<!-- This file was generated by mk_html_help.pro --> <html> <head> <TITLE>Extended Help for DustemWrap routines</TITLE> </head> <body> <H1>Extended Help for DustemWrap routines</H1> <P> This page was created by the IDL library routine <CODE>mk_html_help</CODE>. For more information on this routine, refer to the IDL Online Help Navigator or type: <P> <PRE> ? mk_html_help</PRE><P> at the IDL command line prompt.<P> <STRONG>Last modified: </STRONG>Wed Jun 8 12:10:31 2011.<P> <HR> <A NAME="ROUTINELIST"> <H1>List of Routines</H1></A> <UL> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_CC">DUSTEM_CC</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_COMPUTE_SED">DUSTEM_COMPUTE_SED</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_FILTER2FLUXCONV">DUSTEM_FILTER2FLUXCONV</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_FILTER2INSTRU">DUSTEM_FILTER2INSTRU</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_FILTER2WAV">DUSTEM_FILTER2WAV</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_FILTER_INIT">DUSTEM_FILTER_INIT</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_FIT_SED_README">DUSTEM_FIT_SED_README</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_INIT">DUSTEM_INIT</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_PLANCK_FUNCTION">DUSTEM_PLANCK_FUNCTION</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_PLOT_EXTINCTION">DUSTEM_PLOT_EXTINCTION</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_PLOT_FIT_SED">DUSTEM_PLOT_FIT_SED</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_PLOT_NUINU_EM">DUSTEM_PLOT_NUINU_EM</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_READ_ALL">DUSTEM_READ_ALL</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_READ_ALL_RES">DUSTEM_READ_ALL_RES</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_RESTORE_SED_FIT">DUSTEM_RESTORE_SED_FIT</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_RUN">DUSTEM_RUN</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_RUN_README">DUSTEM_RUN_README</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_SAVE_SED_FIT">DUSTEM_SAVE_SED_FIT</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_SET_DATA">DUSTEM_SET_DATA</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_SET_FUNC_IND">DUSTEM_SET_FUNC_IND</A> <LI><A HREF="#DUSTEM_WRITE_ALL">DUSTEM_WRITE_ALL</A> </UL><P> <HR> <H1>Routine Descriptions</H1> <A NAME="DUSTEM_CC"> <H2>DUSTEM_CC</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_COMPUTE_SED">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_cc PURPOSE: Computes observed sed and color correction for a given spectrum in a given filter CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: sed=dustem_cc(wave,spec,filter_names,cc=cc,fluxconv=fluxconv,help=help) INPUTS: wave: array of wavelengths for spec spec: spectrum (must be in brightness units) filter_names: names of filters for which color correction is needed OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: sed: SED as observed in filters provided in filter_names OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: cc = color correction coefficients (spec*cc=sed) ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: fluxconv = if set, these are taken for flux conventions possible values: 'nuInu=cste', 'IRAC', 'MIPS', 'CMB' help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.P. Bernard April 18th 2011 replaces individual cc routines for various instruments see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_cc.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_COMPUTE_SED"> <H2>DUSTEM_COMPUTE_SED</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_CC">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_FILTER2FLUXCONV">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_compute_sed PURPOSE: Computes an SED from a given Dustem spectrum CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: sed=dustem_compute_sed(p_dim[,st=][,cont=][,_extra=][,/help]) INPUTS: p_dim = parameter values OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: sed = computed SED for filters in !dustem_data OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: st = Dustem output structure cont = NIR continuum ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_compute_sed.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_FILTER2FLUXCONV"> <H2>DUSTEM_FILTER2FLUXCONV</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_COMPUTE_SED">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_FILTER2INSTRU">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_filter2fluxconv PURPOSE: Returns flux convention given filter name CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: flx_conv=dustem_filter2fluxconv(filter[,/help]) INPUTS: filter = Filter name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: flx_conv = Flux convention string OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Reads instrument_description.xcat at each call. Not optimal. RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES print,dustem_filter2fluxconv(['IRAS1','MIPS3']) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_filter2fluxconv.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_FILTER2INSTRU"> <H2>DUSTEM_FILTER2INSTRU</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_FILTER2FLUXCONV">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_FILTER2WAV">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_filter2instru PURPOSE: Returns instrument name given filter name CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: inst_name=dustem_filter2instru(filter[,/help]) INPUTS: filter = Filter name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: inst_name = Instrument name OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Reads instrument_description.xcat at each call. Not optimal. RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES print,dustem_filter2instru(['IRAS1','MIPS3']) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_filter2instru.