FUNCTION dustem_greybody_mpfit,x,params,_EXTRA=extra,cc_sed=cc_sed,help=help ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_greybody_mpfit ; PURPOSE: ; function used to fit greybody with dustem_mpfit_sed ; CATEGORY: ; Dustem ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; res=dustem_greybody_mpfit(x,params[,_EXTRA=extra][,cc_sed=cc_sed][,/help]) ; INPUTS: ; x = necessary for interface but unused ; params = Model parameters normalized to initial values ([amplitude,T,beta]) ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; cc_sed = SED color correction factors ; _extra = extra parameters for the plot routine ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = If set, print this help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; SED and model are plotted if !dustem_show_plot ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The dustem idl wrapper must be installed ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; EXAMPLES ; res=dustem_greybody_mpfit(x,params[,_EXTRA=extra][,cc_sed=cc_sed][,/help]) ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by J.-Ph. Bernard ; see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR ; Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_greybody_mpfit' sed=0. goto,the_end ENDIF pp=params*(*(*!dustem_fit).PARAM_INIT_VALUES) ;sed=dustem_compute_gb_sed(pp,_extra=extra,waves=ww,spec=spectre) sed=dustem_compute_gb_sed_fast(pp,_extra=extra,waves=ww,spec=spectre) ;stop ;====== Plot if needed IF !dustem_show_plot NE 0 THEN BEGIN dustem_gb_plot_fit_sed,ww,spectre,sed,_extra=extra,res=params*(*(*!dustem_fit).param_init_values),chi2=(*!dustem_fit).chi2,rchi2=(*!dustem_fit).rchi2 ; wait,0.1 ;Sorry for efficiency but needed to see the plot ENDIF ;=== Caution, do not use message below here, even ;=== with the /info and /continue options, or the ;=== fit procedure will detect an error ! ;=== use print instead. ;IF defined(extra) THEN BEGIN ; IF keyword_set(extra.plot_it) THEN BEGIN ; print,'dustem_greybody_mpfit: Current parameters values:',pp ; ENDIF ;ENDIF the_end: RETURN,sed END