PRO dustem_init,dir=dir,wraptest=wraptest,plot_it=plot_it,model=model,help=help,noerase=noerase,st_model=st_model,pol=pol,verbose=verbose,kwords=kwords ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_init ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_init ; PURPOSE: ; Defines system variables to run the DUSTEM code ; INPUTS: ; model = Selects one of the dust mixture used by dustem ; 'COMPIEGNE_ETAL2010' from Compiegne et al 2010 (default) ; 'DBP90' from Desert et al 1990 ; 'DL01' from Draine & Li 2001 ; 'DL07' from Draine & Li 2007 ; dir = overrides default directory where to read data ; wraptest = test running dustem f90 through the wrapper ; plot_it = plots run result (only if wraptest) ; help = If set print this help ; OPTIONAL INPUT: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; PROCEDURE AND SUBROUTINE USED ; 1/ The folowing system variables are initialized to null values ; or empty pointers: ; !dustem_fit ; !dustem_data ; !dustem_inputs ; !dustem_params ; !run_ionfrac ; !dustem_idl_continuum ; !dustem_filters ; !dustem_verbose ; !dustem_show_plot ; 2/ optionally runs the fortran code (if wraptest) ; This step calls the Fortran code to run a standard model ; 3/ !dustem_filters is initialized calling ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The dustem fortran code must be installed ; The dustem idl wrapper must be installed ; EXAMPLES ; dustem_init,/wrap,/plot_it ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; See cvs logs ; Written by JPB,NF,DP Jan-2007 ; see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR ;- ;IC ;I think this procedure should be throughly revised. (and also the rest of the code corrected) ;Pointers are used when the need does not present itself. ;ie: defsysv, '!dustem_fit', ptr_new(dustem_fit_st), defsysv,'!dustem_inputs',ptr_new() or defsysv,'!dustem_params',ptr_new() which don't require initialization for instance IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_init' goto,the_end ENDIF dustem_define_la_common defsysv,'!dustem_verbose',0 ;1=verbose IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN !dustem_verbose=1 defsysv,'!run_pol',0 ;0=no polar IF keyword_set(pol) THEN !run_pol=1 ;=== color correction system variables defsysv,'!dustem_previous_cc',ptr_new() ;store previous color correction values defsysv,'!dustem_do_cc',1 ;indicates to dustem if color corrections are needed. Will be changed when fitting defsysv,'!dustem_never_do_cc',0 ;set to 1 to never do color corrections (not recommanded, but faster). ;This is for polarization defsysv, '!run_circ', 0. defsysv, '!run_anis', 0. defsysv, '!run_rrf', 0. defsysv, '!run_univ', 0. defsysv, '!run_lin', 0. defsysv, '!dustem_redshift', 0. ;in case the SED needs to be shifted for a non zero redshift ;This is just to make sure that plugin system variables are created even if no plugins are used pd_bidon=['NONE'] dustem_init_plugins,pd_bidon defsysv,'!dustem_nocatch',0 ;set to catch errors in sed fitting. ;stop ;==== define a stellar modyfier to the ISRF ;toto=dustem_define_isrf_stellar_modifyer_variable() file=!