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_FILTER2WAV"> <H2>DUSTEM_FILTER2WAV</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_FILTER2INSTRU">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_FILTER_INIT">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_filter2wav PURPOSE: Returns reference wavelength given filter name CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: wave=dustem_filter2wav(filter[,/help]) INPUTS: filter = Filter name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: wave = reference wavelength (microns) OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Reads instrument_description.xcat at each call. Not optimal. RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES print,dustem_filter2wav(['IRAS1','MIPS3']) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_filter2wav.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_FILTER_INIT"> <H2>DUSTEM_FILTER_INIT</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_FILTER2WAV">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_FIT_SED_README">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_filter_init PURPOSE: Initializes the dustem filter structure (!dustem_filters) CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_filter_init[,dir=] INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: initializes !dustem_filters RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_init dustem_filter_init MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_filter_init.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_FIT_SED_README"> <H2>DUSTEM_FIT_SED_README</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_FILTER_INIT">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_INIT">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_fit_sed_readme PURPOSE: This is an example of how to fit SEDs with the dustem wrapper. It is meant to be an example to follow when writing your own programs using the dustem IDL wrapper. It is not meant to reproduce the result in Compiegne et al 2010 The SED used here is in sample_SED.xcat CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_fit_sed_readme,postcript=postcript,mode=mode,help=help INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: mode = Selects one of the dust mixture used by dustem 'COMPIEGNE_ETAL2010' from Compiegne et al 2010 (default) 'DBP90' from Desert et al 1990 'DL01' from Draine & Li 2001 'DL07' from Draine & Li 2007 postcript = if set plot is done in DUSTEM/Docs/Figures/Last_dustem_fit.ps help = If set print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The dustem fortran code must be installed The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_fit_sed_readme,mode='COMPIEGNE_ETAL2010' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.P. Bernard April 1st 2011 see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_fit_sed_readme.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_INIT"> <H2>DUSTEM_INIT</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_FIT_SED_README">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_PLANCK_FUNCTION">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_init CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_init PURPOSE: Defines system variables to run the DUSTEM code INPUTS: mode = Selects one of the dust mixture used by dustem 'COMPIEGNE_ETAL2010' from Compiegne et al 2010 (default) 'DBP90' from Desert et al 1990 'DL01' from Draine & Li 2001 'DL07' from Draine & Li 2007 dir = overrides default directory where to read data wraptest = test running dustem f90 through the wrapper plot_it = plots run result (only if wraptest) help = If set print this help OPTIONAL INPUT: None OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURE AND SUBROUTINE USED 1/ The folowing system variables are initialized to null values or empty pointers: !dustem_fit !dustem_data !dustem_inputs !dustem_params !run_ionfrac !dustem_idl_continuum !dustem_filters !dustem_verbose !dustem_show_plot 2/ optionally runs the fortran code (if wraptest) This step calls the Fortran code to run a standard model 3/ !dustem_filters is initialized calling dustem_filter_init.pro. RESTRICTIONS: The dustem fortran code must be installed The dustem idl wrapper must be installed EXAMPLES dustem_init,/wrap,/plot_it MODIFICATION HISTORY: See cvs logs Written by JPB,NF,DP Jan-2007 see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_init.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_PLANCK_FUNCTION"> <H2>DUSTEM_PLANCK_FUNCTION</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_INIT">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_PLOT_EXTINCTION">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_planck_function PURPOSE: To calculate the Planck function in units of MJy/sr CALLING SEQUENCE: bbflux = dustem_planck_function(temp,wave) INPUT PARAMETERS: WAVE in microns TEMP Scalar giving the temperature of the planck function in degree K OUTPUT PARAMETERS: BBFLUX - Scalar or vector giving the planck function at the specified wavelength points. EXAMPLES: RESTRICTIONS: Values less than approximately 1E-24 are truncated to 0. PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_planck_function.