PRO dustem_restore_sed_fit,file,help=help ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_restore_sed_fit ; PURPOSE: ; Restore Dustem SED fit results from a file. ; CATEGORY: ; Dustem ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_restore_sed_fit,file[,/help] ; INPUTS: ; file = File name ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = If set, print this help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; The !dustem_fit structure is updated ; The !dustem_data, !dustem_filters, !dustem_verbose and ; !run_ionfrac are also affected. ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The dustem idl wrapper must be installed ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; EXAMPLES ; dustem_fit_sed_readme ; file=getenv('DUSTEM_RES')+'DUSTEM_fit_example.sav' ; dustem_restore_sed_fit,file ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by J.-Ph. Bernard ; see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR ; Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_restore_sed_fit' goto,the_end ENDIF message,'Obsolete. Use' ;stop ;Restores results of a SED fit into a save set. restore,file ;!dustem_fit_sed=ptr_new(dustem_fit_sed) (*!dustem_fit).param_descs=ptr_new(param_desc) (*!dustem_fit).param_init_values=ptr_new(init_value) IF fixed_init_value NE !indef THEN BEGIN (*!dustem_fit).fixed_param_descs=ptr_new(fixed_param_desc) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN (*!dustem_fit).fixed_param_descs=ptr_new() ENDELSE IF fixed_init_value NE !indef THEN BEGIN (*!dustem_fit).fixed_param_init_values=ptr_new(fixed_init_value) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN (*!dustem_fit).fixed_param_init_values=ptr_new() ENDELSE (*!dustem_fit).chi2=dustem_fit_chi2 (*!dustem_fit).rchi2=dustem_fit_rchi2 (*!dustem_fit).current_param_values=ptr_new(dfp) (*!dustem_fit).param_func=ptr_new(func_ind) !run_ionfrac=run_ionfrac ;VGb: dustem_data is now a structure containing sed, ext, polext ;!dustem_data=ptr_new(dustem_data) !dustem_data=dustem_data ;VGe !dustem_filters=ptr_new(dustem_filters) !dustem_verbose=dustem_verbose (*!dustem_fit).current_param_errors=ptr_new(errors) ;!dustem_ext=ptr_new(extinction) IF ptr_valid((*!dustem_fit).fixed_param_descs) THEN BEGIN dustem_init_fixed_params,*(*!dustem_fit).fixed_param_descs,*(*!dustem_fit).fixed_param_init_values ENDIF the_end: END