PRO dustem_make_sed_table,model, $ parameters_description, $ iv_min, $ iv_max, $ iv_Nvalues, $ fpd=fpd, $ fiv=fiv, $ filename=filename, $ filters=filters, $ log=log, $ show_seds=show_seds, $ use_isrf_class=use_isrf_class, $ isrf_class=isrf_class, $ help=help ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_make_sed_table ; PURPOSE: ; makes an SED lookup table using dustemwrap for a given dust model and free parameters ; CATEGORY: ; Dustem ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_make_sed_table,model,parameters_description,parvalues_min,parvalues_max,parvalues_Nvalues, $ ; [,fpd=][,fiv=][,filename=][,filters=][,log=][,/show_seds] ; INPUTS: ; model : dustemwrap model name to be used ; parameters_description : dustemwrap parameter description array ; parvalues_min : minimum values for each parameter ; parvalues_max : maximum values for each parameter ; parvalues_Nvalues : number of parameter values for each parameter ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; filters : name of dustemwrap filters to be included in the SED calculations (default = IRAS filters) ; fpd : fixed parameter description ; fiv : fixed parameter values ; isrf_class ; If set use_isrf_class is set, uses ISRF from this PHANGs ISRF class ; filename : output fits file name for the table (default ='/tmp/dustem_seds.fits') ; log : array indicating if a given parameter is to be sampled in linear (0) or log scale (1) ; show_seds : if set, plots SEDs as they are computed. ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; use_isrf_class = If set, uses ISRF from a given PHANGs ISRF class ; help = If set, print this help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; A file is written ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The DustEM fortran code must be installed ; The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; EXAMPLES ; dustem_make_sed_table,'DBP90',['(*!dustem_params).G0','(*!dustem_params).grains(0).mdust_o_mh'], $ ; [0.1,1.e-3],[100.,1.e-1],[10,3],filename='/tmp/IRAS_GO.fits',log=[1,0],/show_seds, $ ; filters=[dustem_instru2filters('IRAC'),dustem_instru2filters('SPIRE')] ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by J.-Ph. Bernard (2023) ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_make_sed_table' goto,the_end ENDIF Nparams=n_elements(parameters_description) ;== INITIALISE DUSTEM use_polarization=0 dustem_init,model=model,pol=use_polarisation !dustem_verbose=1 !dustem_show_plot=1 !dustem_which='RELEASE' use_filters=[dustem_instru2filters('NIRCAM'),dustem_instru2filters('MIRI'),dustem_instru2filters('IRAS'),dustem_instru2filters('PACS'),dustem_instru2filters('SPIRE'),dustem_instru2filters('HFI')] IF keyword_set(filters) THEN use_filters=filters wavs=dustem_filter2wav(use_filters) order=sort(wavs) use_filters=use_filters[order] ;stop Nfilters=n_elements(use_filters) ;==== compute all combinations of model parameter values parameter_values=dustem_param_range2param_values(iv_min,iv_max,iv_Nvalues,Nc=Nc,log=log) ;=== initialize filters for the SED Nfilt=n_elements(use_filters) ;stop sed=dustem_initialize_sed(Nfilt) sed.filter=use_filters sed.wave=dustem_filter2wav(use_filters) sed.instru=dustem_filter2instru(use_filters) ;=== initialize IQU and associated