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'instrument_description.xcat' st=read_xcat(file,/silent) defsysv,'!dustem_instrument_description',st defsysv,'!indef', exists=exists_indef IF NOT exists_indef THEN defsysv,'!indef',-32768. ;define !dustem_fit dustem_fit_st={data:ptr_new(),wavelength:ptr_new(), $ param_descs:ptr_new(),param_init_values:ptr_new(),param_func:ptr_new(), $ fixed_param_descs:ptr_new(),fixed_param_init_values:ptr_new(), $ chi2:0.D0,rchi2:0.D0, $ current_param_values:ptr_new(), current_param_errors:ptr_new() $ } defsysv, '!dustem_fit', ptr_new(dustem_fit_st) ;Data to fit if keyword_set(pol) then begin defsysv, '!dustem_data', { $ ;Data to fit sed: ptr_new(), $ ; ext: ptr_new(), $ ; polext: ptr_new(), $ ; FREE TO USE polsed: ptr_new(), $ ; FREE TO USE polfrac: ptr_new(), $ ; FREE TO USE psi_em: ptr_new(), $ ; FREE TO USE psi_ext: ptr_new(), $ ; FREE TO USE qsed: ptr_new(), $ ; used: ptr_new(), $ ; qext: ptr_new(), $ ; uext: ptr_new() $ ; } ;rchi2_weight = {sed: 0.,ext: 0.,polext: 0.,polsed: 0.,polfrac:0.,qsed:0.,used:0.,qext:0.,uext:0.} ;polsed and polfrac newly deprecated rchi2_weight = {sed: 0.,ext: 0.,polext:0.,polsed:0.,polfrac:0.,psi_em:0.,psi_ext:0.,qsed:0.,used:0.,qext:0.,uext:0.} defsysv,'!dustem_show', { $ ;Data to fit sed: ptr_new(), $ ext: ptr_new(), $ polext: ptr_new(), $ polsed: ptr_new(), $ polfrac: ptr_new(), $ psi_em: ptr_new(), $ psi_ext: ptr_new(), $ qsed: ptr_new(), $ used: ptr_new(), $ qext: ptr_new(), $ uext: ptr_new() $ } endif else begin defsysv, '!dustem_data', { $ ;Data to fit sed: ptr_new(), $ ext: ptr_new() $ } rchi2_weight = {sed: 0.,ext: 0.} defsysv, '!dustem_show', { $ ;Data to fit sed: ptr_new(), $ ext: ptr_new() $ } endelse if !run_pol then begin tagnames=tag_names(!dustem_data) testpol = tagnames EQ 'POLSED' or tagnames EQ 'POLEXT' or tagnames EQ 'POLFRAC' or tagnames EQ 'POLSED' or tagnames EQ 'PSI_EM' or tagnames EQ 'PSI_EXT' ind_data=where(~testpol,ctestpol) if ctestpol ne 0 then tagnames =(tag_names(!dustem_data))[ind_data] endif else tagnames=tag_names(!dustem_data) instr="defsysv, '!fit_rchi2_weight', {" FOR i = 0, n_elements(tagnames)-1 DO BEGIN instr+=tagnames(i)+': rchi2_weight.'+tagnames(i) IF i NE n_elements(tagnames)-1 THEN instr+=',' ENDFOR instr+='}' toto=execute(instr) ;#########system variables necessary for cgwindow plotting########## defsysv, '!dustemcgwin_id', { $ ;IDs of windows to plot sed: la_undef(), $ ext: la_undef() $ } ;I am doing this to save time instead of filtering the _extra structure defsysv, '!dustemcgwin_extra', { $ ;extra structures for each plot sed: ptr_new(), $ ext: ptr_new(), $ polext: ptr_new(), $ polsed: ptr_new(), $ polfrac: ptr_new(), $ psi_em: ptr_new(), $ psi_ext: ptr_new(), $ qsed: ptr_new(), $ used: ptr_new(), $ qext: ptr_new(), $ uext: ptr_new() $ } defsysv, '!dustemcgwin_ncmds', { $ ;Keeping track of number of commands run. sed: {pl:0, nrm:0}, $ ext: {pl:0, nrm:0}, $ polext: {pl:0, nrm:0}, $ polsed: {pl:0, nrm:0}, $ polfrac: {pl:0}, $ psi_em: {pl:0}, $ psi_ext: {pl:0}, $ qsed: {pl:0, nrm:0}, $ used: {pl:0, nrm:0}, $ qext: {pl:0, nrm:0}, $ uext: {pl:0, nrm:0} $ } defsysv, '!dustem_mlog', 0 ;necessary for the plotting of negative values on the axis in ;################################################################### defsysv, '!dustem_psi', 0. ;IDL> help,*!dustem_data,/str ;** Structure <2173b20>, 4 tags, length=448, data length=448, refs=1: ; INSTRU_NAMES STRING Array[14] ; FILT_NAMES STRING Array[14] ; VALUES FLOAT Array[14] ; SIGMA FLOAT Array[14] defsysv,'!dustem_inputs',ptr_new() ;dustem input files ;=== This is not a system variable anymore ;defsysv, '!dustem_ext', ptr_new() ;Contains the values of extinction ;=== This is not a system variable anymore ;defsysv, '!dustem_specem', ptr_new() ;Contains the values of emission defsysv, '!dustem_params', ptr_new() ;Contains the values of all Desert Model parameters (except extinction !) ;IDL> help,*!dustem_params,/str ;** Structure <2926e10>, 7 tags, length=13312, data length=13282, refs=1: ; GRAINS STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[3] ; GEMISSIV STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[300] ; ISRF STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[64] ; QABS STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[64] ; CALOR STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[5] ; SPECEM STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ; IONFRAC STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[10] ;defsysv, '!dustem_fit_sed',ptr_new() ;Best fit SED ;The following is not used in the WEB3p8 version of the code ;Only in the VERSTRAETE version of the code. ;IF getenv('DUSTEM_WHICH') EQ 'VERSTRAETE' THEN BEGIN defsysv, '!run_ionfrac', 0. ; 0:no call to dustem_create_ionfrac UNLESS it is called as a param ; 1:call to dustem_create_ionfrac with the MIX_xxx.DAT files ; 2:call to dustem_create_ionfrac with the SIZE_xxx.DAT files ;ENDIF defsysv,'!dustem_filters',ptr_new() ;filter information (filled by ;; IDL> help,*!dustem_filters,/str ;; ** Structure <1b95608>, 17 tags, length=8232, data length=8118, refs=1: ;; IRAC STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ;; MIPS STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ;; MSX STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ;; IRAS STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ;; DIRBE STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ;; SPM STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ;; ISOCAM STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ;; ISOPHOTP STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ;; ISOPHOTC STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ;; EFIRAS STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ;; ARCHEOPS STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ;; HFI STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ;; LFI STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ;; WMAP STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ;; SPIRE STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ;; PACS STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] ;; AKARI STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1] defsysv,'!dustem_verbose',0 ;1=verbose defsysv,'!dustem_show_plot',1 ;0=show no plot ;apparently not needed anymore. Was removed. ;defsysv,'!ki',0. ;apparently needed by mpfit, but what is it ? ;== This is for the default mode dustem_inputs={GRAIN:'GRAIN.DAT',ISRF:'ISRF.DAT',ALIGN:'ALIGN.DAT'} !dustem_inputs=ptr_new(dustem_inputs) defsysv, '!dustem_HCD', ptr_new(1.00E20) ;I do not see the reason behind using a pointer in this case. ;===This is the Desert option IF keyword_set(model) THEN BEGIN defsysv, '!dustem_model', model CASE model OF 'COMPIEGNE_ETAL2010':BEGIN (*!dustem_inputs).grain='GRAIN_MC10.DAT' END 'DBP90':BEGIN (*!dustem_inputs).grain='GRAIN_DBP90.DAT' END 'DL01':BEGIN (*!dustem_inputs).grain='GRAIN_DL01.DAT' END 'DL07':BEGIN (*!dustem_inputs).grain='GRAIN_DL07.DAT' END 'AJ13':BEGIN (*!dustem_inputs).grain='GRAIN_J13.DAT' END 'G17_MODELA':BEGIN (*!dustem_inputs).grain='GRAIN_G17_MODELA.DAT' (*!dustem_inputs).align='ALIGN_G17_MODELA.DAT' END 'G17_MODELB':BEGIN (*!dustem_inputs).grain='GRAIN_G17_MODELB.DAT' (*!dustem_inputs).align='ALIGN_G17_MODELB.DAT' END 'G17_MODELC':BEGIN (*!dustem_inputs).grain='GRAIN_G17_MODELC.DAT' (*!dustem_inputs).align='ALIGN_G17_MODELC.DAT' END 'G17_MODELD':BEGIN (*!dustem_inputs).grain='GRAIN_G17_MODELD.DAT' (*!dustem_inputs).align='ALIGN_G17_MODELD.DAT' END 'THEMIS':BEGIN (*!dustem_inputs).grain='GRAIN_THEMIS.DAT' (*!dustem_inputs).align='ALIGN_THEMIS.DAT' END 'NY_MODELA':BEGIN (*!dustem_inputs).grain='GRAIN_NY_MODELA.DAT' (*!dustem_inputs).align='ALIGN_G17_MODELA.DAT' END ;This is a user-defined model ;This will prolly have to get modified. 