PRO dustem_fit_sed_readme,postcript=postcript,model=model,help=help,png=png,itermax=itermax ;This Readme describes how to fit SEDs with dustem ;It runs on the SED stored into the file sample_SED.xcat ;in this directory. Remember that the goal here is not necessarily to ;obtain a good fit in the end, but to illustrate the method. ;The provided SED has only photometric data points from SPITZER ;IRAC and MIPS and IRAS. No spectrum data points. ;SPECTRUM data points can be included and the corresponding filter ;filed must read SPECTRUM. Note that its is note necessary ;to use the .xcat file format, and data SED can be provided ;manually, but the observation structure must have the structure shown below. ;Obviously, the dustem package must have been installed succesfully (see ;dustem_cvs_readme.txt for install instructions). ;+ ; NAME: ; dustem_fit_sed_readme ; PURPOSE: ; This is an example of how to fit SEDs with the dustem wrapper. ; It is meant to be an example to follow when writing your own ; programs using the dustem IDL wrapper. ; It is not meant to reproduce the result in Compiegne et al 2010 ; The SED used here is in sample_SED.xcat ; CATEGORY: ; Dustem ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dustem_fit_sed_readme,postcript=postcript,model=model,help=help ; INPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; model = Selects one of the dust mixture used by dustem ; 'COMPIEGNE_ETAL2010' from Compiegne et al 2010 (default) ; 'DBP90' from Desert et al 1990 ; 'DL01' from Draine & Li 2001 ; 'DL07' from Draine & Li 2007 ; postcript = if set plot is done in DUSTEM/Docs/Figures/ ; help = If set print this help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The dustem fortran code must be installed ; The dustem idl wrapper must be installed ; PROCEDURE: ; None ; EXAMPLES ; dustem_fit_sed_readme,model='COMPIEGNE_ETAL2010' ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by J.P. Bernard April 1st 2011 ; see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR ; Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'dustem_fit_sed_readme' goto,the_end ENDIF IF keyword_set(model) THEN BEGIN use_model=strupcase(model) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_model='COMPIEGNE_ETAL2010' ;Default is last dustem model ENDELSE IF keyword_set(png) THEN BEGIN dir_png=!dustem_dat+'/Figures/' force_mkdir,dir_png ENDIF ;dbp=1 ;=== initialise dustem ;dustem_init,/wrap ;dustem_init dustem_init,model=use_model !dustem_verbose=1 !dustem_show_plot=1 ;=== Read sample SED ;;dir=getenv('DUSTEM_SOFT_DIR')+'/src/' ;dir=!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'/Data/SEDs/' ;file=dir+'sample_SED.xcat' ;spec=read_xcat(file,/silent) ;=== Composite SED from Compiegne et al 2010, gathered by C. Bot ;dir=getenv('DUSTEM_SOFT_DIR')+'/src/dustem3.8_web/SEDs/' dir=!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'/Data/SEDs/' file=dir+'Gal_composite_spectrum.xcat' ;file=dir+'Mathis1990_DISM.xcat' ;file=dir+'Gal_composite_spectrum_wAKARI.xcat' ;stop spec=read_xcat(file,/silent) ind=where(spec.error EQ 0.,count) IF count NE 0 THEN spec(ind).error=0.2*spec(ind).spec ind=where(spec.instru EQ 'FIRAS',count) IF count NE 0 THEN spec(ind).error=0.2*spec(ind).spec ;=== Set which parameters you want to fit CASE !dustem_which OF 'WEB3p8':BEGIN ;=== This is to use Desert model ;=== must have done dustem_init,/DBP90 CASE use_model OF 'DBP90':BEGIN pd = [ $ '(*!dustem_params).G0', $ ;G0 '(*!dustem_params).grains(0).mdust_o_mh',$ ;PAH0 mass fraction '(*!dustem_params).grains(1).mdust_o_mh',$ ;PAH1 mass fraction '(*!dustem_params).grains(2).mdust_o_mh', $ ;amCBEx 'dustem_create_continuum_2'] ;Intensity of NIR continuum iv = [1.0, 4.3e-4, 4.7e-4,6.4e-3,0.001] ; iv = [4.3e-4, 4.7e-4,6.4e-3,0.001] Npar=n_elements(pd) ulimed=replicate(0,Npar) llimed=replicate(1,Npar) llims=replicate(0.,Npar) ;=== Fixed parameters ; fpd=['(*!dustem_params).G0'] ;Fixed parameter description ; fiv=[1.5] ; dustem_init_fixed_params,fpd,fiv END 'DL01':BEGIN pd = [ $ '(*!dustem_params).G0', $ ;G0 '(*!dustem_params).grains(0).mdust_o_mh',$ ;PAH0 mass fraction '(*!dustem_params).grains(1).mdust_o_mh',$ ;PAH1 mass fraction '(*!dustem_params).grains(2).mdust_o_mh', $ ;Gra '(*!dustem_params).grains(3).mdust_o_mh', $ ;Gra '(*!dustem_params).grains(4).mdust_o_mh', $ ;aSil 'dustem_create_continuum_2'] ;Intensity of NIR continuum iv = [1.0,5.4e-4, 5.4e-4,1.8e-4,2.33e-3,8.27e-3,0.001] ; iv = [5.4e-4, 5.4e-4,1.8e-4,2.33e-3,8.27e-3,0.001] Npar=n_elements(pd) ulimed=replicate(0,Npar) llimed=replicate(1,Npar) llims=replicate(0.,Npar) ;=== Fixed parameters ; fpd=['(*!dustem_params).G0'] ;Fixed parameter description ; fiv=[1.0] ; dustem_init_fixed_params,fpd,fiv END 'DL07':BEGIN pd = [ $ '(*!dustem_params).G0', $ ;G0 '(*!dustem_params).grains(0).mdust_o_mh',$ ;PAH0 mass fraction '(*!dustem_params).grains(1).mdust_o_mh',$ ;PAH1 mass fraction '(*!dustem_params).grains(2).mdust_o_mh', $ ;Gra '(*!dustem_params).grains(3).mdust_o_mh', $ ;Gra '(*!dustem_params).grains(4).mdust_o_mh', $ ;aSil 'dustem_create_continuum_2'] ;Intensity of NIR continuum iv = [1.0,5.4e-4, 5.4e-4,1.8e-4,2.33e-3,8.27e-3,0.001] ; iv = [5.4e-4, 5.4e-4,1.8e-4,2.33e-3,8.27e-3,0.001] Npar=n_elements(pd) ulimed=replicate(0,Npar) llimed=replicate(1,Npar) llims=replicate(0.,Npar) ;=== Fixed parameters ; fpd=['(*!dustem_params).G0'] ;Fixed parameter description ; fiv=[1.0] ; dustem_init_fixed_params,fpd,fiv END 'COMPIEGNE_ETAL2010':BEGIN pd = [ $ '(*!dustem_params).gas.G0', $ ;G0 '(*!dustem_params).grains(0).mdust_o_mh',$ ;PAH0 mass fraction '(*!dustem_params).grains(1).mdust_o_mh',$ ;PAH1 mass fraction '(*!dustem_params).grains(2).mdust_o_mh', $ ;amCBEx '(*!dustem_params).grains(3).mdust_o_mh', $ ;amCBEx '(*!dustem_params).grains(4).mdust_o_mh', $ ;aSil 'dustem_create_continuum_2'] ;Intensity of NIR continuum iv = [1.0, 7.8e-4, 7.8e-4,1.65e-4,1.45e-3,7.8e-3,0.001] Npar=n_elements(pd) ulimed=replicate(0,Npar) llimed=replicate(1,Npar) llims=replicate(0.,Npar) ;=== Fixed parameters ; fpd=['(*!dustem_params).G0'] ;Fixed parameter description ; fiv=[1.0] ; dustem_init_fixed_params,fpd,fiv END 'AJ13':BEGIN pd = [ $ '(*!dustem_params).G0', $ ;G0 '(*!dustem_params).grains(1).mdust_o_mh',$ ;PAH1 mass fraction '(*!dustem_params).grains(0).mdust_o_mh',$ ;PAH0 mass fraction '(*!dustem_params).grains(2).mdust_o_mh', $ ;amCBEx '(*!dustem_params).grains(3).mdust_o_mh', $ ;amCBEx '(*!dustem_params).grains(4).mdust_o_mh', $ ;aSil 'dustem_create_continuum_2'] ;Intensity of NIR continuum iv = [1.0, 7.8e-4, 7.8e-4,1.65e-4,1.45e-3,7.8e-3,0.001] Npar=n_elements(pd) ulimed=replicate(0,Npar) llimed=replicate(1,Npar) llims=replicate(0.,Npar) ;=== Fixed parameters ; fpd=['(*!dustem_params).G0'] ;Fixed parameter description ; fiv=[1.0] ; dustem_init_fixed_params,fpd,fiv END ENDCASE END ELSE: BEGIN pd = ['(*!dustem_params).grains(0).propmass',$ ;PAH mass fraction '(*!dustem_params).grains(1).propmass',$ ;VSG mass fraction '(*!dustem_params).grains(2).propmass',$ ;BG mass fraction 'dustem_create_continuum_2', $ ;Intensity of NIR continuum 'dustem_create_isrf_1'] ;ISRF