errors to avoid problems when checking SED in sed[*].StokesI=1.e-10 sed.StokesQ=sed.StokesI/100. sed.StokesU=sed.StokesI/100. sed.SigmaII=sed.StokesI/100. sed.SigmaQQ=sed.StokesI/100. sed.SigmaUU=sed.StokesI/100. sed.SigmaIQ=sed.StokesI/100. sed.SigmaIU=sed.StokesI/100. sed.SigmaQU=sed.StokesI/100. ;=== initialize wavelengths for the EXTINCTION use_next=100 ; number of extinction measurements use_wave=10^(alog10(0.01)+alog10(50)*findgen(use_next)/float(use_next)) ; wavelengths at which extinction is defined if keyword_set(next) then use_next=next if keyword_set(wave) then $ use_wave=range_gen(use_next,[wave[0],wave[1]],/log) ext=dustem_initialize_ext(use_next) ext.instru='EXTINCTION' ext.filter='SPECTRUM' ext.wave=use_wave ;=== initialize IQU and associated errors to avoid problems when checking EXT in ext[*].EXT_I=1.e-10 ext.EXT_Q=ext.EXT_I/100. ext.EXT_U=ext.EXT_I/100. ext.SIGEXTII=ext.EXT_I/1000. ext.SIGEXTQQ=ext.EXT_I/1000. ext.SIGEXTUU=ext.EXT_I/1000. ext.SIGEXTIQ=ext.EXT_I/1000. ext.SIGEXTIU=ext.EXT_I/1000. ext.SIGEXTQU=ext.EXT_I/1000. dustem_set_data,m_fit=sed,m_show=sed,x_fit=ext,x_show=ext ;=== initialize at least one parameter as 'free' ;=== this is only to keep dustemwrap happy in its management of variables ;=== no fitting is going to be done ;pd = ['(*!dustem_params).gas.G0'] ; G0 ;pval = [-1.e-20] pd=parameters_description ;=== declare some other parameters as fixed ;=== this shows how to add any non-dust plugins to the observed spectra/SED ;=== for the dust-model parameters, it is not necessary, but allows the ;=== user to (i) change default values and (2) see the adopted values in the graphical output windows ;fpd=parameters_description seds=ptrarr(Nc) yrange=[1.e-5,1.e5] colors=long(range_gen(Nc,[0,255])) loadct,13 FOR i=0L,Nc-1 DO BEGIN ;dustem_init,model=model,pol=use_polarisation ;dustem_set_data,m_fit=sed,m_show=sed,x_fit=ext,x_show=ext dummy=0 ;otherwise model is not recomputed !! ;fpval = *parameter_values[i] pval = *parameter_values[i] message,'================= computing model '+strtrim(i,2)+'/'+strtrim(Nc,2)+' ('+strtrim(1.*i/Nc*100.)+'%)',/continue ;print,'parameter_values=',fpval print,'parameter_values=',pval ;=== initialise all this information into dustemwrap's brain ;stop ;dustem_init_params,model,pd,pval,fpd=fpd,fiv=fpval,pol=use_polarisation dustem_init_params,model,pd,pval,fpd=fpd,fiv=fiv,pol=use_polarisation ;=== compute the predicted SED and extinction curve for the dust-model ;=== and any plugins dustem_Ised=dustem_compute_sed(pval,st=dummy) dustem_Qsed=dustem_Ised*0. dustem_Used=dustem_Ised*0. ; uncomment following lines if running a polarisation model and you ;want predictions of QU ;toto=dustem_compute_stokes(pval,st=dummy) ;this procedure also allows for the extraction of the spectra ;dustem_qsed = toto[0] ;dustem_used = toto[1] ;This is for extinction. Not used at the moment. ;dustem_iext=dustem_compute_ext(pval,st=dummy) ;dustem_Qext=dustem_Iext*0. ;dustem_Uext=dustem_Iext*0. ; uncomment following lines if running a polarisation model and you ;want predictions of QU ;toto=dustem_compute_stokext(pval,st=dummy) ;this procedure also allows for the extraction of the spectra ;dustem_qext = toto[0] ;dustem_uext = toto[1] ;== Now we have a predicted SED (I), we