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_PLOT_EXTINCTION"> <H2>DUSTEM_PLOT_EXTINCTION</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_PLANCK_FUNCTION">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_PLOT_FIT_SED">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_plot_extinction PURPOSE: Plots a Dustem extinction CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_plot_extinction,st,st_model[,/help][,_extra=] INPUTS: st = Dustem model output structure st_model = Dustem model parameters structure OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: _extra = extra parameters for the plot routine OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: model is plotted RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_init,/wrap dir_in=getenv('DUSTEM_SOFT_DIR')+'/src/dustem3.8_web/' st_model=dustem_read_all(dir_in) dir=getenv('DUSTEM_RES') st=dustem_read_all_res(dir_in) loadct,13 dustem_plot_extinction,st,st_model,yr=[1.e-6,1.e0],/ysty,xr=[1.,400],/xsty MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_plot_extinction.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_PLOT_FIT_SED"> <H2>DUSTEM_PLOT_FIT_SED</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_PLOT_EXTINCTION">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_PLOT_NUINU_EM">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_plot_fit_sed PURPOSE: Plots a Dustem model and SED. Parameter values and error are printed on plot. Used for plotting results during fit. CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_plot_fit_sed,st,sed,cont[,/no_spec_error][,res=][,errors=][,chi2=][,rchi2=][/help][_extra=] INPUTS: st = Dustem model output structure sed = Dustem model SED cont = Dustem model NIR continuum OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: res = fit result values. If set values are written on plot. errors = fit result errors. If set values are written on plot. chi2 = fit chi^2. if set value is written on plot. rchi2 = Reduced fit chi^2. if set value is written on plot. _extra = extra parameters for the plot routine OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: SED and model are plotted RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_plot_fit_sed,st,sed,cont MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_plot_fit_sed.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_PLOT_NUINU_EM"> <H2>DUSTEM_PLOT_NUINU_EM</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_PLOT_FIT_SED">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_READ_ALL">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_plot_nuinu_em PURPOSE: Plots a Dustem spectrum CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_plot_fit_sed,st[,/help][,_extra=] INPUTS: st = Dustem model output structure OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: _extra = extra parameters for the plot routine OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: model is plotted RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_init,/wrap dir=getenv('DUSTEM_RES') st=dustem_read_all_res(dir) dustem_plot_nuinu_em,st,yr=[1e-28,1.e-22],/ysty,xr=[1,5e3],/xsty MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_plot_nuinu_em.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_READ_ALL"> <H2>DUSTEM_READ_ALL</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_PLOT_NUINU_EM">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_READ_ALL_RES">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_read_all PURPOSE: Reads all Dustem input data CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_all(dir_in,silent=silent,help=help) INPUTS: dir_in: input directory OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st: input structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: silent = If set, function is silent help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_init dir=getenv('DUSTEM_SOFT_DIR')+'/src/dustem3.8_web/' st=dustem_read_all(dir) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_read_all.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_READ_ALL_RES"> <H2>DUSTEM_READ_ALL_RES</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_READ_ALL">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_RESTORE_SED_FIT">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_read_all_res PURPOSE: Reads all Dustem outputs CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_all_res(dir_out[,/silent][,/help]) INPUTS: dir_out: Dustem output directory OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st: Dustem output structure structure: DUSTEM STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[800] WAV FLOAT 0.0400000 EM_GRAIN_1 FLOAT 0.00000 EM_GRAIN_2 FLOAT 0.00000 EM_GRAIN_3 FLOAT 0.00000 EM_GRAIN_4 FLOAT 0.00000 EM_GRAIN_5 FLOAT 0.00000 EM_TOT FLOAT 0.00000 EXT STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[799] WAV FLOAT 0.0406570 ABS_GRAIN FLOAT Array[5] SCA_GRAIN FLOAT Array[5] OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help silent = If set, function is silent COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_init,/wrap dir=getenv('DUSTEM_RES') st=dustem_read_all_res(dir) help,st,/str MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_read_all_res.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_RESTORE_SED_FIT"> <H2>DUSTEM_RESTORE_SED_FIT</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_READ_ALL_RES">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_RUN">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_restore_sed_fit PURPOSE: Restore Dustem SED fit results from a file. CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_restore_sed_fit,file[,/help] INPUTS: file = File name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: The !dustem_fit structure is updated The !dustem_data, !dustem_filters, !dustem_verbose and !run_ionfrac are also affected. RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_fit_sed_readme file=getenv('DUSTEM_RES')+'DUSTEM_fit_example.sav' dustem_restore_sed_fit,file MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_restore_sed_fit.