#ifndef TRANSFORMATIONREQUEST_H #define TRANSFORMATIONREQUEST_H #include #include #include "../Common/TREPSTypes.h" #include "../DataRecord/DataRecordList.h" using namespace std; using namespace TREPS::Common; using namespace TREPS::DataRecord; namespace TREPS { namespace Transformation { class TransformationRequestClass { public : TransformationRequestClass(void); ~TransformationRequestClass(void); //set transformation frames void setFrames(const char *srcFrame, const char *dstFrame); //get transformation source frame string getSrcFrame(void) const; //get transformation destination frame string getDstFrame(void) const; //set transformation centers for RTN/RTP frames void setCenters(const char *srcCenter, const char *dstCenter); //get transformation source center string getSrcCenter(void) const; //get transformation destination center string getDstCenter(void) const; //set times void setTimes(const t_Time startTime, const t_Time stopTime); //get start time t_Time getStartTime(void) const; //get end time t_Time getStopTime(void) const; //set source vectors defintiion bool setSrcVectorsDefinition(const char *srcVecDef, const char *srcFrame); //get source vectors list t_VectorList *getSrcVectors(void) const; //get source vectors definition string getSrcVectorsDefinition(void); //set source time definition bool setTimeDefinition(const char *timeFieldId, const char *timeFormatId, const char *timePattern); //get source time field id string getTimeFieldId(void) const; //get source time format t_TimeFormat getTimeFormat(void) const; //get source time pattern string getTimePattern(void) const; //laod source data bool loadSrcData(const char *srcFilePath); //get source data DataRecordListClass *getSrcDataRecordList(void) const; //get number of source fields int getSrcNbFields(void); //get list of source fields t_FieldList *getSrcFields(void) const; //save transformation request to file bool saveToFile(const char *filePath); //load transformation request to file bool loadFromFile(const char *filePath); private : string srcFrame; string dstFrame; string srcCenter; string dstCenter; t_Time startTime; t_Time stopTime; t_VectorList srcVectors; string timeFieldId; t_TimeFormat timeFormat; string timePattern; t_FileInfo srcInfo; DataRecordListClass srcData; }; } } #endif