function psm_planck_function, Ttemp, nu_or_lambda, dBdT, units=units, mjy=mjy, wcm2=wcm2 ;+NAME/ONE LINE DESCRIPTION OF ROUTINE: ; PSM_PLANCK_FUNCTION returns the spectral radiance of a blackbody. ; ;DESCRIPTION: ; IDL function to return the spectral radiance of a blackbody, ; i.e. the Planck curve, in units of either MJy/steradian (I_nu) ; or watts/cm^2/steradian (nu_I_nu). ; The blackbody temperature and either frequency (in icm or GHz) ; or wavelength (in microns) are inputs to the function. The ; routine also optionally returns the derivative with respect to ; temperature, in units of MJy/sr/K or W/cm^2/sr/K. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; RESULT = PSM_PLANCK_FUNCTION (temperature, nu_or_lambda [,dBdT] $ ; [,UNITS=units], [/MJY], [/WCM2]) ; ;ARGUMENTS (I = input, O = output, [] = optional): ; RESULT O flt [arr] Spectral radiance at each wavelength. ; Units: W/cm^2/sr/K if /WCM2 specified ; MJy/sr if /MJY specfied ; TEMPERATURE I flt Temperature of blackbody, in K. ; NU_OR_LAMBDA I flt Frequency or wavelength at which to ; calculate spectrum. Units are as ; specified with UNITS keyword. ; dBdT [O] flt [arr] Derivative of Planck with respect to ; temperature. ; UNITS [I] str 'Microns', 'icm', or 'GHz' to ; identify units of NU_OR_LAMBDA. Only ; first character is required. If ; left out, default is 'microns'. ; /MJY I key Sets output units to MJy/sr ; /WCM2 I key Sets output units to W/cm^2/sr ; ;WARNINGS: ; 1. One of /MJY or /WCM2 MUST be specified. ; 2. Routine gives incorrect results for T < 1 microKelvin and ; wavelengths shortward of 1.e-10 microns. (So sue me). ; ;EXAMPLE: ; To produce a 35 K spectrum in MJy/sr at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 microns: ; ; wavelength = 2. + 2.*findgen(5) ; temp = 35. ; blackbody = planck(temp, wavelength, units='micron', /mjy) ; ; One could also get back the derivative by including it in the ; call: ; blackbody = planck(temp, wavelength, deriv, units='m', /mjy) ;# ;COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ;PROCEDURE (AND OTHER PROGRAMMING NOTES): ; Identifies units using the UNITS keyword, then converts the ; supplied independent variable into microns to evaluate the ; Planck function. Uses Rayleigh-Jeans and Wien approximations ; for the low- and high-frequency end, respectively. Reference: ; Allen, Astrophysical Quantities, for the Planck formula. ; ;PERTINENT ALGORITHMS, LIBRARY CALLS, ETC.: ; None ; ;MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by Rich Isaacman, General Sciences Corp. 17 April 1991 ; Revised by RBI 27 Jan 1992 to use updated fundamental constants ; (SPR 9449) ; Revised by RBI 29 Jan 1992 to calculate derivatives only when ; necessary ; Revised by RBI 3 Feb 1992 to redimension output to a scalar if only ; a single wavelength is supplied (SPR 9459) ; Revised by RBI 6 Mar 92 to return either MJy/sr or (!) W/cm^2/sr ; Revised by RBI 1 Jun 92 to fix single-wavelength failure when no ; derivative is requested (SPR 9738), and to use MESSAGE. ; RBI corrected error in derivative calculation SPR 9817 (17 Jul 92) ; RBI corrected error in Wien and RJ tails SPR 10392 (24 Dec 92) ; but didn't get it quite right (Piper/Kryszak, 28-Dec-92) ; J.P. Bernard Changed the name from into, to ; avoid confusion with Astron library ; ; SPR 9616 ;.TITLE ; Routine PSM_PLANCK_FUNCTION ;- ; ; Check on input parameters ; on_error, 2 IF n_elements(nu_or_lambda) lt 1 or n_elements(Ttemp) lt 1 then BEGIN message,'CALLING SEQUENCE: bbflux = planck_function(temp,wavelength[,dbdt=][,units=][,/mjy][,/wcm2])',/info val=0. goto,sortie ENDIF if not keyword_set(mjy) and not keyword_set(wcm2) then $ message, 'Either /MJy or /Wcm2 must be specified!' if keyword_set(mjy) and keyword_set(wcm2) then $ message, 'Only one of /MJy or /Wcm2 may be specified!' ; makederiv = n_params() eq 3 ; see whether dBdT is requested if n_elements(units) lt 1 then begin units = 'm' message, /continue, "Wavelength units are assumed to be microns." endif T = float(ttemp) > 1.e-06 ;force temperature to be real*4 ; ; Define some necessary constants ; c = 299792.458d0 ;speed of light, Physics Today Aug 90 hck = 14387.69d0 ;h*c/k " " thcc = 1.1910439d0 ;2*h/c^2 " " coeff = thcc/hck^4 * 1.e04 ;Stephan-Boltzmann * 15/pi^5 ; ; Convert nu_or_lambda into lambda (in microns) depending on specified units ; units0 = strupcase (strmid (units,0,1)) case units0 of 'M': lambda = nu_or_lambda > 1.e-10 ; microns 'I': lambda = 1.e04 / (nu_or_lambda > 1.e-10) ; icm, avoiding nu=0. 'G': lambda = c / (nu_or_lambda > 1.e-10) ; GHz, avoiding nu=0. else: message, "Units must be specified as 'microns', 'icm', or 'GHz'" endcase ; ; Variable fhz is a scale factor used to go from units of nu_I_nu units to ; MJy/sr if the keyword is set. In that case, its value is ; frequency in Hz * w/cm^2/Hz ==> MJy ; if keyword_set(wcm2) then fhz = 1. + fltarr(n_elements(lambda)) if keyword_set(mjy) then fhz = c/lambda * 1.e-15 ; ; Introduce dimensionless variable chi, used to check whether we are on ; Wien or Rayleigh Jeans tails ; chi = hck / lambda / T val = fltarr(n_elements(chi)) if makederiv then dBdT = fltarr(n_elements(chi)) ; ; Start on Rayleigh Jeans side ; rj = where (chi lt 0.001) if rj(0) ne -1 then begin val(rj) = coeff * T^4 * chi(rj)^3 / fhz(rj) if makederiv then dBdT(rj) = val(rj) / T endif ; ; Now do nonapproximate part ; exact = where (chi ge 0.001 and chi le 50) if exact(0) ne -1 then begin chi_ex = chi(exact) val(exact) = coeff * T^4 * chi_ex^4 / (exp(chi_ex) - 1.) / fhz(exact) if makederiv then dBdT(exact) = $ val(exact) * chi_ex / T / (1. - exp(-chi_ex)) endif ; ; ...and finally the Wien tail ; wien = where (chi gt 50.) if wien(0) ne -1 then begin chi_wn = chi(wien) val(wien) = coeff * T^4 * chi_wn^4 * exp(-chi_wn) / fhz(wien) if makederiv then dBdT(wien) = $ val(wien) * chi_wn / T / (1. - exp(-chi_wn)) endif ; ; Redimension to a scalar if only 1 wavelength supplied, then return ; if n_elements(nu_or_lambda) eq 1 then begin if makederiv then dBdT = dBdT(0) val = val(0) endif sortie: return, val ; end ;DISCLAIMER: ; ;This software was written at the Cosmology Data Analysis Center in ;support of the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) Project under NASA ;contract number NAS5-30750. ; ;This software may be used, copied, modified or redistributed so long ;as it is not sold and this disclaimer is distributed along with the ;software. If you modify the software please indicate your ;modifications in a prominent place in the source code. ; ;All routines are provided "as is" without any express or implied ;warranties whatsoever. All routines are distributed without guarantee ;of support. If errors are found in this code it is requested that you ;contact us by sending email to the address below to report the errors ;but we make no claims regarding timely fixes. This software has been ;used for analysis of COBE data but has not been validated and has not ;been used to create validated data sets of any type. ; ;Please send bug reports to CGIS@ZWICKY.GSFC.NASA.GOV.