PRO dustem_define_grid,table_name,filters,help=help, $ table_params=table_params,table_pmins=table_pmins,table_pmaxs=table_pmaxs,table_pnvals=table_pnvals,table_plogs=table_plogs ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_define_grid ; PURPOSE: ; loads an SED Grid table into !dustem_grid ; CATEGORY: ; Dustem ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_define_grid,table_name,filters[,table_params=][,table_pmins=][,table_pmaxs=][,table_pnvals=][,table_plogs=] ; INPUTS: ; table_name : fits file name containing the grid ; filters : name of dustemwrap filters to be included in the GRID ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; NONE ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; table_params= parameter names in the grid table ; table_pmins= parameter min values in the grid table ; table_pmaxs= parameter max values in the grid table ; table_pnvals= parameter number of values in the grid table ; table_plogs= 1=parameter values in log in the grid table, 0=linear ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = If set, print this help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; !dustem_grid is updated ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The DustEM fortran code must be installed ; The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; EXAMPLES ; dustem_make_sed_table,'DBP90',['(*!dustem_params).G0','(*!dustem_params).grains(0).mdust_o_mh'], $ ; [0.1,1.e-3],[100.,1.e-1],[10,3],filename='/tmp/IRAS_GO.fits',log=[1,0],/show_seds, $ ; filters=[dustem_instru2filters('IRAC'),dustem_instru2filters('SPIRE')] ; dustem_define_grid,/tmp/IRAS_GO.fits',['IRAC3','SPIRE2'] ; help,!dustem_grid ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by J.-Ph. Bernard (2023) ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_define_grid' goto,the_end ENDIF ;=== read the grid table message,'reading grid data from '+table_name,/continue info=file_info(table_name) IF info.exists THEN BEGIN st=mrdfits(table_name,1,h) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN message,'grid data '+table_name+' not found',/continue stop ENDELSE ;stop ;=== get filters and params names from grid table header i=0L table_filters=[''] fname='bidon' count=1 WHILE count NE 0 DO BEGIN fname=sxpar(h,'FNAME'+strtrim(i+1,2),count=count) IF count NE 0 THEN table_filters=[table_filters,strtrim(fname,2)] i=i+1 ENDWHILE table_filters=table_filters[1:*] Ntfilters=n_elements(table_filters) table_params=[''] table_pmins=[0.d0] table_pmaxs=[0.d0] table_pnvals=[0L] table_plogs=[0] count=1 i=0L WHILE count NE 0 DO BEGIN pname=sxpar(h,'PNAME'+strtrim(i+1,2),count=count) IF count NE 0 THEN BEGIN table_params=[table_params,strtrim(pname,2)] pmin=sxpar(h,'PMIN'+strtrim(i+1,2),count=count) pmax=sxpar(h,'PMAX'+strtrim(i+1,2),count=count) pnval=sxpar(h,'PNVAL'+strtrim(i+1,2),count=count) plog=sxpar(h,'PLOG'+strtrim(i+1,2),count=count) table_pmins=[table_pmins,pmin] table_pmaxs=[table_pmaxs,pmax] table_pnvals=[table_pnvals,pnval] table_plogs=[table_plogs,plog] ENDIF i=i+1 ENDWHILE table_params=table_params[1:*] table_pmins=table_pmins[1:*] table_pmaxs=table_pmaxs[1:*] table_pnvals=table_pnvals[1:*] table_plogs=table_plogs[1:*] Ntparams=n_elements(table_params) ;=== select only requested filters ;stop Nfilters=n_elements(filters) keep_tfilters=intarr(Ntfilters) tags=tag_names(st) FOR i=0L,Nfilters-1 DO BEGIN ind=where(table_filters EQ filters[i],count) IF count NE 0 THEN keep_tfilters[ind]=1 ENDFOR ;stop ; FOR i=0L,Ntfilters-1 DO BEGIN IF keep_tfilters[i] EQ 0 THEN BEGIN col_name=tags[i+Ntparams] st=structure_remove_column(st,col_name) ENDIF ENDFOR ;==== recompute totals Nlines=n_elements(st) Nsed=n_elements(st) ;==== recompute totals (needed if some columns have been removed) FOR i=0L,Nsed-1 DO BEGIN this_total=0.d0 FOR j=0L,Nfilters-1 DO BEGIN this_total=this_total+(st[i]).(j+Ntparams) ENDFOR st[i].total=this_total ENDFOR ;stop dustem_grid={Nsed:Nsed,Nfilters:Nfilters,Nparams:Ntparams,filters:filters,params:table_params,seds:st,pmin_values:table_pmins,pmax_values:table_pmaxs} defsysv,'!dustem_grid',dustem_grid message,'Defined !dustem_grid',/continue the_end: END