diff --git a/ihm/app/controller/Bodies/BodiesManager.js b/ihm/app/controller/Bodies/BodiesManager.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48ae810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ihm/app/controller/Bodies/BodiesManager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Ext.define('treps.controller.Bodies.BodiesManager', {
+ singleton : true,
+ constructor: function() {
+ },
+ loadBodiesStore: function(id, isSc, start, stop, onAfterLoad) {
+ var me = this;
+ //var store = Ext.getStore('Bodies');
+ //if (store == null)
+ var store = Ext.create('treps.store.Bodies');
+ //else store.removeAll();
+ var args = {
+ 'id' : id,
+ 'issc' : isSc,
+ 'starttime' : start,
+ 'stoptime' : stop
+ };
+ store.getProxy().extraParams = args;
+ store.load(
+ {
+ scope: me,
+ callback: function(records, operation, success)
+ {
+ if (!success)
+ {
+ treps.Messages.showError("Cannot get bodies list");
+ return;
+ }
+ console.log("BodiesManager: store loaded! "+store.count(false));
+ if (onAfterLoad != null)
+ onAfterLoad.call(me,store);
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/ihm/app/controller/Bodies/BodySelection.js b/ihm/app/controller/Bodies/BodySelection.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c2abef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ihm/app/controller/Bodies/BodySelection.js
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+Ext.define('treps.controller.Bodies.BodySelection', {
+ extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
+ requires: [
+ 'treps.controller.Bodies.BodiesManager'
+ ],
+ views: [
+ 'Steps.TransformationDefinition.BodySelectionPanel',
+ 'treps.view.Bodies.BodiesCombo'
+ ],
+ refs: [
+ {
+ ref: 'bodiesCenterCombo',
+ selector: '#centercombo'
+ },
+ {
+ ref: 'bodiesScCombo',
+ selector: '#sccombo'
+ }
+ ],
+ init: function() {
+ var me = this;
+ //console.log('BodySelection init '+this.getView('Steps.TransformationDefinition.BodySelectionPanel'));
+ },
+ initStore: function(start,stop,onReady)
+ {
+ var me = this;
+ this.getView('Steps.TransformationDefinition.BodySelectionPanel').create();
+ console.log("bodies centr combo: "+me.getBodiesCenterCombo());
+ console.log("bodies sc combo: "+me.getBodiesScCombo());
+ //if(isSc) {
+ treps.controller.Bodies.BodiesManager.loadBodiesStore(treps.model.Session.get('id'),'true',start, stop,
+ function(store) {
+ //console.log(me);
+ me.getBodiesScCombo().store = store;
+ if (onReady != null) {
+ treps.controller.Bodies.BodiesManager.loadBodiesStore(treps.model.Session.get('id'),'false',start, stop,
+ function(store) {
+ //console.log(me);
+ me.getBodiesCenterCombo().store = store;
+ if (onReady != null) {
+ onReady.call(me, store);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ //} else {
+ },
+ getBodySelWin: function(pTitle) {
+ var me = this;
+ console.log(this.getView('Steps.TransformationDefinition.BodySelectionPanel'));
+ return Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
+ title: pTitle,
+ layout: 'fit',
+ modal: true,
+ maximizable: false,
+ collapsible:false,
+ floating:true,
+ closable:false,
+ centered:true,
+ //items:[{xtype:'bodies_panel'}]
+ });
+ },
+ //get 'id name' string of selected sc
+ getScBody: function() {
+ return this.getBodiesScCombo().getValue()+' '+this.getBodiesScCombo().getRawValue();
+ },
+ setScBody: function(body) {
+ this.getBodiesScCombo().setValue(body);
+ },
+ //get 'id name' string of selected natural body
+ getCenterBody: function() {
+ return this.getBodiesCenterCombo().getValue()+' '+this.getBodiesCenterCombo().getRawValue();
+ },
+ setCenterBody: function(body) {
+ this.getBodiesCenterCombo().setValue(body);
+ }
diff --git a/ihm/app/controller/Frames/FramesSelection.js b/ihm/app/controller/Frames/FramesSelection.js
index b2bf2c7..be86981 100644
--- a/ihm/app/controller/Frames/FramesSelection.js
