1.e20/1.e7 ; ;use_col_data_filt=70 ; ;use_col_sed_spec=170 ; use_col_data_filt='blue' ; ;use_col_sed_spec='red' ; use_col_sed_spec='grey' ; IF not keyword_set(col_sed) THEN BEGIN ; ;use_col_sed_filt=250 ;red ; use_col_sed_filt='red' ;red ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; use_col_sed_filt=col_sed ; ENDELSE ; IF not keyword_set(col_tot) THEN BEGIN ; ;use_col_tot=200 ; use_col_tot='black' ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; use_col_tot=col_tot ; ENDELSE ; IF not keyword_set(line_tot) THEN BEGIN ; use_line_tot=0 ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; use_line_tot=line_tot ; ENDELSE ; ; ; spec = st.sed.em_tot * fact ; if keyword_set(fpol) then specpol = st.polsed.em_tot * fact ; ;ADDING PLUGIN(S) TO SPECTRUM---------------- ; ;if n_tags(!dustem_data.sed) gt 1 then begin ; scopes=tag_names((*!dustem_scope)) ; IF scopes[0] NE 'NONE' THEN BEGIN ; ;IF ptr_valid(!dustem_plugin) THEN BEGIN ; FOR i=0L,n_tags(*!dustem_scope)-1 DO BEGIN ; IF total(strsplit((*(*!dustem_scope).(i)),'+',/extract) EQ 'ADD_SED') THEN spec+=(*(*!dustem_plugin).(i))[*,0] ; if keyword_set(fpol) then begin ; IF total(strsplit((*(*!dustem_scope).(i)),'+',/extract) EQ 'REPLACE_QSED') THEN specpol=sqrt(((*(*!dustem_plugin).(i))[*,1])^2+((*(*!dustem_plugin).(i))[*,2])^2) ; endif ; ENDFOR ; FOR i=0L,n_tags(*!dustem_scope)-1 DO BEGIN ; if keyword_set(fpol) then begin ; IF total(strsplit((*(*!dustem_scope).(i)),'+',/extract) EQ 'ADD_QSED') THEN specpol+=sqrt(((*(*!dustem_plugin).(i))[*,1])^2+((*(*!dustem_plugin).(i))[*,2])^2) ; endif ; ENDFOR ; ENDIF ; ;endif ; ;------------------------------------------ ; ; ;stop ; ; ;use_cols=[use_col_pah,use_col_vsg,use_col_bg,use_col_cont] ; ;use_lines=[use_line_pah,use_line_vsg,use_line_bg,use_line_cont] ; ;col_off=30 ; ;Ngrains=(*!dustem_params).grain.Ngrains ; Ngrains=(*!dustem_params).Ngrains ; ;use_cols=long(findgen(Ngrains)/(Ngrains-1)*(255-col_off)+col_off) ; use_cols=dustem_grains_colors(Ngrains,/cgplot) ; use_lines=replicate(0,Ngrains) ; ; norm = dustem_sed * 0. + 1 ; ; ;====== PLOT THE SED ; ; IF keyword_set(title) THEN title = title ELSE title = 'Spectral Energy Distribution (Running)' ; ; IF keyword_set(xr) THEN xr = xr ELSE xr = [1.00E+00,6.00E+04] ; ; IF keyword_set(yr) THEN yr = yr ELSE yr = [1.00E-7,5.00E03] ; ; IF keyword_set(xtit) THEN xtit = xtit ELSE xtit = textoidl('\lambda (\mum)') ; ; IF keyword_set(ytit) THEN ytit = ytit ELSE ytit = textoidl('Brightness/N_H (MJy/sr/H)') ; ; ; ;deffo define a title variable here. The procedures are not communicating with each other. ; ;pos=cgLayout() ; ;############################### ; if keyword_set(fpol) then begin ; if !run_lin then begin ; cgDisplay, 600, 500 ; cgplot,(*!dustem_data.sed).wav,(*!dustem_data.sed).values/norm,/nodata,xtit='',ytit=ytit,tit='',/ylog,/xlog,/ys,/xs,position=[0.12,0.25,0.96,0.76],xtickformat='(A1)',_extra=_extra,charsize=1.3,/noerase ; endif ; endif