PRO dustem_write_mix,dir,st ;Writes ALL the MIX_xxx.DAT files Ncomments=5 c=strarr(Ncomments) c(0)='# DUSTEM: mixing coefficient' c(1)='# fraction of neutral PAHs' c(2)='#' c(3)='# f_mix' c(4)='#' Nst=n_elements(st) ;stop frmt='(E14.6)' ;Start loop over type of grain FOR i=0L,Nst-1 DO BEGIN ;Test if the pointer is pointing to something IF ptr_valid(st(i)) THEN BEGIN ;Get filename ffile=(*st(i)).file fv=str_sep(ffile,'/') file=dir+fv(n_elements(fv)-1) ;Open file openw,unit,file,/get_lun ;Print comments FOR ii=0,Ncomments-1 DO BEGIN printf,unit,c(ii) ENDFOR ;Print FMIX FOR k=0L,n_elements((*st(i)).fmix)-1 DO BEGIN printf,unit,((*st(i)).fmix)(k),format=frmt ENDFOR close,unit free_lun,unit ENDIF ENDFOR END