fill up a structure that we ;== will write to the sed_outfile ;== if you sed.stokesI=dustem_Ised sed.stokesQ=dustem_Qsed sed.stokesU=dustem_Used ;=== set uncertainties for I,Q,U to 0. sed.sigmaII=0. sed.sigmaQQ=0. sed.sigmaUU=0. ;=== set covariances to 0. sed.sigmaIQ=0. sed.sigmaIU=0. sed.sigmaQU=0. ;==== fill in dependent columns of the SED. sed=dustem_fill_sed_dependent_columns(sed) seds[i]=ptr_new(sed) IF keyword_set(show_seds) THEN BEGIN IF i EQ 0 THEN BEGIN tit='Grid SEDs model '+model xtit='Wavelength [mic]' ytit='SED [MJy/sr for NH=1.e20 H/cm^2]' cgplot,(*seds[i]).wave,(*seds[i]).stokesI,psym=-4,/ylog,yr=yrange,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,tit=tit,/xlog ENDIF ELSE BEGIN cgoplot,(*seds[i]).wave,(*seds[i]).stokesI,psym=-4,color=colors[i] ENDELSE ENDIF ;stop ENDFOR ;stop str='one_sed={' FOR i=0L,Nparams-1 DO BEGIN str=str+'P'+strtrim(i+1,2)+':0.d0,' ENDFOR FOR i=0L,Nfilters-1 DO BEGIN ;istr=strtrim(i+1,2) istr=strtrim(use_filters[i],2) str=str+'I'+istr+':0.d0' IF use_polarization EQ 1 THEN str=str+',Q'+istr+':0.d0,U'+istr+':0.d0' ;IF i NE Nfilters-1 THEN str=str+',' ELSE str=str+'}' str=str+',' ENDFOR str=str+'total:0.d0}' toto=execute(str) ;stop Noffset=1 IF use_polarization EQ 1 THEN Noffset=3 seds_array=replicate(one_sed,Nc) FOR i=0L,Nc-1 DO BEGIN FOR j=0L,Nparams-1 DO BEGIN seds_array[i].(j)=(*parameter_values[i])[j] ENDFOR sum=0.d0 FOR j=0L,Nfilters-1 DO BEGIN pos=Nparams+j*Noffset seds_array[i].(pos)=((*seds[i]).stokesI)[j] sum=sum+((*seds[i]).stokesI)[j] ;======== compute the sum of SEDs ENDFOR seds_array[i].total=sum ENDFOR ;======== save SED tables ;use_sed_outfile='/tmp/dustem_seds.xcat' ;write_xcat,seds_array,use_sed_outfile ;message,'Wrote '+use_sed_outfile,/continue fits_file='/tmp/dustem_seds.fits' IF keyword_set(filename) THEN fits_file=filename mwrfits,seds_array,fits_file,header,/create st=mrdfits(fits_file,0,h) st1=mrdfits(fits_file,1,h1) sxaddpar,h1,'MODEL',model,'dustemwrap model used',after='TFORM'+strtrim(Nparams+Nfilters,2) sxaddpar,h1,'POLAR',use_polarization,'dustemwrap polarization ?',after='MODEL' FOR j=0L,Nparams-1 DO BEGIN value=sxpar(h1,'TTYPE'+strtrim(j+1,2)) sxaddpar,h1,'TTYPE'+strtrim(j+1,2),value,'dustemwrap '+parameters_description[j] sxaddpar,h1,'PNAME'+strtrim(j+1,2),parameters_description[j],'dustemwrap param name' ;iv_min,iv_max,iv_Nvalues,Nc=Nc,log=log sxaddpar,h1,'PMIN'+strtrim(j+1,2),iv_min[j],'minimum param value' sxaddpar,h1,'PMAX'+strtrim(j+1,2),iv_max[j],'maximum param value' sxaddpar,h1,'PNVAL'+strtrim(j+1,2),iv_Nvalues[j],'Number of param values' sxaddpar,h1,'PLOG'+strtrim(j+1,2),log[j],'1 if log scale sampling' last_pname='PLOG'+strtrim(j+1,2) IF j EQ 0 THEN first_pname='PNAME'+strtrim(j+1,2) ENDFOR j0=j sxaddpar,h1,'COMMENT','**** Dustemwrap PARAMETERS ***',before=first_pname sxaddpar,h1,'COMMENT','**** Dustemwrap FILTERS ***',after=last_pname FOR j=0L,Nfilters-1 DO BEGIN jj=j+j0 value=sxpar(h1,'TTYPE'+strtrim(jj+1,2)) sxaddpar,h1,'TTYPE'+strtrim(jj+1,2),value,'Intensity in '+use_filters[j] sxaddpar,h1,'FNAME'+strtrim(j+1,2),use_filters[j],'dustemwrap filter name' ENDFOR ;stop mwrfits,seds_array,fits_file,h1,/create message,'Wrote '+fits_file,/continue toto=mrdfits(fits_file,1,header) ;hprint,header ;stop the_end: END