PRO dustem_write_isrf_release,file,st,help=help ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_write_isrf_release ; ; PURPOSE: ; Writes file ISRF.DAT used by DustemWrap ; ; CATEGORY: ; DustEMWrap, Distributed, Low-level, Fortran ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_write_isrf_release,file,st[,/help] ; ; INPUTS: ; file : file name ; st : input structure containing ISRF information (will be modified) ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = If set print this help ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; Writes a file ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The DustEM fortran code must be installed ; The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed ; ; PROCEDURE AND SUBROUTINES ; ; EXAMPLES ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by Ilyes Choubani 2022 ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_write_isrf_release' goto,the_end ENDIF ;LOCATING THE ISRF PLUGINS ;IF PLUGINS AREN'T SET. WRITE THE DEFAULT DUSTEM ISRF.DAT FILE scopes = strarr(n_tags(*!dustem_plugin)) IF (tag_names(*!dustem_plugin))[0] EQ 'NONE' then goto, the_after ;IF PLUGINS ARE SET, LOOP OVER THEIR SCOPES. ;Getting the actual scopes FOR i=0L, n_tags(*!dustem_plugin)-1 DO BEGIN if isa((*!dustem_plugin).(i).scope) THEN BEGIN scopes[i] = (*(*!dustem_plugin).(i).scope) ENDIF ELSE goto, the_after ENDFOR ;TESTING FOR THE TWO CURRENT ISRF PLUGINS tstpop = where(scopes EQ 'STELLAR_POPULATION',ctpop) tstusrisrf = where(scopes EQ 'USER_ISRF',ctusrisrf) IF ctpop NE 0 or ctusrisrf NE 0 THEN BEGIN ;NB: Since we're using G0_mathis=1 by default now. We will test on the !dustem_params sysvar instead of the parameter description vectors G0_mathis = 1. ;Default value IF ((*!dustem_params).g0) NE 1. then G0_mathis = ((*!dustem_params).g0) IF ((*!dustem_params).gas.g0) NE 1. then G0_mathis = float((*!dustem_params).gas.g0) ;Getting the ISRF default wavelengths ;using this structure st=((*!dustem_params).isrf) final_isrf = fltarr(n_elements(st)) ;Initializing the ISRF vector Ncomments=3 ;default number of comments in the .DAT file (minus the ISRF used) c=strarr(Ncomments) c(0)='# DUSTEM_WRAP: exciting radiation field featuring' ;stop IF ctpop NE 0. THEN final_isrf=final_isrf+(*(*!dustem_plugin).(tstpop).spec) IF ctusrisrf NE 0. THEN final_isrf=final_isrf+(*(*!dustem_plugin).(tstusrisrf).spec) IF ctpop NE 0. and ctusrisrf EQ 0. THEN c(1) = '# Stellar population ISRF' IF ctpop EQ 0. and ctusrisrf NE 0. THEN c(1) = '# User-defined ISRF' IF ctpop NE 0. and ctusrisrf NE 0. THEN BEGIN Ncomments+=1 c=strarr(Ncomments) c(0)='# DUSTEM_WRAP: exciting radiation field featuring' c(1) = '# Stellar population ISRF' c(2) = '# User-defined ISRF' ENDIF ;WHEN G0 IS USED (MATHIS FIELD ON) IF G0_mathis GT 1E-10 THEN BEGIN ;discussed with JP ;This is reading the mathis isrf from the fortran release ;Let's hope they keep releasing it otherwise we'll have to include it ourselves ma_isrf_dir=!dustem_soft_dir+'data/ISRF_MATHIS.DAT' ma_isrf=dustem_read_isrf(ma_isrf_dir) final_isrf=final_isrf/G0_mathis+ma_isrf.isrf ;[0] Ncomments=4 c=strarr(Ncomments) c(0)='# DUSTEM_WRAP: exciting radiation field featuring' IF ctpop NE 0 and ctusrisrf EQ 0 THEN c(1) = '# Stellar population ISRF' IF ctpop EQ 0 and ctusrisrf NE 0 THEN c(1) = '# User-Defined ISRF' IF ctpop NE 0 and ctusrisrf NE 0 THEN BEGIN Ncomments+=2 c=strarr(Ncomments) c(0)='# DUSTEM_WRAP: exciting radiation field featuring' c(1) = '# Stellar population ISRF' c(2) ='# User-defined ISRF' c(3) = '# Mathis ISRF' ENDIF ELSE c(Ncomments-3) = '# Mathis ISRF' ENDIF ELSE final_isrf = final_isrf/G0_mathis ;WHEN G0 ISN'T USED (MATHIS FIELD OFF) ie: lower values than 1.0E-10. st.isrf = final_isrf ;Last .DAT header comments lines c(Ncomments-2)='# Nbr of points' c(Ncomments-1)='# wave (microns), 4*pi*Inu (erg/cm2/s/Hz)' ;Computing the 'G0' of the new ISRF (integral(ISRF)/integral(MATHIS_ISRF)) ; un=uniq(ma_isrf.isrf) ;because of the zeros ; ; int_mathis=INT_TABULATED((ma_isrf.lambisrf)[un],(ma_isrf.isrf)[un]) ; ; ; ;integrating the composite isrf ; int_isrf=INT_TABULATED((ma_isrf.lambisrf)[un],(st.isrf)[un]) ; print, 'G0_stellar_population=' ; print, int_isrf/(int_mathis) ;WRITING THE NEW ISRF file=!dustem_dat+'data/ISRF.DAT' openw,unit,file,/get_lun FOR i=0,Ncomments-1 DO BEGIN printf,unit,c(i) ENDFOR n_waves=n_elements(st) printf,unit,n_waves FOR i=0L,n_waves-1 DO BEGIN printf,unit,st(i).lambisrf,st(i).isrf ENDFOR close,unit free_lun,unit goto, the_end ENDIF the_after: ;Defaut ISRF writing (MATHIS) ;This was changed because 6 comments aren't needed ;Ncomments=6 Ncomments=4 c=strarr(Ncomments) ;First lines of the ISRF.DAT file c(0)='# DUSTEM_WRAP: exciting radiation field featuring' c(1)='# Mathis ISRF' ;c(2)='# Blackbody with T= 0.0000E+00' ;c(3)='# dilution factor wdil= 1.0000E+00' c(2)='# Nbr of points' c(3)='# wave (microns), 4*pi*Inu (erg/cm2/s/Hz)' openw,unit,file,/get_lun FOR i=0,Ncomments-1 DO BEGIN printf,unit,c(i) ENDFOR n_waves=n_elements(st) printf,unit,n_waves FOR i=0L,n_waves-1 DO BEGIN printf,unit,st(i).lambisrf,st(i).isrf ENDFOR close,unit free_lun,unit the_end: END