ELSE cgplot,(*!dustem_data.sed).wav,(*!dustem_data.sed).values/norm,/nodata,xtit='',ytit=ytit,tit=title,/ylog,/xlog,/ys,/xs,position=[0.12,0.35,0.96,0.90],xtickformat='(A1)',_extra=_extra,charsize=1.3 ; ;############################### ; ; ; ;cgplot,(*!dustem_data.sed).wav,(*!dustem_data.sed).values/norm,/nodata,xtit='',ytit=textoidl('Brightness/N_H (MJy/sr/H)'),tit=title,ylog=1,/xlog,xr=xr,yr=yr,/ys,/xs,position=[0.12,0.35,0.96,0.90],xtickformat='(A1)' ; ; ; ;stop ; ;cgplot,st.polsed.wav,Q_sed*fact,xtit='',ytit=ytitstq,tit=titstq,ylog=ylog,/xlog,xr=xr,yr=yr,/ys,/xs,position=[0.17,0.35,0.95,0.95],xtickformat='(A1)' ; ; ;this is where you will add the normalized sed ; ; ; ind_filt=where((*!dustem_data.sed).filt_names NE 'SPECTRUM',count_filt) ; ind_spec=where((*!dustem_data.sed).filt_names EQ 'SPECTRUM',count_spec) ; ;=== Plot the data ; ; following lines for fawlty compatibility ; defsysv,'!psym',exists=pexist ; if pexist eq 0 then defsysv,'!psym',0 ; IF count_spec NE 0 THEN BEGIN ; ;x& ; xx=((*!dustem_data.sed).wav)[ind_spec] ; yy=((*!dustem_data.sed).values)[ind_spec]/norm[ind_spec] ; rms=3.*((*!dustem_data.sed).sigma)[ind_spec]/2./norm[ind_spec] ; cgoplot,xx,yy,psym ,syms=0.5,color=use_col_sed_spec ; IF not keyword_set(no_spec_error) THEN BEGIN ; cgerrplot,xx,yy-rms,yy+rms,color=use_col_sed_spec ; ;err_bar,((*!dustem_data.sed).wav)(ind_spec),((*!dustem_data.sed).values)(ind_spec)/norm(ind_spec),yrms=3.*((*!dustem_data.sed).sigma)(ind_spec)/2./norm(ind_spec) ; ENDIF ; ENDIF ; IF count_filt NE 0 THEN BEGIN ; ;stop ; xx=((*!dustem_data.sed).wav)[ind_filt] ; yy=((*!dustem_data.sed).values)[ind_filt]/norm[ind_filt] ; rms=3.*((*!dustem_data.sed).sigma)[ind_filt]/2./norm[ind_filt] ; plotsym,0,/fill ; cgoplot,xx,yy,psym=8,color='Dodger Blue';use_col_data_filt ; ;err_bar,((*!dustem_data.sed).wav)(ind_filt),((*!dustem_data.sed).values)(ind_filt)/norm(ind_filt),yrms=3.*((*!dustem_data.sed).sigma)(ind_filt)/2./norm(ind_filt),color=use_col_data_filt ; cgerrplot,xx,yy-rms,yy+rms,color='Dodger Blue';use_col_data_filt ; ENDIF ; ;=== Plot the computed SED ; IF count_filt NE 0 THEN BEGIN ; plotsym,8 ; xx=((*!dustem_data.sed).wav)[ind_filt] ; yy=sed[ind_filt]/norm[ind_filt] ; cgoplot,xx,yy,color=use_col_sed_filt,psym=6,syms=2 ; ENDIF ; IF count_spec NE 0 THEN BEGIN ; plotsym,0 ; xx=((*!dustem_data.sed).wav)[ind_spec] ; yy=sed[ind_spec]/norm[ind_spec] ; cgoplot,xx,yy,color=use_col_sed_filt,psym=6,syms=2 ; ENDIF ; ; ; IF !dustem_show_plot EQ 2 THEN BEGIN ; norm = spec ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; norm = spec * 0. + 1 ; ENDELSE ; use_cols[1]='Cornflower' ; FOR i=0L,Ngrains-1 DO BEGIN ; cgoplot,st.sed.wav,st.sed.