FUNCTION expand8bit,str,method=method ;Transform given Hexadecimal string from base 16=2^4 to base 256=2^8 ;used to transform postcript images from 4 to 8 bits/pixels ;used by ;Note: method=1 is a bit inefficient since string 'afbc10f' is in fact ;converted into 'aaffbbcc1100ff' ;Created JPB 22/12/02 mmethod=1 IF keyword_set(method) THEN mmethod=method CASE mmethod OF 1: BEGIN hexa=[strtrim(string([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]),2),['a','b','c','d','e','f']] base=16 bbase=256 len=strlen(str) strout='' FOR i=0L,len-1 DO BEGIN sstr='v=byte('+"'"+strmid(str,i,1)+"'"+'X)' toto=execute(sstr) vv=(1.*v)/(base-1)*(bbase-1) vv1=vv/base vv2=vv mod base strout=strout+hexa(vv1)+hexa(vv2) ; print,'v=',v,'vv=',vv ENDFOR END 2: BEGIN strout='' FOR i=0L,strlen(str)-1 DO BEGIN cc=strmid(str,i,1) strout=strout+cc+cc ENDFOR END ENDCASE RETURN,strout END