FUNCTION read_muse_phangs_voronoi_bins,object,header_in=header_in,header_out=header_out,snr_bin=snr_bin,flux=flux,snr_flux=snr_flux,help=help ;+ ; NAME: ; read_muse_phangs_voronoi_bins ; PURPOSE: ; read muse voronoi data ; CATEGORY: ; DustEM, Distributed, Mid-Level, Plugin ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; voronoi_id=read_muse_phangs_voronoi_bins(object[,header_in=][,header_out=][,snr_bin=][,flux=][,snr_flux=]) ; INPUTS: ; object = object name ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; header_in = if set, project on this header ; OUTPUTS: ; voronoi_id = voronoi id map ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; header_out = output map header ; snr_bin = S/N ration map ; flux = Flux map ; snr_flux = flux S/N map ; ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ; help = if set, print this help ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; PROCEDURE: ; ; EXAMPLES ; voronoi_id=read_muse_phangs_voronoi_bins('NGC0628',header_out=h,snr_bin=snr,flux=flux,snr_flux=snr_flux) ; image_cont20,flux,h,/square,/silent,imrange=[0,100] ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by JPB June 2023 ; Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. ; See for FAQ and help. ;- IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN doc_library,'read_muse_phangs_voronoi_bins' voronoi_id=0. goto,the_end ENDIF ;stop ;==== maps of MUSE parameters dir=!phangs_data_dir+'/phangs_drive/PHANGS_MUSE/DR2p2/coopt/MUSEDAP/fiducial/' ;dir='/Volumes/PILOT_FLIGHT1/PHANGS_MUSE/DR2p2/coopt/MUSEDAP/fiducial/' file=dir+object+'-0.92asec_MAPS-001.fits' toto=mrdfits(file,0,h) ;This is ? print,sxpar(h,'EXTNAME') ;stop ;toto=mrdfits(file,1,h) ;This looks like a map pixel ID ;print,sxpar(h,'EXTNAME') ;ID flux=mrdfits(file,2,h) ;This looks like a map of fluxes (usable in Dustem ?) print,sxpar(h,'EXTNAME') ;FLUX snr_flux=mrdfits(file,3,h) ;This looks like a map of SNR (of flux ?) ;print,sxpar(h,'EXTNAME') ;SNR snr_bin=mrdfits(file,4,h) ;This is the SNR map print,sxpar(h,'EXTNAME') ;SNRBIN bin_id=mrdfits(file,5,h) ;This is the bin ID map print,sxpar(h,'EXTNAME') ;BIN_ID ;toto=mrdfits(file,6,h) ;This is the bin ID ;print,sxpar(h,'EXTNAME') ;V_STARS ;toto=mrdfits(file,7,h) ;This is the bin ID ;print,sxpar(h,'EXTNAME') ;FORM_ERR_V_STARS ;etc ... ;stop hh=cd2astro_header(h) ;image_cont20,snrbin,h,/square,image_color='jpbloadct',imrange=[50,200],/silent,off_bar=obp ;stop ind=where(finite(bin_id) NE 1,count) IF count NE 0 THEN bin_id[ind]=la_undef() ind=where(finite(bin_id) EQ -1,count) IF count NE 0 THEN bin_id[ind]=la_undef() print,sxpar(h,'EXTNAME') h=cd2astro_header(h) sxaddpar,h,'EQUINOX',2000. ;=== reproject voronoi ids on provided header IF keyword_set(header_in) THEN BEGIN ;stop voronoi_id=long(project2(h,bin_id,header_in,/silent,/round)) header_out=header_in ENDIF ELSE BEGIN voronoi_id=long(bin_id) header_out=h ENDELSE the_end: RETURN,voronoi_id END