TREPS tool by CDPP
Space physics coordinate and time transformation tool.
Kernel version : @@treps_version@@
Coordinate systems list :
- 67PCG_EME - EME2000 centered on comet Churyumov Gerasimenko
- ECLIPDATE - Earth Mean Ecliptic and Equinox
- ECLIPJ2000 - Ecliptic coordinates based upon the J2000 frame
- EME - Earth Mean Equator and Equinox
- GPHIO - Ganymede Phi-Omega
- GRIGGSKELL_EME - EME2000 centered on asteroid GRIGG-SKJELLERUP
- GSE - Geocentric Solar Ecliptic
- GSEQ - Geocentric Solar Equatorial
- GSM - Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric
- HALLEY_EME -EME2000 centered on asteroid HALLEY
- HCI - Heliocentric Inertial
- HEE - Heliocentric Earth Ecliptic
- HEEQ - Heliocentric Earth Equatorial
- IAU_EARTH - International Astronomical Union Earth
- IAU_JUPITER - International Astronomical Union Jupiter
- IAU_MARS - International Astronomical Union Mars
- IAU_MERCURY - International Astronomical Union Mercury
- IAU_NEPTUNE - International Astronomical Union Neptune
- IAU_PLUTO - International Astronomical Union Pluton
- IAU_SATURN - International Astronomical Union Saturn
- IAU_URANUS - International Astronomical Union Uranus
- IAU_VENUS - International Astronomical Union Venus
- J2000 - Earth mean equator, dynamical equinox of J2000
- JECLIP - ECLIPJ2000 centered on Jupiter
- JEME - EME2000 centered on Jupiter
- JSM - Jovian Solar Magnetospheric
- JSO - Jovian Solar Orbital
- KECLIP - ECLIPJ2000 centered on Saturn
- KEME - EME2000 centered on Saturn
- KSM - Kronian Solar Magnetospheric
- KSO - Kronian Solar Orbital
- LME - Moon Mean Equator
- LSE - Selenocentric Solar Ecliptic
- LUTETIA_EME - EME2000 centered on asteroid LUTETIA
- MAG - Geomagnetic coordinate system
- MECLIP - ECLIPJ2000 centered on Mercury
- MEME - EME2000 centered on Mercury
- MESO - Mercury-centric Solar Orbital
- MME - Mars Mean Equator
- MSO - Mars-centric Solar Orbital
- NECLIP - ECLIPJ2000 centered on Neptune
- PEME -EME2000 centered on Pluto
- PECLIP - ECLIPJ2000 centered on Pluto
- UEME - EME2000 centered on Uranus
- SM - Solar Magnetic coordinates
- STEINS_EME - EME2000 centered on asteroid STEINS
- SYSTEM_3 - SYSTEM 3 centered on Jupiter
- TIIS - TItan Inter-action coordinate System
- UECLIP - ECLIPJ2000 centered on Uranus
- UEME - EME2000 centered on Uranus
- VME - Venus Mean Equator
- VSO - Venus Solar Orbital