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_RUN"> <H2>DUSTEM_RUN</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_RESTORE_SED_FIT">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_RUN_README">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_run PURPOSE: Runs the DUSTEM code and returns the results into a structure. CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_run(params[,/help]) INPUTS: params = model parameter values OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st: output structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES st=dustem_run(params) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard, N. Flagey, D. Paradis Jan 2007 see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_run.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_RUN_README"> <H2>DUSTEM_RUN_README</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_RUN">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_SAVE_SED_FIT">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_run_readme PURPOSE: This is an example of how to run dustem SEDs with the dustem wrapper. CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_run_readme,mode=mode,help=help,/postcript,/help,/plot_it INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: mode = Selects one of the dust mixture used by dustem 'COMPIEGNE_ETAL2010' from Compiegne et al 2010 (default) 'DBP90' from Desert et al 1990 'DL01' from Draine & Li 2001 'DL07' from Draine & Li 2007 postcript = if set, plot is done in DUSTEM/Docs/Figures/Last_dustem_fit.ps help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The dustem fortran code must be installed The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_run_readme,mode='COMPIEGNE_ETAL2010' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.P. Bernard April 1st 2011 see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_run_readme.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_SAVE_SED_FIT"> <H2>DUSTEM_SAVE_SED_FIT</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_RUN_README">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_SET_DATA">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_save_sed_fit PURPOSE: Save Dustem SED fit results in a file CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_save_sed_fit,file[,/help] INPUTS: file = File name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: File is stored. The stored data are taken from !dustem_fit, !dustem_data, !dustem_filters, !dustem_verbose and !run_ionfrac RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_save_sed_fit.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_SET_DATA"> <H2>DUSTEM_SET_DATA</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_SAVE_SED_FIT">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_SET_FUNC_IND">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_set_data PURPOSE: Initializes the dustem data structure (!dustem_data) CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_set_data,spec[,help=] INPUTS: spec: array of structures containing a SED OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: initializes !dustem_data wavelengths are forced to be the central filter wavelength for photometric data RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_init dir=getenv('DUSTEM_SOFT_DIR')+'/src/dustem3.8_web/SEDs/' file=dir+'Gal_composite_spectrum.xcat' spec=read_xcat(file,/silent) dustem_set_data,spec MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_set_data.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_SET_FUNC_IND"> <H2>DUSTEM_SET_FUNC_IND</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_SET_DATA">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_WRITE_ALL">[Next Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_set_func_ind CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_set_func_ind PURPOSE: Sorts the parameter descriptions and values the way they must be processed. INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT: None OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURE AND SUBROUTINE USED Parameter description (!param_desc) and values (!init_value) are ordered the way they should be processed. The ordered information is put into system variables !PDO and !IDO respectively If the isrf is being modified, then, PAH ionization fraction is set to be updated as well. SIDE EFFECTS: !PDO and !IDO variables are set. Optionally !ionfrac is set. The !func_ind variable is set. MODIFICATION HISTORY: See cvs logs Written by NF,JPB,DP Jan-2007 </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_set_func_ind.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> <A NAME="DUSTEM_WRITE_ALL"> <H2>DUSTEM_WRITE_ALL</H2></A> <A HREF="#DUSTEM_SET_FUNC_IND">[Previous Routine]</A> <A HREF="#ROUTINELIST">[List of Routines]</A> <PRE> NAME: dustem_write_all PURPOSE: Write all Dustem input data CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_all,st,dir_out[,/help] INPUTS: st: Dustem input structure dir_out: output directory OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_init dir=getenv('DUSTEM_SOFT_DIR')+'/src/dustem3.8_web/' st=dustem_read_all(dir) dirout=getenv('DUSTEM_DAT') dustem_write_all,st,dirout MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard (Jean-Philippe.Bernard@cesr.fr) in case of problems. </PRE><P> <STRONG>(See /Users/jpb/Soft_Librairies/DUSTEM/src/idl/dustem_write_all.pro)</STRONG><P> <HR> </body> </html>