PRO dustem_cc_print,filters,norestart=norestart,help=help ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_cc_print ; ; PURPOSE: ; Print out numerical values of color correction for a given spectrum in a given filter ; This is a sanity checking routine. ; Output should be compared to the color-correction tables published by different ; instrument teams. See also ; e.g. 1 MIPS HandBook, page 98 ; ; ; AND ; e.g. 2 IRAS Explanatory Supplement, Table VI.C.6 ; ; ; CATEGORY: ; DustEMWrap, Distributed, Low-Level, User convenience, Development ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_cc_print,filters[,restart=restart,help=help] ; ; INPUTS: ; filter: names of filters for which color correction will be printed ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = If set, print this help ; norestart = If set, do not reinitialise DustEMWrap ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The DustEM fortran code must be installed ; The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed ; If restart is not set, this routine should be called after the ; successful completion of a DustEMWrap run (i.e. without quitting the ; IDL session) since it will use existing system variables ; ; PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: ; ; EXAMPLES ; dustem_cc_print,['MIRI1','MIRI6'] ; dustem_cc_print,['IRAS1','IRAC2'],/norestart ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by JPB Apr-2011 ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_cc_print' goto,the_end ENDIF ;== Check if user gave us filters if not keyword_set(filters) then begin message,'You must provide a list of filters',/info stop end ;== Initialize DustemWrap if restart requested if not keyword_set(norestart) then begin dustem_init Nwav=50000 & wavmin=0.1 & wavmax=500. wavs=findgen(Nwav)/(Nwav-1)*(wavmax-wavmin)+wavmin wavs=10^(alog10(wavmin)+alog10(wavmax)*(dindgen(Nwav+1)/Nwav)) restart=0 end else begin st=dustem_run() wavs=st.sed.wav end Nfilt=n_elements(filters) wavref=dustem_filter2wav(filters) ;== Compute color corrections for power laws of frequency pows=[3,2.5,2,2.5,1,0.5,0,-0.5,-1,-1.5,-2.,-2.5] Nv=n_elements(pows) K=fltarr(Nv,Nfilt) frmt_tit1='(A10,A10,A10,13F9.3)' frmt1='(A10,A10,15F9.3)' FOR i=0L,Nv-1 DO BEGIN spec=wavs^(-1.*pows[i]) sed=dustem_cc(wavs,spec,filters,cc=cc,fluxconv=fluxconv,help=help) K[i,*]=cc ENDFOR print,'====== Power laws, spectral index between -3 and 3 ======' print,'Filters','AltName','lambda0',pows,format=frmt_tit1 print,'=========================================================' FOR i=0L,Nfilt-1 DO print,filters[i],dustem_filter2name(filters[i]),wavref[i],K[*,i],format=frmt1 print,'=========================================================' print,'=========================================================' print,'' ;== Compute color corrections for Black Bodies Ts=1.e3*[3.,4,6,8,10.] Nv=n_elements(Ts) K=fltarr(Nv,Nfilt) frmt_tit2='(A10,A10,A10,16I9)' FOR i=0L,Nv-1 DO BEGIN spec=dustem_planck_function(Ts[i],wavs) sed=dustem_cc(wavs,spec,filters,cc=cc,fluxconv=fluxconv,help=help) K[i,*]=cc ENDFOR ;== print results print,'====== Blackbodies, temperatures between 20 and 10000K ======' print,'Filters','AltName','lambda0',Ts,format=frmt_tit2 print,'=============================================================' FOR i=0L,Nfilt-1 DO print,filters[i],dustem_filter2name(filters[i]),wavref[i],K[*,i],format=frmt1 print,'=============================================================' print,'=============================================================' ;stop the_end: END