'USER_MODEL':BEGIN (*!dustem_inputs).grain='GRAIN_USER.DAT' END ELSE:BEGIN message,'model '+model+' unknown',/continue message,'Known models are COMPIEGNE_ETAL2010,DBP90,DL01,DL07,AJ13,G17_MODELA,G17_MODELB,G17_MODELC,G17_MODELD,THEMIS',/continue stop END ENDCASE ENDIF ;stop ;Initialize !dustem_params structure IF not keyword_set(dir) THEN BEGIN ; CASE getenv('DUSTEM_WHICH') OF CASE !dustem_which OF 'DESERT':dir_in=!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'/Data/DESERT_POST_ISO_MORE/' 'COMPIEGNE': dir_in=!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'/Data/MC_DAT/' ; 'VERSTRAETE': dir_in=!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'/Data/d_3.5/' 'VERSTRAETE': dir_in=!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'/Data/LV_DAT/' 'WEB3p8': dir_in=!dustem_soft_dir ELSE: dir_in=!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'/Data/les_DAT/';!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'/Data/les_DAT/' ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dir_in=dir ENDELSE ;stop ;dir_in=getenv('DUSTEM_SOFT_DIR')+'/src/'+dir ;dir_in=!dustem_soft_dir+'/src/'+dir if keyword_set(kwords) then defsysv, '!dustem_kwords', ptr_new(kwords) else defsysv, '!dustem_kwords', ptr_new() st_model=dustem_read_all(dir_in,/silent) !dustem_params=ptr_new(st_model) ;=== create dynamical storage if needed IF not file_test(!dustem_dat,/dir) THEN BEGIN spawn,'mkdir '+!dustem_dat ENDIF IF not file_test(!dustem_res,/dir) THEN BEGIN spawn,'mkdir '+!dustem_dat ENDIF ;=== remove dynamical storage directories ;=== This is needed for iterative use of DUSTEM from IDL if not keyword_set(noerase) then begin CASE !dustem_which OF 'VERSTRAETE':BEGIN IF file_test(!dustem_dat,/dir) THEN BEGIN spawn,'rm -rf '+!dustem_dat+'/les_DAT' spawn,'rm -rf '+!dustem_dat+'/les_QABS' spawn,'rm -rf '+!dustem_dat+'/les_CAPA' ENDIF IF file_test(!dustem_res,/dir) THEN BEGIN spawn,'rm -rf '+!dustem_res+'/les_RES' ENDIF END 'WEB3p8':BEGIN IF file_test(!dustem_dat,/dir) THEN BEGIN spawn,'rm -rf '+!dustem_dat+'/data' spawn,'rm -rf '+!dustem_dat+'/hcap' spawn,'rm -rf '+!dustem_dat+'/oprop' spawn,'rm -rf '+!dustem_dat+'/out' ;spawn,'rm -rf '+!dustem_dat+'/plots' TO BE TESTED. NOT SURE ABOUT WHAT I AM DOING HERE. ASK JP ABOUT THIS ENDIF END ELSE: BEGIN END ENDCASE ;=== create storage directories ;=== This is needed for iterative use of DUSTEM from IDL CASE !dustem_which OF 'VERSTRAETE':BEGIN IF file_test(!dustem_dat,/dir) THEN BEGIN spawn,'mkdir '+!dustem_dat+'/les_DAT' spawn,'mkdir '+!dustem_dat+'/les_QABS' spawn,'mkdir '+!dustem_dat+'/les_CAPA' ENDIF IF file_test(!dustem_res,/dir) THEN BEGIN spawn,'mkdir '+!dustem_res+'/les_RES' ENDIF END 'WEB3p8':BEGIN ; IN CHANGED THIS AS WELL IF file_test(!dustem_dat,/dir) THEN BEGIN spawn,'mkdir '+!dustem_dat+'/data' spawn,'mkdir '+!dustem_dat+'/hcap' spawn,'mkdir '+!dustem_dat+'/oprop' spawn,'mkdir '+!dustem_dat+'/out' ;spawn,'mkdir '+!dustem_dat+'/plots' TO BE TESTED ENDIF END ELSE: BEGIN END ENDCASE endif ; /noerase ;=== If needed, test runing the model through the wrapper IF keyword_set(wraptest) THEN BEGIN dir_out=!dustem_dat dustem_write_all,st_model,dir_out ; stop st=dustem_run() IF keyword_set(plot_it) THEN BEGIN loadct,13 dustem_plot_nuinu_em,st,yr=[1e-14,1.e-6],/ysty,xr=[1,5e3],/xsty ENDIF ENDIF ;stop ;Initialize filters dustem_filter_init,dir=dir the_end: END