* This file is a part of EpnTAPClient.
* This program aims to provide EPN-TAP support for software clients, like CASSIS spectrum analyzer.
* See draft specifications: https://voparis-confluence.obspm.fr/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=559861
* Copyright (C) 2016 Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie.
* This program is free software: you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of
* the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
* .
package eu.omp.irap.vespa.epntapclient;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.junit.Test;
import eu.omp.irap.vespa.epntapclient.granule.Granule;
import eu.omp.irap.vespa.epntapclient.service.Service;
import eu.omp.irap.vespa.epntapclient.service.ServiceCtrl;
import eu.omp.irap.vespa.epntapclient.voresource.VOResourceException;
import eu.omp.irap.vespa.epntapclient.voresource.model.Resource;
import eu.omp.irap.vespa.epntapclient.votable.model.VOTABLE;
import eu.omp.irap.vespa.votable.controller.CantGetVOTableException;
import eu.omp.irap.vespa.votable.votabledata.VOTableData;
* @author N. Jourdane
public class EpnTapConnectionTest {
/** The logger for the class Main. */
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(EpnTapConnectionTest.class.getName());
/** The AMDA ivoid, for testing purposes. */
private static final String AMDA_IVOID = "ivo://cdpp/amda";
/** The AMDA short name (to compare with the returned value), for testing purposes. */
private static final String AMDA_SHORT_NAME = "AMDA";
/** The AMDA access URL, for testing purposes. */
private static final String AMDA_ACCESS_URL = "http://cdpp-epntap.cesr.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap";
/** A subject associated with the AMDA service, for testing purposes. */
private static final String AMDA_SUBJECT = "Space plasmas";
/** The API ivoid, for testing purposes. */
private static final String APIS_IVOID = "ivo://vopdc.obspm/lesia/apis/epn";
/** The APIS short name (to compare with the returned value), for testing purposes. */
private static final String APIS_SHORT_NAME = "APIS";
/** The URL access of a service implementing the EpnCorev2, for testing purposes. */
private static final String SERVICE_EPNCOREV2_ACCESS_URL = "http://voparis-tap-planeto.obspm.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap";
/** A query to send to a service implementing the EpnCorev2, for testing purposes */
private static final String SERVICE_EPNCOREV2_QUERY = "SELECT * FROM planets.epn_core";
/** The table name of a service implementing the EpnCorev2, for testing purposes. */
private static final String SERVICE_EPNCOREV2_TABLE_NAME = "planets.epn_core";
// *** VOResources ***
* Unit test for the class {@link EpnTapConnection#getEPNVOresource(String)}.
* @throws VOResourceException Can not get the VOresource.
public void getVOResourceTest() throws VOResourceException {
EpnTapConnection facade = new EpnTapConnection();
Resource resource = facade.getEPNVOresource(AMDA_IVOID);
assertEquals("AMDA", resource.getShortName());
assertEquals("CDPP AMDA DataBase", resource.getTitle());
assertEquals("Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas",
* Unit test for the class {@link EpnTapConnection#getEPNVOResources()}.
* @throws VOResourceException Can not get the VOresource.
public void getEPNVOResourcesTest() throws VOResourceException {
EpnTapConnection facade = new EpnTapConnection();
List resources = facade.getEPNVOResources();
int nbResources = resources.size();
assertTrue(nbResources + " ∉ [13;20]", nbResources >= 13 && nbResources <= 20);
Resource amda = null;
Resource apis = null;
for (Resource resource : resources) {
if (AMDA_IVOID.equals(resource.getIdentifier())) {
amda = resource;
if (APIS_IVOID.equals(resource.getIdentifier())) {
apis = resource;
assertNotNull("AMDA resource should be present.", amda);
assertNotNull("APIS resource should be present.", apis);
assertEquals(AMDA_SHORT_NAME, amda.getShortName());
assertEquals(APIS_SHORT_NAME, apis.getShortName());
* Unit test for the class {@link EpnTapConnection#getEPNVOResources(List)}.
