message,'This is a minimal GDL startup meant to be used for the Dustem-Wrapper in the context of the ISM Workshop',/info ;please make sure that your GDL_STARTUP system variable is set to this file defsysv,'!psep',':' ;idl path separator for a Mac/unix. To be changed for PCs defsysv,'!indef',-32768. ;undefined value ;must set this or equivalently have usinx variable GDL_PATH set to the appropriate gdl pro directory !path=!path+!psep+'/Users/jpb/Soft_Libraries/gdl/src/pro' ;===DUSTEM_WRAP release V1.3 (gitlab head version) ;This is the files to use for dustem4.3_wk defsysv,'!dustem_soft_dir',getenv('HOME')+'/Soft_Libraries/dustem4.3_wk/' defsysv,'!dustem_wrap_soft_dir',getenv('HOME')+'/Soft_Libraries/dustem-wrapper_idl/' defsysv,'!dustem_which','WEB3p8' defsysv,'!dustem_dat','/tmp/Dustem/' ;This must be the same as data_path in file DM_constants.f90 defsysv,'!dustem_res','/tmp/Dustem/' ;This must be the same as data_path in file DM_constants.f90 defsysv,'!dustem_f90_exec',getenv('HOME')+'/Soft_Libraries/dustem4.3_wk/src/dustem' !path=!path+!psep+expand_path('+'+!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'/src/idl') ;add idl wrapper software to the idl path !path=!path+!psep+expand_path('+'+!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'/src/idl_misc') ;for librairies dependences !path=!path+!psep+expand_path('+'+!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'/src/workshop') ;For the ISM workshop only device,decompose=0