;   Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770
;   craigm@lheamail.gsfc.nasa.gov
;   Convert Good Time Interval (GTI) to evenly sampled mask array
;                   GOOD=, BAD=, /FILL, /INVERT])
;   The function GTI2MASK converts an existing valid Good Time
;   Interval (GTI) array to a mask array.  By definition a GTI
;   indicates an array of intervals which are not on an evenly sampled
;   array.  This routine either accepts a time grid from the user, or
;   the grid must be described by the TLIMITS and TIMEDEL keywords.
;   The output mask array describes whether each grid point lies
;   within a good interval or not.  There is full control over the
;   values of the good and bad values.
;   This routine is the inverse of MASK2GTI.
;   It should be noted that this function is not constrained to
;   operation only on time arrays.  It should work on any
;   one-dimensional quantity with intervals.
;   GTI - a 2xNINTERVAL array where NINTERVAL is the number of
;         intervals.  GTI(*,i) represent the start and stop times of
;         interval number i.  The intervals must be non-overlapping
;         and time-ordered (use GTITRIM to achieve this).
;         A scalar value of zero indicates that the GTI is empty, ie,
;         there are no good intervals.
;   TIME - optional time array that specifies the time grid for the
;          mask array.  If TIME is not specified then the user must
;          give the TLIMITS and TIMEDEL keywords to fully describe the
;          grid spacing.  The TIME array is overwritten if the FILL
;          keyword is used.
;   TLIMITS - a 2-element array giving the start and stop limits over
;             which the mask array is to be generated.  The TLIMITS
;             and TIMEDEL keywords are required if the TIME parameter
;             is not given.
;   TIMEDEL - a scalar specifying the interval between grid points.
;             The TLIMITS and TIMEDEL keywords are required if the
;             TIME parameter is not given.
;   NTBINS - upon return, this keyword contains the number of time
;            samples created.
;   GOOD - the value of "good" in the output mask array.
;          Default: 1b
;   BAD - the value of "bad" in the output mask array.
;         Default: 0b
;   INVERT - if set, the array GTI is treated as a "bad" time
;            interval, ie, the GOOD and BAD values are swapped.
;   FILL - if set, the array TIME is filled with values determined
;          from the TLIMITS and TIMEDEL keyword.
;   A mask array, either sampled at the points specified by TIME, or
;   by the grid specified by TLIMITS and TIMEDEL.  The "good" value
;   indicates that the point lies within the good interval, while a
;   "bad" value indicates the point was outside.
;   Written, CM, 1997-2001
;   Documented, CM, Apr 2001
;   Add internal OVERLAP and MINFRACEXP keywords, CM, 03 Feb 2007
;   Refine and simplify the OVERLAP processing, CM, 14 Feb 2007
;   Handle case of /OVERLAP when there is no intersection, CM, 22 Aug 2007
;   Use VALUE_LOCATE for performance (in non-OVERLAP case), CM, 04 May 2008
;   Defend against array having one element, CM 2013-04-29
;  $Id: gti2mask.pro,v 1.8 2013/04/29 22:42:17 cmarkwar Exp $
; Copyright (C) 1997-2001, 2007, 2008, 2013, Craig Markwardt
; This software is provided as is without any warranty whatsoever.
; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute modified or
; unmodified copies is granted, provided this copyright and disclaimer
; are included unchanged.

function gti2mask, gti, time, fill=fill, query=query, $
                   tlimits=tlimits, good=good, bad=bad, invert=invert,$
                   timepixr=timepixr, timedel=timedel, ntbins=nbins, $
                   overlap=overlap, minfracexp=minfracexp, exposure=expo

  if keyword_set(query) then return, 1
  if keyword_set(overlap) AND n_elements(timedel) EQ 0 then begin
      message, 'ERROR: must specify OVERLAP and TIMEDEL together'
      return, 0

  if n_elements(good) EQ 0 then good = 1b
  if n_elements(bad)  EQ 0 then bad  = 0b
  if n_elements(invert)  EQ 0 then invert  = 0
  if n_elements(tlimits) LT 2 AND n_elements(gti) LT 2 then begin
      message, 'ERROR: could not determine TLIMITS'
      return, 0L
  if n_elements(minfracexp) EQ 0 then minfracexp = 0d
  if n_elements(tlimits) LT 2 then tlimits = [min(gti), max(gti)]
  if n_elements(timepixr) EQ 0 then timepixr = 0.D
  if n_elements(timedel)  EQ 0 then timedel  = 1.D
  nbins = long((tlimits(1) - tlimits(0))/timedel)
  if n_elements(time) EQ 0 OR keyword_set(fill) then $
    time = dindgen(nbins)*timedel + tlimits(0)
  nbins = n_elements(time)

  if keyword_set(invert) then rep = good else rep = bad
  if keyword_set(invert) then new = bad  else new = good
  mask = make_array(nbins, value=rep)
  if n_elements(gti) LT 2 then begin
      if keyword_set(overlap) then expo = dblarr(nbins)
      return, mask

  ngti = n_elements(gti) / 2
  nt = n_elements(time)

  if keyword_set(overlap) then begin
      expo = dblarr(nbins)
      i0 = value_locate([time,tlimits(1)], gti(0,*))
      i1 = value_locate([time,tlimits(1)], gti(1,*))
      for i = 0L, ngti-1 do begin
          tmin = gti(0,i)
          tmax = gti(1,i)
          i0i = i0(i)
          i1i = i1(i)
          if i0i GE nt OR i1i LE -1 then goto, NEXT_GTI_1
          if i0i EQ -1 then begin
              tmin = tlimits(0)
              i0i = 0
          if i1i EQ nt then begin
              tmax = tlimits(1)
              i1i = nt-1
          expo(i0i) = expo(i0i:i1i) + timedel
          expo(i0i) = expo(i0i) + (time(i0i)-tmin)
          expo(i1i) = expo(i1i) - (time(i1i)+timedel-tmax)
  endif else begin

      ;; Arghhh!  One-element arrays confuse VALUE_LOCATE
      if n_elements(gti) EQ 2 then begin
          ii = (time GE gti(0)) - 1
      endif else begin
          ii = value_locate(gti(0,*), time)
      if n_elements(ii) EQ 1 then ii = [ii]
      wh = where(ii GE 0 AND time LT gti(1,ii), ct)
      if ct GT 0 then mask(wh) = new

  ;; Finally determine where overlap is larger than required
  if keyword_set(overlap) then begin
      mask1 = expo GT timedel*minfracexp
      wh1 = where(mask1, ct1)
      if ct1 GT 0 then mask(wh1) = good
      wh1 = where(mask1 EQ 0, ct1)
      if ct1 GT 0 then mask(wh1) = bad

  return, mask