* @throws VOResourceException Can not get the VOresource.
public void getEPNVOResourcesWithKeywordsTest() throws VOResourceException {
EpnTapConnection facade = new EpnTapConnection();
final List keywords = new ArrayList<>();
List resources = facade.getEPNVOResources(keywords);
assertEquals(resources.size(), 1);
Resource amda = null;
for (Resource resource : resources) {
if (AMDA_IVOID.equals(resource.getIdentifier())) {
amda = resource;
assertNotNull("AMDA resource should be present.", amda);
// *** Services ***
* Unit test for the class {@link EpnTapConnection#getEPNService(String)}.
* @throws CantGetVOTableException Can not get the VOTable corresponding to the service.
public void getEPNServiceTest() throws CantGetVOTableException {
EpnTapConnection facade = new EpnTapConnection();
VOTABLE voTable = facade.getEPNService(AMDA_IVOID);
VOTableData data = ServiceCtrl.getVoTableData(voTable);
assertEquals(1, data.getNbRows());
assertTrue("Column name ivoid not found.", data.isContainingColumnName("ivoid"));
assertTrue("Column name short_name not found.", data.isContainingColumnName("access_url"));
assertTrue("Column name short_name not found.", data.isContainingColumnName("short_name"));
assertEquals(AMDA_IVOID, data.getCell(0, "ivoid"));
assertEquals(AMDA_ACCESS_URL, data.getCell(0, "access_url"));
assertEquals(AMDA_SHORT_NAME, data.getCell(0, "short_name"));
* Unit test for the class {@link EpnTapConnection#getEPNService(String, List)}.
* @throws CantGetVOTableException Can not get the VOTable corresponding to the service.
public void getEPNServiceWithAttributesTest() throws CantGetVOTableException {
EpnTapConnection facade = new EpnTapConnection();
final List attributes = new ArrayList<>();
VOTABLE voTable = facade.getEPNService(AMDA_IVOID, attributes);
VOTableData data = ServiceCtrl.getVoTableData(voTable);
assertEquals(1, data.getNbRows());
assertEquals(2, data.getNbColumns());
assertTrue("Column name short_name not found.", data.isContainingColumnName("access_url"));
assertTrue("Column name short_name not found.", data.isContainingColumnName("short_name"));
assertEquals(AMDA_ACCESS_URL, data.getCell(0, "access_url"));
assertEquals(AMDA_SHORT_NAME, data.getCell(0, "short_name"));
* Unit test for the class {@link EpnTapConnection#getEPNServices()}.
* @throws CantGetVOTableException Can not get the VOTable corresponding to the service.
public void getEPNServicesTest() throws CantGetVOTableException {
EpnTapConnection facade = new EpnTapConnection();
VOTABLE voTable = facade.getEPNServices();
VOTableData data = ServiceCtrl.getVoTableData(voTable);
List services = ServiceCtrl.getServices(data);
boolean foundAMDAIvoid = false;
for (Service service : services) {
if (AMDA_IVOID.equals(service.getIvoid())) {
foundAMDAIvoid = true;
assertEquals(AMDA_SHORT_NAME, service.getShortName());
assertTrue("AMDA service is not found.", foundAMDAIvoid);
int nbServices = data.getNbRows();
assertTrue(nbServices + " ∉ [13;20].", nbServices >= 13 && nbServices <= 20);
assertTrue("Column name short_name not found.",
assertTrue("AMDA ivoid not found.", data.isColumnContainingValue("ivoid", AMDA_IVOID));
Map amda = data.getRowMapByValue("ivoid", AMDA_IVOID);
assertEquals(AMDA_ACCESS_URL, amda.get("access_url"));
assertEquals(AMDA_SHORT_NAME, amda.get("short_name"));
* Unit test for the class {@link EpnTapConnection#getEPNServices(List)}.
* @throws CantGetVOTableException Can not get the VOTable corresponding to the service.
public void getEPNServicesWithAttributesTest()
throws CantGetVOTableException {
EpnTapConnection facade = new EpnTapConnection();
final List attributes = new ArrayList<>();
VOTABLE voTable = facade.getEPNServices(attributes);
VOTableData data = ServiceCtrl.getVoTableData(voTable);
assertEquals(2, data.getNbColumns());
assertTrue("Column name access_url not found.", data.isContainingColumnName("access_url"));
assertTrue("Column name short_name not found.", data.isContainingColumnName("short_name"));
assertTrue("AMDA short_name not found.",
data.isColumnContainingValue("short_name", AMDA_SHORT_NAME));
assertTrue("AMDA access_url not found.",
data.isColumnContainingValue("access_url", AMDA_ACCESS_URL));
Map amda = data.getRowMapByValue("short_name", AMDA_SHORT_NAME);
assertEquals(AMDA_ACCESS_URL, amda.get("access_url"));
assertEquals(AMDA_SHORT_NAME, amda.get("short_name"));
* Unit test for the class {@link EpnTapConnection#getEPNServices(List, List)}.
