FUNCTION dustem_mpfit_data,tol=tol,Nitermax=Nitermax,gtol=gtol,function_name=function_name,xtol=xtol,_extra=_extra ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_mpfit_data ; ; PURPOSE: ; call MPFIT to fit observational datas using ponderated reduced chi2 ; between extinction, emission, and polarisation as defined in !fit_rchi2_weight ; ; CATEGORY: ; Dustem ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; res=dustem_mpfit_data(tol=tol,Nitermax=Nitermax,gtol=gtol) ; ; INPUTS: ; None ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = If set, print this help ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The DustEM fortran code must be installed ; The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed ; ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; ; EXAMPLES ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by V. Guillet (2012) ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_mpfit_data' goto,the_end ENDIF disp_str='=====================================================' IF not keyword_set(function_name) THEN BEGIN func_name='dustem_mpfit_run' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN func_name=function_name ENDELSE ;functargs={plot_it:1} use_tol=1.e-14 ;Default tolerance value use_Nitermax=3 ;Default maximum number of iterations IF keyword_set(tol) THEN use_tol=tol IF keyword_set(Nitermax) THEN use_Nitermax=Nitermax ; Build array concatenating observational data if !run_pol then begin ind_data_tag=dustem_data_tag(count=count_data_tag) tagnames=tag_names(*!dustem_data) testpol = tagnames EQ 'POLSED' or tagnames EQ 'POLEXT' or tagnames EQ 'POLFRAC' or tagnames EQ 'PSI_EM' or tagnames EQ 'PSI_EXT' or tagnames EQ 'FPOLEXT' data_ind=where(~testpol,ctestpol) if ctestpol ne 0 then begin match,ind_data_tag,data_ind,ind1,ind2 ;not using match2 because when matching indices, if the first is 0 it doesn't count which is wrong. ;we also only need the points that match. ind_data_tag = ind_data_tag[ind1] count_data_tag = n_elements(ind_data_tag) endif endif else ind_data_tag=dustem_data_tag(count=count_data_tag) fields=['wav','values','sigma'] FOR j=0,n_elements(fields)-1 DO BEGIN instruc = fields(j)+' = ([0' ; we add 0 first to allow for ',' after it for i=0, count_data_tag-1 do begin $ ; Add each data set ; Adapt sigma to the reduced chi2 ponderation defined in !fit_rchi2_weight between sed, ext, polext and polsed ; Total_reduced_chi2_driving_mpfit = sum_i ( chi2_i * (weight_i/n_i) ) ; n : the total number of observational variables in the data ; n_i : the number of obs. variable in data i ; w_i : the weight for data i from !fit_rchi2_weight for the ponderation of reduced chi2 ; ex : w_sed = 0.8, w_ext = 0.2 , i.e. rchi2_sed counts 4 times as much as rchi2_ext ; sed : 314 pts, ext : 52 pts, i.e. 6 times much more constraints in sed than in ext ; sigma_sed *= sqrt(314./366/0.8) = 1.03 ; sigma_ext *= sqrt(52./366./0.2) = 0.84 ; By increasing sigma by a factor w, we diminish the weight of the corresponding point by a factor w^2 if count_data_tag gt 1 and j eq 2 then begin ; sigma ponderation = sqrt(ni/wi) if !fit_rchi2_weight.(i) gt 0 then begin weight = sqrt(1./!fit_rchi2_weight.(i) ) endif else begin weight = 1.d99 endelse endif else begin weight = 1. endelse ;print,"WEIGHT",i,j,weight,n_elements((*!dustem_data.(i)).sigma),"/",n_elements(wav) instruc += ', ((*(*!dustem_data).(' + strtrim(ind_data_tag(i),2) + ')).'+fields(j)+')*'+strtrim(weight,2) ;print,"INSTRUC",instruc endfor instruc += '])(1:*)' ; from 1 to exclude first 0 ;print,'-> INSTRUC: ',instruc toto=execute(instruc) ; Variables wav, values & sigma are created ENDFOR ;stop IF tag_exist(_extra,'show_plot') THEN !dustem_show_plot = _extra.show_plot nocatch=!dustem_nocatch p_min = dustem_mpfitfun(func_name,wav,values,sigma, $ parinfo=(*!dustem_parinfo), perror=perror, yfit=yfit, $ bestnorm=bestnorm, dof=dof,quiet=quiet, status=status, xtol=xtol, niter=niter_completed, ftol=use_tol, $ maxiter=use_Nitermax,gtol=gtol,errmsg=errmsg,functargs=_extra,nocatch=nocatch) ;stop message,errmsg,/info message,'mpfitfun Status='+strtrim(status,2),/info p_dim=p_min*(*(*!dustem_fit).param_init_values) !dustem_end = 1 ;PRINT RESULTS print,'<°)))>< <°)))>< <°)))>< <°)))>< <°)))>< <°)))>< <°)))>< <°)))><' print,'Reached the end of ... ' message, 'The best-fitting / final values of model free parameters are : ',/continue print, p_dim print,'<°)))>< <°)))>< <°)))>< <°)))>< <°)))>< <°)))>< <°)))>< <°)))><' IF !dustem_noobj THEN BEGIN dustemwrap_plot_noobj,p_dim,stp,_extra=_extra ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dustemwrap_plot,p_dim,stp,_extra=_extra ENDELSE RETURN, p_dim END