PRO dustem_write_grain_web3p8,file,st ;Remark: It is a bit odfd that this is using both st and (*!dustem_params) ;Remark: This should use automated comment detection, as in ;stop Ncomments=100 c=strarr(Ncomments) ii=0L c(ii)='# DUSTEM: definition of grain populations' & ii=ii+1 c(ii)='# for each grain TYPE make sure you have the following files' & ii=ii+1 c(ii)='# Q_TYPE.DAT in code_f90/les_QABS' & ii=ii+1 c(ii)='# C_TYPE.DAT in code_f90/les_CAPA' & ii=ii+1 c(ii)='# if option(MIX) MIX_TYPE.DAT in code_f90/les_DAT' & ii=ii+1 c(ii)='# if option(POL) POL_TYPE.DAT in code_f90/les_DAT' & ii=ii+1 c(ii)='# if option(DTLS) DTLS_TYPE.DAT in code_f90/les_DAT' & ii=ii+1 c(ii)='# if keyword(SIZE) SIZE_TYPE.DAT in code_f90/les_DAT' & ii=ii+1 c(ii)='# Written by the DUSTEM IDL Wrapper:' & ii=ii+1 c(ii)='#' & ii=ii+1 c(ii)='# run keywords' & ii=ii+1 c(ii)='# G0 scaling factor for radiation field' & ii=ii+1 c(ii)='# grain type, nsize, type keywords, Mdust/MH, rho, amin, amax, alpha/a0 [, at, ac, gamma (ED)] [, au, zeta, eta (CV)]' & ii=ii+1 c(ii)='# cgs units' & ii=ii+1 c(ii)='#' & ii=ii+1 Ncomments=ii c=c(0:Ncomments-1) openw,unit,file,/get_lun FOR i=0,Ncomments-1 DO BEGIN printf,unit,c(i) ENDFOR ;stop printf,unit,(*!dustem_params).keywords printf,unit,(*!dustem_params).G0 ;printf,unit,(*!dustem_params).ngrains ;===== JPB: updating for longer keywords ;frmt='(A12,I4,A12,11E14.6)' ;frmt='(A12,I4,A20,11E14.6)' ;frmt='(A20,I4,A20,11E14.6)' frmt='(A30,I4,A25,11E14.6)' FOR i=0L,(*!dustem_params).ngrains-1 DO BEGIN printf,unit,st(i).grain_type, $ st(i).nsize, $ st(i).type_keywords, $ st(i).mdust_o_mh, $ st(i).rho, $ st(i).amin, $ st(i).amax, $ st(i).alpha_o_a0, $ st(i).at, $ st(i).ac, $ st(i).gamma, $ st(i).au, $ st(i).zeta, $ st(i).eta, $ format=frmt IF !dustem_verbose EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; stop print,st(i).grain_type,st(i).nsize,st(i).type_keywords,st(i).mdust_o_mh,st(i).rho,st(i).amin,st(i).amax, $ st(i).alpha_o_a0, st(i).at,st(i).ac,st(i).gamma,st(i).au,st(i).zeta,st(i).eta,format=frmt ENDIF ENDFOR close,unit free_lun,unit ;stop END