(i+1)*fact/norm,color=use_cols[i],linestyle=use_lines[i] ; ENDFOR ; ; ;stop ; ; ;PLOTTING OF THE PLUGIN(S)--------------- AUTOMATE THIS. QUITE FEASIBLE ; IF tag_exist(*!dustem_scope,'CONTINUUM') THEN BEGIN ; cgoplot,st.sed.wav,(*(*!dustem_plugin).continuum)[*,0],color='Teal',linestyle=3 ; ENDIF ; IF tag_exist(*!dustem_scope,'FREEFREE') THEN BEGIN ; cgoplot,st.sed.wav,(*(*!dustem_plugin).freefree)[*,0],color='Dark Red',linestyle=3 ; ENDIF ; IF tag_exist(*!dustem_scope,'SYNCHROTRON') THEN BEGIN ; cgoplot,st.sed.wav,(*(*!dustem_plugin).synchrotron)[*,0],color='Crimson',linestyle=3 ; ENDIF ; ; IF tag_exist(*!dustem_scope,'MBBDY_ISRF') THEN BEGIN ; cgoplot,st.sed.wav,(*(*!dustem_plugin).mbbdy_isrf)[*,0],color='Gold',linestyle=3 ; ENDIF ; ; IF tag_exist(*!dustem_scope,'MBBDY') THEN BEGIN ; cgoplot,st.sed.wav,(*(*!dustem_plugin).mbbdy)[*,0],color='Cornflower',linestyle=3 ; ENDIF ; ; ; cgoplot,st.sed.wav,spec/norm,color=use_col_tot,linestyle=use_line_tot ; if keyword_set(fpol) then cgoplot,st.polsed.wav,specpol,color='Teal',linestyle=4 ; ;plot the normalized data as well. ; ;---------------------------------------- ; ; ;==== print the legend ; frmt0='(A36)' ; frmt1='(1E10.2)' ; frmt2='(F7.2)' ; use_legend_xpos=0.50 ; if keyword_set(fpol) then use_legend_ypos=0.70 ELSE use_legend_ypos=0.84 ; use_legend_offset=0.03 ;This is the offset between lines of the legend in normalized units ; legend_charsize=0.86 ; ; k=0. ; iscond=0 ; n_plgns = n_tags(*!dustem_scope) ; inn=n_plgns/2+1 ; IF n_plgns mod 2 ne 0 THEN inn=n_plgns/2+2 ; ; IF keyword_set(legend_xpos) THEN use_legend_xpos=legend_xpos ; IF keyword_set(legend_ypos) THEN use_legend_ypos=legend_ypos ; IF keyword_set(legend_offset) THEN use_legend_offset=legend_offset ; ; IF ! NE 'PS' THEN cleanplot ; ; tg=0 ; prv_str='' ; IF keyword_set(res) THEN BEGIN ; Npar=n_elements(res) ; ;print,'==============' ; ; FOR i=0L,Npar-1 DO BEGIN ; parameter_description=(*(*!dustem_fit).param_descs)[i] ; parameter_type=dustem_parameter_description2type(parameter_description,string_name=string_name) ; str=string(string_name+' = ',format=frmt0)+string(res[i],format=frmt1) ; IF keyword_set(errors) THEN BEGIN ; str=str+textoidl(' \pm ')+string(errors(i),format=frmt1) ; ENDIF ; ; xxpos=use_legend_xpos*0.07 ; yypos=use_legend_ypos*0.03 ; xyouts,xxpos,yypos,'Model: '+!dustem_model,color=0,/normal,charsize=legend_charsize ; ; IF STRUPCASE(strmid(strtrim(parameter_description,2),0,6)) eq 'DUSTEM' THEN BEGIN ; ; ; xxpos=use_legend_xpos*0.07 ; ; yypos=use_legend_ypos*0.03 ; ; xyouts,xxpos,yypos,'Model: '+!dustem_model,color=0,/normal,charsize=legend_charsize ; ; xxpos=use_legend_xpos*0.75 ; yypos=use_legend_ypos*1.03 ; xyouts,xxpos,yypos,'--Plugins--',color=0,/normal,charsize=legend_charsize ; ; ii = strsplit(string_name,'_',count=countx) & ii = ii(countx-1)-1 ; Locating the last underscore to automate the extraction of the plugin's keyword ; ; mm=where(tag_names(*!dustem_scope) eq strupcase(strmid(string_name,7,ii-7)),coun) ; Selecting a plugin through matching the string name of the plugin form the scope system variable with the one read from the parameter description vector ; ; ;tg+=1 ; ;if strmid(string_name,7,ii-7) eq prv_str then tg-=1 ; prmtg=(*(*!dustem_paramtag).