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function phangs_get_galaxy_allinfo,galaxy,file=file use_file=!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'LabTools/IRAP/AH/phangs_sample_table_v1p6.fits' if keyword_set(file) then use_file=file ngals_in=n_elements(galaxy) str=phangs_read_sample_table(file=use_file) match,strtrim(strupcase(galaxy),2), strtrim(strupcase(str.name),2),lidx,galidx,count=found if found eq 0 and ngals_in eq 1 then begin message,'Galaxy: '+galaxy+' not found.',/info stop end if found eq 0 and ngals_in gt 1 then begin message,'No galaxies found.',/info stop end return,str[galidx] the_end: end