Ext.define('treps.controller.SAMP.SAMPManager', { singleton : true, requires: [ 'treps.store.SAMPClients' ], connector : null, onConnect : null, onDisconnect : null, onReceiveFile : null, onClientsUpdate : null, constructor: function() { }, initSAMP: function() { var me = this; if (this.connector != null) return; Ext.Loader.loadScript({ url: treps.Constants.SAMP_LIB, scope: this, onLoad: function() { //init meta data var href = window.location.href; var iconURL = href+'resources/images/samp/treps.png'; var meta = { "samp.name": treps.Constants.APP_TITLE, "samp.description.text": treps.Constants.APP_DESCRIPTION, "samp.icon.url": iconURL }; //init handlers var cc = new samp.ClientTracker(); var callHandler = cc.callHandler; callHandler["samp.app.ping"] = function(senderId, message, isCall) { if (isCall) return {text: "ping to you, " + cc.getName(senderId)}; }; callHandler["table.load.votable"] = function(senderId, message, isCall) { var clientName = cc.getName(senderId); var url = message["samp.params"]["url"]; me.receiveFile(clientName, url, "votable"); }; callHandler["table.load.cdf"] = function(senderId, message, isCall) { var clientName = cc.getName(senderId); var url = message["samp.params"]["url"]; me.receiveFile(clientName, url, "cdf"); }; callHandler["table.load.netcdf"] = function(senderId, message, isCall) { var clientName = cc.getName(senderId); var url = message["samp.params"]["url"]; me.receiveFile(clientName, url, "netcdf"); }; callHandler["samp.hub.event.shutdown"] = function(senderId, message, isCall) { me.disconnect(); }; cc.onchange = function(id, type, data) { var record = null;; var clientsStore = me.getClientsStore(); if (clientsStore != null) record = clientsStore.getById(id); switch (type) { case 'register' : clientsStore.add({id : id}); if (me.onClientsUpdate != null) me.onClientsUpdate(); break; case 'unregister' : if (record) clientsStore.remove(record); if (me.onClientsUpdate != null) me.onClientsUpdate(); break; case 'meta' : if (!record) { clientsStore.add({id : id}); record = clientsStore.getById(id); } if (record) { record.set('description',data['samp.description.text']); record.set('icon',data['samp.icon.url']); record.set('name',data['samp.name']); if (cc.subs[id]) { record.set('acceptVOTable', me.isSubscribed(cc.subs[id],"table.load.votable")); record.set('acceptCDF', me.isSubscribed(cc.subs[id],"table.load.cdf")); record.set('acceptNetCDF', me.isSubscribed(cc.subs[id],"table.load.netcdf")); } } if (me.onClientsUpdate != null) me.onClientsUpdate(); break; case 'subs' : if (record) { record.set('acceptVOTable', me.isSubscribed(cc.subs[id],"table.load.votable")); record.set('acceptCDF', me.isSubscribed(cc.subs[id],"table.load.cdf")); record.set('acceptNetCDF', me.isSubscribed(cc.subs[id],"table.load.netcdf")); } if (me.onClientSubs != null) me.onClientsUpdate(); break; } }; logCc = { receiveNotification: function(senderId, message) { var handled = cc.receiveNotification(senderId, message); }, receiveCall: function(senderId, msgId, message) { var handled = cc.receiveCall(senderId, msgId, message); }, receiveResponse: function(responderId, msgTag, response) { var handled = cc.receiveResponse(responderId, msgTag, response); }, init: function(connection) { cc.init(connection); } }; //connect to SAMP + MTypes subscription var subs = cc.calculateSubscriptions(); this.connector = new samp.Connector("TREPS", meta, logCc, subs); this.connector.onreg = function(conn) { if (me.onConnect != null) me.onConnect(); }; this.connector.onunreg = function(conn) { if (me.onDisconnect != null) me.onDisconnect(); }; }, onError: function() { treps.Messages.showError("SAMP library not reachable!"); } }); }, getClientsStore : function() { var store = Ext.getStore('SAMPClientsStore'); if (store != null) return store; return Ext.create('treps.store.SAMPClients', { storeId : 'SAMPClientsStore' } ); }, connect : function() { if (!this.connector) return false; try { this.connector.register(); return true; } catch(err) { treps.Messages.showError("SAMP connector error : "+err); return false; } }, isConnected : function() { if (!this.connector) return false; try { return (this.connector.connection != null); } catch(err) { treps.Messages.showError("SAMP connector error : "+err); return false; } }, disconnect : function() { if (!this.connector) return false; try { this.connector.unregister(); var clientsStore = this.getClientsStore(); clientsStore.removeAll(); return true; } catch(err) { treps.Messages.showError("SAMP connector error : "+err); return false; } }, isSubscribed : function(subs, mtype) { if (!this.connector) return false; return samp.isSubscribed(subs, mtype); }, notififyMessage : function(message,clientId) { if (!this.connector) return false; try { if (!clientId || clientId == 'hub') this.connector.connection.notifyAll([message]); else this.connector.connection.notify([clientId,message]); return true; } catch(err) { treps.Messages.showError("SAMP connector error : "+err); return false; } }, receiveFile : function(clientName, url, format) { if (this.onReceiveFile != null) this.onReceiveFile(clientName, url, format); }, sendFile : function(clientId, format, url) { var mType = ''; switch (format) { case 'votable' : mType = 'table.load.votable'; break; case 'cdf' : mType = 'table.load.cdf'; break; case 'netcdf' : mType = 'table.load.netcdf'; break; default: return false; } var message = new samp.Message(mType, {"url": url}); return this.notififyMessage(message,clientId); } });