(mm)) ; indtg=(strmid(string_name,ii+1)) & indtg=strmid(indtg,0,/reverse_offset) ; ;stop ; indtg=fix(indtg) ; prmtg=prmtg[indtg-1] ; ; str=string(strmid(string_name,7,ii-7)+' ['+strmid(string_name,ii+1)+']: '+prmtg+' = ',format=frmt0)+string(res[i],format=frmt1) ; ; prv_str=strmid(string_name,7,ii-7) ; ; ; ; IF keyword_set(errors) THEN BEGIN ; str=str+textoidl(' \pm ')+string(errors(i),format=frmt1) ; ENDIF ; ; xxpos=use_legend_xpos*0.46 ; ; IF n_plgns gt 3 THEN BEGIN ;adapt the display of the plugins if there are more than three (display two columns) ; IF i eq inn+k THEN BEGIN ; k+=inn ; ;iscond=1 ; inn+=1 ; xxpos=use_legend_xpos*0.06 ; ENDIF ; ENDIF ; ; ; IF iscond THEN BEGIN ; ; inn+=1 ; ; xxpos=use_legend_xpos*0.06 ; ; ENDIF ; ; yypos=use_legend_ypos-(i-k)*use_legend_offset ; xyouts,xxpos,yypos,str,color=0,/normal,charsize=legend_charsize ; endif else begin ; IF STRUPCASE(strmid(strtrim(parameter_description,2),0,24)) eq '(*!DUSTEM_PARAMS).GRAINS' and STRUPCASE(strmid(strtrim(parameter_description,2),3,1,/reverse_offset)) EQ 'O' then begin ; indpop=fix(STRUPCASE(strmid(strtrim(parameter_description,2),12,1,/reverse_offset))) ; ;oo+=1 ; ;string_name=(((*!dustem_params).GRAINS).grain_type)[oo-1] ; string_name=(((*!dustem_params).GRAINS).grain_type)[indpop] ; ;stop ; endif ; k+=1 ; xxpos=use_legend_xpos*1.5 ; yypos=use_legend_ypos*1.03 ; xyouts,xxpos,yypos,'--Parameters--',color=0,/normal,charsize=legend_charsize ; yypos=use_legend_ypos-(i)*use_legend_offset ; xxpos=use_legend_xpos*1.14 ; str=string(string_name+' = ',format=frmt0)+string(res[i],format=frmt1) ; xyouts,xxpos,yypos,str,color=0,/normal,charsize=legend_charsize ; endelse ; ENDFOR ; ;stop ; ENDIF ; IF keyword_set(chi2) THEN BEGIN ; xxpos=1.29*use_legend_xpos ; yypos=1.13*0.84;use_legend_ypos ; xyouts,xxpos,yypos,string('chi2=',format=frmt0)+string(chi2,format=frmt2),color=0,/normal,charsize=legend_charsize ; ENDIF ; IF keyword_set(rchi2) THEN BEGIN ; xxpos=1.29*use_legend_xpos ; yypos=1.13*0.84-use_legend_offset;use_legend_ypos-use_legend_offset ; xyouts,xxpos,yypos,string('red. chi2=',format=frmt0)+string(rchi2,format=frmt2),color=0,/normal,charsize=legend_charsize ; ENDIF ; ; xtit=textoidl('\lambda (\mum)') ; ;cgplot,(*!dustem_data.sed).wav,(*!dustem_data.sed).values/sed,/nodata,xtit=xtit,ytit='Normalized',tit='',/xlog,xr=xr,/ys,/xs,yr=[0,2],ylog=0,position=[0.12,0.14,0.96,0.35],/noerase,yticks=2,ymino=2,xticklen=0.1 ; ;stop ; ; IF keyword_set(_extra) THEN BEGIN ; extra_kept={XR:[0.,0.]} ; extra_tags=tag_names(_extra) ; ind=where(extra_tags EQ 'XR',count) ; IF count NE 0 THEN extra_kept.XR=_extra.