FUNCTION dustem_compute_gb_sed_fast,p_dim,_extra=extra,waves=waves,spec=spec ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_compute_gb_sed ; PURPOSE: ; Computes an SED from a given Grey Body spectrum ; CATEGORY: ; Dustem ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; sed=dustem_compute_sed(p_dim[,st=][,cont=][,_extra=][,/help]) ; INPUTS: ; p_dim = parameter values ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; sed = computed SED for filters in !dustem_data ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = If set, print this help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The dustem idl wrapper must be installed ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; EXAMPLES ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by J.-Ph. Bernard ; see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR ; Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems. ;- ;IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN ; doc_library,'dustem_compute_gb_sed' ; dustem_sed=0. ; goto,the_end ;ENDIF ;==== Compute Black body spectrum pp=double(p_dim) ;w0=350. w0=100. ;GET THE OBSERVATIONS AND ERRORS obs_sed = (*!dustem_data.sed).values err_sed = (*!dustem_data.sed).sigma ;COMPUTE THE MODEL SED ;dustem_sed = obs_sed*0.D0 ;ind_sed=where((*!dustem_data).filt_names NE 'SPECTRUM',count_sed) ;stop print,'!dustem_do_cc=',!dustem_do_cc print,'!dustem_never_do_cc=',!dustem_never_do_cc IF !dustem_do_cc NE 0 AND !dustem_never_do_cc EQ 0 THEN BEGIN message,'DOING color correction calculations',/info ; IF count_sed NE 0 THEN BEGIN ;stop NNw=200L wwmin=50. & wwmax=10000. waves=dindgen(NNw)/(1.*NNw-1)*(alog10(wwmax)-alog10(wwmin))+alog10(wwmin) waves=10.D0^waves ;waves=dindgen(NNw)/(1.*NNw-1)*(wwmax-wwmin)+wwmin spec=pp(0)*(waves/w0)^(-1.*pp(2))*dustem_planck_function(pp(1),waves) ; dustem_sed(ind_sed)=dustem_cc(waves,spec,((*!dustem_data).filt_names)(ind_sed),cc=cc) dustem_sed=dustem_cc(waves,spec,((*!dustem_data.sed).filt_names),cc=cc) spec0=interpol(spec,waves,dustem_filter2wav((*!dustem_data.sed).filt_names)) ;dustem_sed=spec0*cc print,dustem_sed,cc,pp,spec0 ;stop ; ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;(!dustem_do_cc EQ 0 OR !dustem_never_do_cc EQ 1) message,'NOT DOING color correction calculations',/info ; waves=1.d0*dustem_filter2wav(((*!dustem_data).filt_names)(ind_sed)) waves=1.d0*dustem_filter2wav(((*!dustem_data.sed).filt_names)) spec=pp(0)*(waves/w0)^(-1.*pp(2))*dustem_planck_function(pp(1),waves) dustem_sed=spec*(*!dustem_previous_cc) print,dustem_sed,*!dustem_previous_cc,pp,spec ; print,dustem_sed,spec,waves,*!dustem_previous_cc ; stop ; dustem_sed(ind_sed)=spec*(*!dustem_previous_cc) ENDELSE ;!dustem_do_cc= 1 ;!dustem_never_do_cc= 0 ;% DUSTEM_COMPUTE_GB_SED_FAST: DOING color correction calculations ; 27736.339 11914.539 3501.9079 850.50556 ; 0.97084945 1.0627671 1.0643585 1.1851495 ; 1.0000000 20.000000 2.0000000 ; 28569.145 11210.865 3290.1583 717.63569 ;IDL> print,dustem_sed,*!dustem_previous_cc,pp,spec ; 28987.803 11820.542 3111.8034 799.60098 ; 0.97084945 1.0627671 1.0643585 1.1851495 ; 1.0000000 20.000000 2.0000000 ; 29858.186 11122.420 2923.6422 674.68365 ;stop ;For spectrum data points, interpolate in log-log ;Linear interpolation leads to wrong values, in particular where few ;wavelengths points exist in the model (long wavelengths). ;ind_spec=where((*!dustem_data).filt_names EQ 'SPECTRUM',count_spec) ;IF count_spec NE 0 THEN BEGIN ; dustem_sed(ind_spec)=interpol(spec,ww,(((*!dustem_data).wav)(ind_spec))) ;; dustem_sed(ind_spec)=10^interpol(alog10(spec),alog10(st.dustem.wav),alog10((((*!dustem_data).wav)(ind_spec)))) ;ENDIF ;clean pointers ;heap_gc the_end: RETURN,dustem_sed END