FUNCTION dustem_read_all,dir_in,silent=silent,help=help ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_read_all ; PURPOSE: ; Reads all Dustem input data ; CATEGORY: ; Dustem ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; st=dustem_read_all(dir_in,silent=silent,help=help) ; INPUTS: ; dir_in: input directory ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; st: input structures ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; silent = If set, function is silent ; help = If set, print this help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The dustem idl wrapper must be installed ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; EXAMPLES ; dustem_init ; dir=getenv('DUSTEM_SOFT_DIR')+'/src/dustem3.8_web/' ; st=dustem_read_all(dir) ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by J.-Ph. Bernard ; see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR ; Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_read_all' st=0. goto,the_end ENDIF ;IF getenv('DUSTEM_WHICH') EQ 'WEB3p8' THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_which EQ 'WEB3p8' THEN BEGIN st=dustem_read_all_web3p8(dir_in,silent=silent) goto,ionfrac ENDIF ;IF getenv('DUSTEM_WHICH') EQ 'VERSTRAETE' THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_which EQ 'VERSTRAETE' THEN BEGIN st=dustem_read_all_lv(dir_in,silent=silent) goto,ionfrac ENDIF ;== note: the output keywords are set only for LV version file=dir_in+'GRAIN.DAT' st_grains=dustem_read_grain(file,silent=silent) ;stop file=dir_in+'TAILLE.DAT' ;I put this back to its original form st_taille=dustem_read_taille(file,silent=silent) file=dir_in+'PROPMASS.DAT' st_propmass=dustem_read_propmass(file,silent=silent) ;=== This does not exist in MC's new version ;IF getenv('DUSTEM_WHICH') EQ 'DESERT' THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_which EQ 'DESERT' THEN BEGIN file=dir_in+'GEMISSIV.DAT' st_gemissiv=dustem_read_gemissiv(file,silent=silent) ENDIF file=dir_in+'ISRF.DAT' st_isrf=dustem_read_isrf(file,silent=silent,Nisrf=Nisrf) ;stop ;=== This does not exist in XD's new version ;IF getenv('DUSTEM_WHICH') EQ 'COMPIEGNE' THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_which EQ 'COMPIEGNE' THEN BEGIN Qabs_files=findfile(dir_in+'QABS_*.DAT',count=Nfiles) st_qabs=ptrarr(Nfiles) FOR i=0,Nfiles-1 DO BEGIN st=dustem_read_qabs(Qabs_files(i),silent=silent) st_qabs(i)=ptr_new(st) ENDFOR ENDIF ;IF getenv('DUSTEM_WHICH') EQ 'DESERT' THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_which EQ 'DESERT' THEN BEGIN file=dir_in+'QABS.DAT' st_qabs=dustem_read_qabs_desert(file,silent=silent) ENDIF file=dir_in+'SPECEM.DAT' st_specem=dustem_read_specem(file,silent=silent) file=dir_in+'CALOR.DAT' st_calor=dustem_read_calor(file,silent=silent) ;=== This does not exist in MC's new version ;IF getenv('DUSTEM_WHICH') EQ 'DESERT' THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_which EQ 'DESERT' THEN BEGIN file=dir_in+'IONFRAC.DAT' st_ionfrac=dustem_read_ionfrac(file,silent=silent) ENDIF ;=== This does not exist in XD's new version ;IF getenv('DUSTEM_WHICH') EQ 'COMPIEGNE' THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_which EQ 'COMPIEGNE' THEN BEGIN file=dir_in+'LAMBDA.DAT' st_lambda=dustem_read_lambda(file,silent=silent) ENDIF Ngrains=n_elements(st_grains) one_stt_grains={ $ type:st_grains(0).type, $ albmax:st_grains(0).albmax, $ densgr:st_grains(0).densgr, $ ngem:st_grains(0).ngem, $ hydro:st_grains(0).hydro, $ ioni:st_grains(0).ioni, $ alpha:st_taille(0).alpha, $ tmin:st_taille(0).tmin, $ tmax:st_taille(0).tmax, $ ndiscr:st_taille(0).ndiscr, $ propmass:st_propmass(0).propmass} sst_grains=replicate(one_stt_grains,Ngrains) sst_grains.type=st_grains.type sst_grains.albmax=st_grains.albmax sst_grains.densgr=st_grains.densgr sst_grains.ngem=st_grains.ngem sst_grains.hydro=st_grains.hydro sst_grains.ioni=st_grains.ioni sst_grains.alpha=st_taille.alpha sst_grains.tmin=st_taille.tmin sst_grains.tmax=st_taille.tmax sst_grains.ndiscr=st_taille.ndiscr sst_grains.propmass=st_propmass.propmass ;IF getenv('DUSTEM_WHICH') EQ 'DESERT' THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_which EQ 'DESERT' THEN BEGIN st={Ngrains:Ngrains,grains:sst_grains, $ gemissiv:st_gemissiv,isrf:st_isrf,qabs:st_qabs,calor:st_calor,specem:st_specem,ionfrac:st_ionfrac} ENDIF ;IF getenv('DUSTEM_WHICH') EQ 'COMPIEGNE' THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_which EQ 'COMPIEGNE' THEN BEGIN st={Ngrains:Ngrains,grains:sst_grains, $ isrf:st_isrf,qabs:st_qabs,calor:st_calor,specem:st_specem,lambda:st_lambda} ENDIF ;IF getenv('DUSTEM_WHICH') EQ 'VERSTRAETE' THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_which EQ 'VERSTRAETE' THEN BEGIN st={Ngrains:Ngrains,grains:sst_grains, $ isrf:st_isrf,qabs:st_qabs,calor:st_calor,specem:st_specem,lambda:st_lambda} ENDIF ionfrac: ;=== JPB added tests on !dustem_verbose for messages ;stop ;NF on October 2009 : test IONFRACPAH keyword (only if 'VERSTRAETE' model) ;IF getenv('DUSTEM_WHICH') EQ 'VERSTRAETE' THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_which EQ 'VERSTRAETE' THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_verbose NE 0 THEN message, "============= IONization FRACtion of the PAHs =============", /info ;Get master-keywords master_keywords = strsplit(st.keywords,' ',/regex,/extr) ;check presence of IONFRACPAH in master-keywords tmp = where(master_keywords eq 'IONFRACPAH',test_ionfracpah) ;check presence of dustem_create_ionfrac in the *!param_desc ;JPB: added test on validity of param_desc IF ptr_valid((*!dustem_fit).param_descs) THEN BEGIN tmp2 = total(stregex(*(*!dustem_fit).param_descs,'ionfrac',/bool,/fold_case)) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN tmp2=0 ENDELSE test_dustemcreateionfrac = (tmp2 GT 0) ? 1 : 0 ;if IONFRACPAH or "dustem_create_ionfrac" is present ... IF test_ionfracpah or test_dustemcreateionfrac THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_verbose NE 0 THEN message, "You want the IONization FRACtion of the PAHs to be computed by the model", /info ; Check if there are both PAH1 and PAH0 provided pah0 = (where(strmid(st.grains.type,0,4) eq 'PAH0', count0))(0) pah1 = (where(strmid(st.grains.type,0,4) eq 'PAH1', count1))(0) IF count0 eq count1 and count0 ne 0 THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_verbose NE 0 THEN BEGIN message, "and you have provided me with both PAH0 and PAH1 components.", /info message, "I will calculate the fractions.", /info message, "I will assume you have forced them to keep the same abundance (initial values + tied).", /info ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF !dustem_verbose NE 0 THEN BEGIN message, "but you have NOT provided me with both