(ind[0]) ;ELSE extra_kept=0 ; ENDIF ; ; ;stop ; ;,position=[0.12,0.14,0.96,0.35] old position before your polfrac display modification ; if keyword_set(fpol) then begin ; cgplot,(*!dustem_data.sed).wav,(*!dustem_data.sed).values/sed,_extra=extra_kept,/nodata,xtit=xtit,ytit='Normalized',tit='',/xlog,/ys,/xs,yr=[0,2],ylog=0,position=[0.12,0.1,0.96,0.25],/noerase,yticks=2,ymino=2,xticklen=0.1,ytickformat='(F6.2)',charsize=1.3 ; endif else cgplot,(*!dustem_data.sed).wav,(*!dustem_data.sed).values/sed,_extra=extra_kept,/nodata,xtit=xtit,ytit='Normalized',tit='',/xlog,/ys,/xs,yr=[0,2],ylog=0,position=[0.12,0.14,0.96,0.35],/noerase,yticks=2,ymino=2,xticklen=0.1,ytickformat='(F6.2)',charsize=1.3 ; ;plot the normalized data as well. ; IF count_spec NE 0 THEN BEGIN ; xx=((*!dustem_data.sed).wav)[ind_spec] ; yy=((*!dustem_data.sed).values/sed)[ind_spec] ; cgoplot,xx,yy,psym=16,symsize=1,thick=2,color=use_col_sed_spec ; trois_sigma=(3.*((*!dustem_data.sed).sigma)/2./sed)[ind_spec] ; cgerrplot,xx,yy-trois_sigma,yy+trois_sigma,color=use_col_sed_spec ; ENDIF ; IF count_filt NE 0 THEN BEGIN ; xx=((*!dustem_data.sed).wav)[ind_filt] ; yy=((*!dustem_data.sed).values/sed)[ind_filt] ; cgoplot,xx,yy,psym=16,symsize=1,thick=2,color='Dodger Blue' ; trois_sigma=(3.*((*!dustem_data.sed).sigma)/2./sed)[ind_filt] ; cgerrplot,xx,yy-trois_sigma,yy+trois_sigma,color='Dodger Blue' ; ENDIF ; ; ;stop ; ;cgoplot,(*!dustem_data.sed).wav,(*!dustem_data.sed).values/sed,psym=16,symsize=1,thick=2,color='Dodger Blue' ; cgoplot,10^!x.crange,replicate(1.,2),color='black',linestyle=0 ; ;cgoplot,st.sed.wav,spec/spec,color='black' ; ;cgerrplot,((*!dustem_data.sed).wav),((*!dustem_data.sed).values)/sed-3.*((*!dustem_data.sed).sigma)/2./sed,((*!dustem_data.sed).values)/sed+3.*((*!dustem_data.sed).sigma)/2./sed,color='Dodger Blue' ; ; ; if keyword_set(fpol) then begin ; plotsym,0,/fill ; cgplot, (*!dustem_data.polfrac).wav,(*!dustem_data.polfrac).values*100,/nodata,xtit='',tit=title,ytit='',/xlog,/ylog,/ys,/xs,position=[0.12,0.76,0.96,0.91],charsize=1.3,yr=[1.0E-1,30.0],/noerase,xticklen=0.1,xtickformat='(A1)',_extra=extra_kept;,xr=_extra.xr ; xxpos=use_legend_xpos*0.35 ; yypos=use_legend_ypos*1.25 ; xyouts,xxpos,yypos,'Polarization fraction (%)',color=cgcolor('purple'),charsize=legend_charsize,/normal ; yypos=use_legend_ypos*1.20 ; stringg='Polarization SED '+'('+textoidl('P_{\nu}')+')' ; xyouts,xxpos,yypos,stringg,color=cgcolor('teal'),charsize=legend_charsize,/normal ; pilotfx=fpol(0);((*!dustem_data.polfrac).values)(0);fpol(0); ; cgoplot, (*!dustem_data.polfrac).wav,(*!dustem_data.polfrac).values*100,charsize=1.3,psym=8,syms=1,thick=2,color='Dodger Blue' ; cgoplot, st.polsed.wav,(specpol/spec)*100/pilotfx*((*!dustem_data.polfrac).values)(0),color='purple' ; cgoplot, (*!dustem_data.polfrac).wav,fpol*100/pilotfx*((*!dustem_data.polfrac).values)(0),color='Red',psym=6,syms=1 ; ;fpol=abs(fpol) ; ;delp=(*!dustem_data.polfrac).values*100-fpol*100/pilotfx*((*!dustem_data.polfrac).values)(0) ; ;cgoplot, ((*!dustem_data.polfrac).wav),((*!dustem_data.polfrac).values*100+delp),charsize=1.3,color='black',linestyle=2 ; ;stop ; endif ; ; IF keyword_set(ps) THEN BEGIN ; device,/close ; set_plot,'X' ; ENDIF ; ; ;stop ; ; the_end: END