/astrom April 2014 This directory contain IDL procedures for manipulating FITS images which include header keywords specifying the coordinate system. The FITS header must follow the world coordinate (WCS) specification in the paper "Representations of Celestial Coordinates in FITS" by Eric Greisen and Mark Calabretta (2002, A&A, 395, 1061). This paper and other WCS documentation may be obtained from http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/fits_wcs.html. The IDL code has been validated using the test images on http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/mcalabre/WCS/sample_data/index.html Bill Thompson has written a different IDL implementation of the WCS specification which also includes support for solar and spectroscopic coordinates. His routines are available at the SolarSoftWare (SSW) library at http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/solarsoft/gen/idl/wcs/ The FITS convention defines the center of the first pixel in the array to have coordinates [1,1]. This differs from the IDL convention where the first pixel has coordinates ]0,0]. Whenever an [X,Y] position is extracted or inserted into a FITS header then this difference must be accounted for. Several procedures use an IDL structure that contains astrometry information in the following tags: .NAXIS - 2 element long vector giving dimensions of the images .CD - 2 x 2 array containing the astrometry parameters CD1_1 CD1_2 in DEGREES/PIXEL CD2_1 CD2_2 .CDELT - 2 element vector giving physical increment at the reference pixel .CRPIX - 2 element vector giving X and Y coordinates of reference pixel (def = NAXIS/2) in FITS convention (first pixel is 1,1) .CRVAL - 2 element double precision vector giving R.A. and DEC of reference pixel in DEGREES .CTYPE - 2 element string vector giving projection types, default ['RA---TAN','DEC--TAN'] .LONGPOLE - scalar longitude of north pole (default = 180) .LATPOLE - scalar giving native latitude of the celestial pole default=0) .PV2 - Vector of parameters (PV2_1, PV2_2...) needed in some projections .DISTORT - Optional substructure giving distortion parameters. Currently only implemented for the Spitzer simple imaging polynomial (SIP) see http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/registry/sip.html In July 2013, Paddy Leahy (Jodrell Bank) updated the astrometry structure to include additional information, and allow for a more complete implementation of the WCS standard. The relevant IDL procedures were updated to work with the new astrometry structure, but to also be completely backwards compatible. The new astrometry tags include the following: .PV1 - Vector of projection parameters associated with longitude axis .AXES - 2 element integer vector giving the FITS-convention axis numbers associated with astrometry, in ascending order. Default [1,2]. .REVERSE - byte, true if first astrometry axis is Dec/latitude .COORD_SYS - 1 or 2 character code giving coordinate system, including 'C' = RA/Dec, 'G' = Galactic, 'E' = Ecliptic, 'X' = unknown. .PROJECTION - 3-letter WCS projection code .KNOWN - true if IDL WCS routines recognise this projection .RADECSYS - String giving RA/Dec system e.g. 'FK4', 'ICRS' etc. .EQUINOX - Double giving the epoch of the mean equator and equinox .DATEOBS - Text string giving (start) date/time of observations .MJDOBS - Modified julian date of start of observations. .X0Y0 - Implied offset in intermediate world coordinates (x,y) if a non-standard fiducial point is set via PV1 and also PV1_0a =/ 0, indicating that an offset should be applied to place CRVAL at the (x,y) origin. Should be *added* to the IWC derived from application of CRPIX, CDELT, CD to the pixel coordinates. The procedures EXTAST and PUTAST can be used, respectively, to extract astrometry information from a FITS header and place it into an astrometry structure, and to put the information from an astrometry structure into a FITS header. IDL> extast, hdr, astr ;Extract astrometry from a FITS header IDL> putast, hdr, astr ;Put astrometry info into a FITS header (1) Following the discussion in Section 5 of the Greisen & Calabretta paper, this software supports three WCS formats: (1) the PC matrix with the separate CDELT parameters (preferred), (2) the CD matrix without CDELT parameters (IRAF standard), and (3) the old-style AIPS (CDELT + CROTA) notation. The CDELT tag is not used in format (2), and is normally set to [1.0, 1.0]. However, for an AIPS-style header, the CDELT values are stored in the CDELT tag, and the CROTA value is stored in the CD matrix cd = [ [ cos(crota), -sin(crota) ] , [ sin(crota), cos(crota)] ] If either element of the CDELT tag differs from 1.0 then this signals that the astrometry came from an AIPS type header. Programs using the astrometry structure should always use the following code if N_elements(CDELT) GE 2 then if (cdelt[0] NE 1.0) then begin cd[0,0] = cd[0,0]*cdelt[0] & cd[0,1] = cd[0,1]*cdelt[0] cd[1,1] = cd[1,1]*cdelt[1] & cd[1,0] = cd[1,0]*cdelt[1] endif (2) Earlier draft versions of the World Coordinate System paper represented the CD matrix in a FITS header with names such