FUNCTION DUSTEM_HABING_FIELD, x, unit=unit ; computes the Habing interstellar radiation field SED (ISRF) ; in W/m2 (4*!pi*nu*I_nu) ; (from Draine & Bertoldi 1996) ; X (I): X-grid for the ISRF ; UNIT (I): unit of the ISRF. Choices are ; 'W': wave in um [Default] ; 'F': frequency in cm-1 ; 'E': energy in eV if n_elements( UNIT ) EQ 0 then unit = 'W' $ else unit = strupcase( strcompress( unit,/rem) ) x = double( x ) CASE unit of 'W': x3 = 1.d1 * x 'F': x3 = 1.d5 / x 'E': x3 = 12.4 / x ENDCASE field = - x3^3*4.1667 + x3^2*12.5 - x3*4.3333 field = 1.d-1 * 3.d8 * 1.d-14 * field i_neg = where( field LT 0.d0, c_neg ) field( i_neg ) = 0.d0 RETURN, field END ;FUNCTION DUSTEM_HABING_FIELD