* @throws CantGetVOTableException Can not get the VOTable corresponding to the service.
* @throws VOResourceException Can not get the VOresource.
public void getEPNServicesWithKeywordsAndAttributesTest()
throws CantGetVOTableException, VOResourceException {
EpnTapConnection facade = new EpnTapConnection();
final List keywords = new ArrayList<>();
final List attributes = new ArrayList<>();
VOTABLE voTable = facade.getEPNServices(keywords, attributes);
VOTableData data = ServiceCtrl.getVoTableData(voTable);
assertEquals(3, data.getNbColumns());
assertEquals(1, data.getNbRows());
// TODO: Should be return only 2 columns, because keywords do not contains res_subject.
assertTrue("Column name access_url not found.", data.isContainingColumnName("access_url"));
assertTrue("Column name short_name not found.", data.isContainingColumnName("short_name"));
assertTrue("AMDA short_name not found.",
data.isColumnContainingValue("short_name", AMDA_SHORT_NAME));
assertTrue("AMDA access_url not found.",
data.isColumnContainingValue("access_url", AMDA_ACCESS_URL));
assertEquals(AMDA_SHORT_NAME, data.getCell(0, "short_name"));
assertEquals(AMDA_ACCESS_URL, data.getCell(0, "access_url"));
// *** Getters ***
* Unit test for the class {@link EpnTapConnection#getEPNCoreTableName(String)}.
* @throws CantGetVOTableException Can not get the VOTable corresponding to the service.
public void getEPNCoreTableNameTest() throws CantGetVOTableException {
EpnTapConnection facade = new EpnTapConnection();
String epnCoreTableName = facade.getEPNCoreTableName(AMDA_IVOID);
assertEquals("amdadb.epn_core", epnCoreTableName);
* Unit test for the class {@link EpnTapConnection#getTAPURL(String)}.
* @throws CantGetVOTableException Can not get the VOTable corresponding to the service.
public void getTAPURLTest() throws CantGetVOTableException {
EpnTapConnection facade = new EpnTapConnection();
String tapURL = facade.getTAPURL("ivo://cdpp/amda");
assertEquals("http://cdpp-epntap.cesr.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap", tapURL);
// *** Queries ***
* Unit test for the class {@link EpnTapConnection#sendADQLQuery(String, String)}.
* @throws CantGetVOTableException Can not get the VOTable resulting the query.
public void sendADQLQueryTest() throws CantGetVOTableException {
EpnTapConnection facade = new EpnTapConnection();
List granules = facade.sendADQLQuery(SERVICE_EPNCOREV2_ACCESS_URL,
assertNotNull("Granules list not returned.", granules);
assertEquals(8, granules.size());
Granule mars = null;
for (Granule granule : granules) {
if ("Mars".equals(granule.getGranuleUid())) {
mars = granule;
assertNotNull("granule 'Mars' is not found.", mars);
assertEquals("4", mars.getObsId());
assertEquals(new Integer(5), mars.getProcessingLevel());
* Unit test for the class {@link EpnTapConnection#sendQuery(String, String, Query)}.
* @throws CantGetVOTableException Can not get the VOTable resulting the query.
public void sendADQLQueryWithSchemaNameTest() throws CantGetVOTableException {
EpnTapConnection facade = new EpnTapConnection();
List granules = facade.sendQuery(SERVICE_EPNCOREV2_ACCESS_URL,
assertNotNull("Granules list not returned.", granules);
assertEquals(8, granules.size());
Granule mars = null;
for (Granule granule : granules) {
if ("Mars".equals(granule.getGranuleUid())) {
mars = granule;
assertNotNull("granule 'Mars' is not found.", mars);
assertEquals("4", mars.getObsId());
assertEquals(new Integer(5), mars.getProcessingLevel());