as 'CD001001' rather than 'CD1_1', and 'PC001001' instead of 'PC1_1'. This notation is no longer recognized, but the procedure FITS_CD_FIX can be used to convert the FITS header to modern notation. (3) The CRPIX value is stored in the astrometry structure the same way as it is in the FITS header, i.e. in FORTRAN (first pixel is 1) convention. (4) The procedures HREBIN and HCONGRID will update the astrometry, including the SIP distortion coefficients, when expanding or contracting an image. However, note that HROT or HROTATE currently will not update any SIP coefficient. Special astrometry procedures are required for the Digitized Sky Survey Images ( http://archive.stsci.edu/dss/ ). The Guidestar images can also be obtained from the SKYVIEW facility at http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/skyview.html. The Schmidt plates used in this survey have a highly nonlinear plate solution that is not covered by the Greisen & Calabretta conventions. The procedures GSSSEXTAST, GSSSXYAD and GSSSADXY are the Guidestar survey analogues of the procedures EXTAST, XY2AD, and ADXY for standard astrometry. All the astrometry procedures in the library will test for a Guidestar image header (by looking for the 'PPO1' keyword) and call the appropriate procedures. The procedure GSSS_STDAST will convert the astrometry in a guidestar image header to an standard tangent projection with very slightly degraded accuracy. A couple of procedures in other directories also use the FITS world coordinate system including IMCONTOUR - (in /astro) Contour plots with astronomical labeling (either RA,Dec or arc distance from the image center IMDBASE - (in /database) Find all catalog sources within the field of an image (given a FITS header with astrometry) ADD_DISTORT - Add a distortion structure into a FITS header AD2XY - Use astrometry structure to convert celestial to pixel coordinates ADXY - Use FITS header to convert celestial (RA,Dec) to pixel coordinates CONS_DEC() - Obtain the X and Y coordinates of a line of constant declination CONS_RA() - Obtain the X and Y coordinates of a line of constant right ascension EXTAST- EXTract ASTrometry parameters from a FITS header into an IDL structure FITS_CD_FIX - Update obsolete representations of the CD matrix in a FITS header GET_EQUINOX() - Return a numeric equinox value from a FITS header GETROT - GET ROTation and plate scale from a FITS header GSSS_STDAST - Insert the closest tangent projection astrometry into an STScI Guidestar Survey Image GSSSADXY - Convert RA, Dec to pixel coordinates for an STScI survey image GSSSEXTAST - Extract astrometry parameters from an STScI Survey Image GSSSXYAD - Convert pixel coordinates to RA, Dec for an STScI survey image HASTROM - Rotate, Congrid, and/or shift an image until astrometry matches that in a reference FITS header. Used to align images. HBOXAVE - Boxaverage an image and update astrometry in a FITS header HCONGRID - CONGRID an image and update astrometry in a FITS header HEULER - Convert between Galactic, celestial and ecliptic coordinates in FITS a header HEXTRACT - Extract a subimage and update astrometry in a FITS header HPRECESS - Precess the astrometry in a FITS header to a new equinox. HREBIN - REBIN an image and update the astrometry in a FITS header HREVERSE - Reverse an image about either dimension and update astrometry in a FITS header HROT - Rotate an image and update astrometry in a FITS header. HROTATE - Apply IDL ROTATE function and update astrometry in a FITS header MAKE_ASTR - Build an astrometry structure from input parameter values PRECESS_CD - Precess coordinate description (CD) matrix in a FITS header to a new equinox. Called by HPRECESS PUTAST - Put astrometry parameters (e.g. rotation, plate scale) into a FITS header. SIP_EVAL() - Compute distorted coordinates given SIP (simple imaging polynomial) coefficients SOLVE_ASTRO - Solve for an TANgent-plane astrometric plate solution with optional distortion terms STARAST - Obtain an exact astrometry solution given the coordinates and plate position of 2 or 3 stars. TNX_EVAL() - Compute distorted coordinates given IRAF TNX projection coefficients TPV_EVAL() - Compute distorted coordinates given TPV (Tangent + PV_ polynomial) coefficients UPDATE_DISTORT - Update SIP distortion coefficients for a linear transformation WCS_CHECK_CTYPE - Checks that a pair of CTYPE parameters conform to WCS format and return the projection type WCS_GETPOLE - Compute the coordinates of the native pole for non-polar projection WCSSPH2XY - Convert between longitude,latitude to X,Y angular coordinates for 25 different map projection types WCSXY2SPH - Inverse of WCSSPH2XY WCS_DEMO - Demo program for WCSSPH2XY and WCSXY2SPH WCS_ROTATE - Rotate between standard (e.g. celestial) and native coordinates WFPC2_METRIC - Compute the distortion in a WFPC2 image and return coordinates XYAD - Use FITS header to convert pixel (X,Y) to celestial(RA, Dec) coordinates XY2AD - Use astrometry structure to convert pixel to celestial coordinates XYXY - Convert X,Y values on one image to X,Y values in another image using astrometry in the FITS headers