PRO dustem_set_params,params,help=help ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_set_params ; ; PURPOSE: ; Initialise the *!dustem_fit system variable with the free ; parameters used in the fit and their general handling by DustEMWrap. ; ; CATEGORY: ; DustEMWrap, Mid-Level, Distributed, Initialization ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_set_params,params[,/help] ; ; INPUTS: ; params -- free parameters to be used in the fit ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = If set print this help ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; initializes information in !dustem_fit ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed ; ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; ; EXAMPLES ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by J.-Ph. Bernard 2007 ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_set_params' goto,the_end ENDIF ;if empty description, do nothing ind=where(*(*!dustem_fit).param_descs EQ '',count) IF count EQ n_elements(*(*!dustem_fit).param_descs) THEN BEGIN message,'param_descs not set. Doing nothing',/continue stop goto,the_end ENDIF Nparams=n_elements(*(*!dustem_fit).param_descs) dustem_set_func_ind,*(*!dustem_fit).param_descs,params ;SET THE PARAMETER VALUES IN DUSTEM INPUT FILES FOR i=0L,Nparams-1 DO BEGIN status=dustem_parameter_description2type((*(*!dustem_fit).param_descs)[i],string_name=string_name) IF !dustem_verbose THEN BEGIN message,(*(*!dustem_fit).param_descs)[i]+' is '+status,/continue ENDIF CASE status OF 'WRAPPER': BEGIN str=(*(*!dustem_fit).param_descs)(i)+'=params[i]' toto=execute(str) IF !dustem_verbose NE 0 THEN message,str,/info END 'FORTRAN': BEGIN str=(*(*!dustem_fit).param_descs)(i)+'=params[i]';'=params['+strtrim(string(i),2)+']' toto=execute(str) IF !dustem_verbose NE 0 THEN message,str,/info END 'PLUGIN': BEGIN ;Not to be used for the moment. END ENDCASE ENDFOR dustem_write_all,*!dustem_params,!dustem_dat the_end: END