scaling factor ;=== set initial value of parameters you want to fit iv = [7e-5, 8e-4,6.6e-3,0.001,4.] ;in this example, we enforce parameters to be >0 and Xisrf >3 ;Caution, initial values must be within limits ... Npar=n_elements(pd) ulimed=replicate(0,Npar) llimed=replicate(1,Npar) llims=replicate(0.,Npar) END ENDCASE ;=== SET THE OBSERVATION STRUCTURE st=dustem_set_data(sed=spec) ;== SET THE FITTED PARAMETERS dustem_init_parinfo,pd,iv,up_limited=ulimed,lo_limited=llimed,up_limits=ulims,lo_limits=llims ;==== below is to reset the defaults keywords for PAH which in newer version of the fortran include spin and mix, ... ;(*!dustem_params).grains[0].TYPE_KEYWORDS='logn' ;(*!dustem_params).grains[1].TYPE_KEYWORDS='logn' ;stop ;hprint,*(*!dustem_fit).param_descs ;hprint,*(*!dustem_fit).param_init_values ;hprint,*(*!dustem_fit).param_func ;=== RUN fit tol=1.e-14 use_Nitermax=2 ;maximum number of iteration. This is the criterium which will stop the fit procedure IF keyword_set(itermax) THEN use_Nitermax=itermax ;loadct,13 ;!y.range=[1e-4,10] ;This is to ajust plot range from outside the routine ;t1=systime(0,/sec) ;res=dustem_mpfit_data(tol=tol,Nitermax=use_Nitermax,gtol=gtol,/xlog,/ylog) ;t2=systime(0,/sec) t1=systime(0,/sec) yr=[1e-4,10] xr=[1,1.e5] legend_xpos=0.6 legend_ypos=0.8 tit='DUSTEMWrap Intensity SED (Running)' ytit=textoidl('I_\nu (MJy/sr) for N_H=10^{20} H/cm^2') xtit=textoidl('\lambda (\mum)') res=dustem_mpfit_data(tol=tol,Nitermax=use_Nitermax,gtol=gtol,/xlog,/ylog,xr=xr,yr=yr,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,title=tit,legend_xpos=legend_xpos,legend_ypos=legend_ypos,errors=errors,chi2=chi2,rchi2=rchi2) t2=systime(0,/sec) ;=== SAVE FIT RESULTS file_out='/tmp/DUSTEM_fit_example.sav' dustem_save_system_variables,file_out message,'Saved '+file_out,/continue ;stop ;====================================== ;====You can exit IDL here and re-enter ;====================================== file='/tmp/DUSTEM_fit_example.sav' dustem_restore_system_variables,file ;=== Plot best fit tit='DUSTEM Intensity SED fit Example (Saved)' ytit=textoidl('I_\nu (MJy/sr) for N_H=10^{20} H/cm^2') xtit=textoidl('\lambda (\mum)') errors=(*(*!dustem_fit).current_param_errors)*(*(*!dustem_fit).param_init_values) chi2=(*!dustem_fit).chi2 rchi2=(*!dustem_fit).rchi2 window,2 ;=== RESTORE FIT RESULTS res=*(*!dustem_fit).current_param_values chi2=(*!dustem_fit).chi2 rchi2=(*!dustem_fit).rchi2 errors=(*(*!dustem_fit).current_param_errors)*(*(*!dustem_fit).param_init_values) ;=== Plot best fit loadct,13 IF keyword_set(postcript) THEN BEGIN set_plot,'PS' ; ps_file=getenv('DUSTEM_SOFT_DIR')+'/Docs/Figures/'+'' ps_file=!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'/Docs/Figures/'+'' device,filename=ps_file,/color ENDIF ;dustem_sed_plot,(*!dustem_fit_params),ytit=ytit,xtit=xtit,title=tit,yr=yr,xr=xr,/ysty,/xsty,res=res,errors=errors,chi2=chi2,rchi2=rchi2 dustem_sed_plot,*(*!dustem_fit).current_param_values,ytit=ytit,xtit=xtit,title=tit,yr=yr,xr=xr,/ysty,/xsty,res=res,errors=errors,chi2=chi2,rchi2=rchi2,/xlog,/ylog,legend_xpos=legend_xpos,legend_ypos=legend_ypos IF keyword_set(postcript) THEN BEGIN device,/close set_plot,'X' message,'wrote '+ps_file,/info ENDIF IF keyword_set(png) THEN BEGIN ;file_png=!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'/Docs/Figures/'+'Last_dustem_fit.png' file_png=dir_png+'Last_dustem_fit_sed_readme.png' write_png,file_png,tvrd(/true) message,'Wrote '+file_png,/info ENDIF message,'dustem_mpfit_sed executed in '+strtrim(t2-t1,2)+' sec',/info the_end: END