# VOTable

## Context

This library aims to provide a simple way to parse and view VOTables. The goal is to make the code 
reusable and as light as possible.

## Usage in command-line interface

### 1. Reading a VOTable from an XML file

    VOtableApp pathToVOTable

- `pathToVOTable`: The path to your VOTable, ie `~/dowloads/my_votable.xml`.

This will display the VOTable stored in the specified XML file, through a minimalist window.

### 2. Reading a VOTable from an on-line service

    VOtableApp targetURL type language query

This will display the VOTable resulting the service or registry request.

- `targetURL`: The URL of the service or registry to ask, ie `http://cdpp-epntap.cesr.fr`;
- `language`: The language of the query, ie `ADQL`;
- `query`: The query in the specified language in double quotes, ie. `"SELECT * FROM amdadb.epn_core"`

## Usage from a Java library

Here is a start:

    VOTableController myVOTableController = new VOTableController(REGISTRY_URL, "ADQL", QUERY);

See the Javadoc for more informations.