PAH0 and PAH1 components.", /info message, "Please correct and rerun the code." ENDIF ENDELSE ; Check presence of SIZE in master-keywords tmp = where(master_keywords eq 'SIZE',test_size) ; Check if MIX is a keyword provided in GRAIN.DAT for PAH0 and PAH1 pah0_keyword = st.grains(pah0).flag pah1_keyword = st.grains(pah1).flag tmp = where(pah0_keyword eq 'MIX',test_mix_pah0) tmp = where(pah1_keyword eq 'MIX',test_mix_pah1) ; if SIZE is not present ... IF not test_size THEN BEGIN ; if MIX is not present for both PAH components ... IF not test_mix_pah0 or not test_mix_pah1 THEN BEGIN IF !dustem_verbose NE 0 THEN BEGIN message, "You did not provide me with neither SIZE master-keyword nor MIX keyword for both PAHs components.", /info message, "I will add the MIX keyword for both PAHs components and generate 50%-50% MIX_xxx.DAT files.", /info message, "I will assume you have forced them to have the same size distributions.", /info ENDIF ; Add MIX keyword to both PAH components (had to concatenate them ; to order the F90 code to read them as 1 column) if not test_mix_pah0 then $ st.grains(pah0).flag = st.grains(pah0).flag+'MIX' if not test_mix_pah1 then $ st.grains(pah1).flag = st.grains(pah1).flag+'MIX' ; Update structure and generate MIX_xxx.DAT files ; full_st0 = ptr_new({file:getenv('DUSTEM_DAT')+'/MIX_'+st.grains(pah0).type+'.DAT',fmix:fltarr(st.grains(pah0).ndiscr)+0.5}) ; full_st1 = ptr_new({file:getenv('DUSTEM_DAT')+'/MIX_'+st.grains(pah1).type+'.DAT',fmix:fltarr(st.grains(pah1).ndiscr)+0.5}) full_st0 = ptr_new({file:!dustem_dat+'/MIX_'+st.grains(pah0).type+'.DAT',fmix:fltarr(st.grains(pah0).ndiscr)+0.5}) full_st1 = ptr_new({file:!dustem_dat+'/MIX_'+st.grains(pah1).type+'.DAT',fmix:fltarr(st.grains(pah1).ndiscr)+0.5}) full_st = ptrarr(2) & full_st(0)=full_st0 & full_st(1)=full_st1 ; dustem_write_mix, getenv('DUSTEM_DAT'), full_st dustem_write_mix,!dustem_dat, full_st st.mix(pah0) = ptr_new(dustem_read_mix((*full_st0).file)) st.mix(pah1) = ptr_new(dustem_read_mix((*full_st1).file)) !run_ionfrac = 1. ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF !dustem_verbose NE 0 THEN BEGIN message, "You provided me with the MIX keyword for both PAHs components.", /info message, "I will use your MIX_xxx.DAT files to update the fractions.", /info ENDIF !run_ionfrac = 1. ENDELSE ; if SIZE is present ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF !dustem_verbose NE 0 THEN BEGIN message, "You provided me with the SIZE master-keyword.", /info message, "I will use your SIZE_xxx.DAT files to update the fractions.", /info message, "I will assume you have forced them to have the same size distributions.", /info ENDIF !run_ionfrac = 2. ENDELSE ;if IONFRACPAH is NOT present ... ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF !dustem_verbose NE 0 THEN BEGIN message, "You do not want the IONization FRACtion of the PAHs to be computed by the model", /info ENDIF !run_ionfrac = 0. ENDELSE IF test_dustemcreateionfrac THEN BEGIN !run_ionfrac = -1. * !run_ionfrac ENDIF IF !dustem_verbose NE 0 THEN BEGIN message, "============= IONization FRACtion of the PAHs =============", /info wait, 5 ;might be a bit long, but I want to be sure the user sees it ENDIF ;JPB: The above is stupid, specially before I added the !dustem_verbose test ENDIF ;NF on October 2009 : test IONFRACPAH keyword the_end: RETURN,st END