+++ b/ihm/app/controller/Frames/FramesSelection.js
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ Ext.define('treps.controller.Frames.FramesSelection', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
requires: [
- 'treps.controller.Frames.FramesManager'
+ 'treps.controller.Frames.FramesManager',
+ 'treps.controller.Bodies.BodySelection',
+ 'treps.controller.Data.Store.DataStoreManager'
views: [
@@ -10,19 +12,62 @@ Ext.define('treps.controller.Frames.FramesSelection', {
refs: [
- {
- ref: 'sourceCombo',
- selector: '#srcSysFrame'
- },
+ {
+ ref: 'sourceCombo',
+ selector: '#srcSysFrame'
+ },
ref: 'destCombo',
selector: '#destSysFrame'
+ srcCenter : '',
+ dstCenter : '',
- init: function() {
- var me = this;
- },
+ init: function() {
+ var me = this;
+ //timeDefController.init();
+ this.control({
+ '#srcSysFrame': {
+ select: me.onSrcFrameSelect,
+ scope: me
+ }
+ });
+ this.control({
+ '#destSysFrame': {
+ select: me.onDstFrameSelect,
+ scope: me
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ onSrcFrameSelect: function() {
+ var me = this;
+ var timeDefController = treps.app.getController('Times.SourceTimeSelection');
+ if((me.getSrcFrame()=='RTN') || (me.getSrcFrame()=='RTP')) {
+ if(timeDefController.getTimeFormat() == "") {//check time is defined
+ treps.Messages.showWarning("You must select a time field to use RTN/RTP coordinate system.");
+ me.getSourceCombo().setValue(null);
+ } else {
+ me.selectRTBodies('Select bodies for '+me.getSrcFrame(),me.getSourceCombo());
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ onDstFrameSelect: function() {
+ var me = this;
+ var timeDefController = treps.app.getController('Times.SourceTimeSelection');
+ if((me.getDstFrame()=='RTN') || (me.getDstFrame()=='RTP')) {
+ if(timeDefController.getTimeFormat() == "") {//check time is defined
+ treps.Messages.showWarning("You must select a time field to use RTN/RTP coordinate system.");
+ me.getDestCombo().setValue(null);
+ } else {
+ me.selectRTBodies('Select bodies for '+me.getDstFrame(),me.getDestCombo());
+ }
+ }
+ },
initStore: function(onReady)
@@ -37,6 +82,66 @@ Ext.define('treps.controller.Frames.FramesSelection', {
onReady.call(me, store);
+ //show RTN/RTP bodies selection and returns center formated string as follow:
+ // centerid centername scid scname
+ ctrlAdded: false,
+ currentCombo: undefined,
+ currentBodyWin: undefined,
+ selectRTBodies: function(pTitle,frameCombo) {
+ var me = this;
+ //var bodySelCtrl = treps.app.getController('treps.controller.Bodies.BodySelection');
+ var bodySelCtrl = Ext.create('treps.controller.Bodies.BodySelection');
+ treps.controller.Data.Store.DataStoreManager.getStore('SourceDataStore');
+ var bodySelWin = bodySelCtrl.getBodySelWin(pTitle);
+ this.currentCombo=frameCombo;
+ this.currentBodyWin = bodySelWin;
+ if(!this.ctrlAdded) {
+ this.control({
+ 'bodies_panel > #okbtn': {
+ click: function() {
+ var center = bodySelCtrl.getCenterBody()+' '+bodySelCtrl.getScBody();
+ if(this.currentCombo==me.getSourceCombo()) {
+ me.srcCenter = center;
+ console.log("set src center "+me.srcCenter+" dst="+me.dstCenter);
+ }
+ if(this.currentCombo==me.getDestCombo()) {
+ me.dstCenter = center;
+ console.log("set dst center "+me.dstCenter+" src="+me.srcCenter);
+ }
+ me.currentBodyWin.close();
+ },
+ scope: me
+ }
+ });
+ this.ctrlAdded = true;
+ }
+ var srcStore = treps.controller.Data.Store.DataStoreManager.getStore('SourceDataStore');
+ var gridController = treps.app.getController('Data.Grid.SourceDataGrid');
+ var timeCol = gridController.getFirstColumnDataIndex(gridController.getSourceGrid());
+ bodySelCtrl.initStore(srcStore.getAt(0).get(timeCol), srcStore.getAt(srcStore.totalCount-1).get(timeCol),
+ function(lBodies){
+ console.log("combo Sc found? "+bodySelCtrl.getBodiesScCombo().store.count(false));
+ console.log("combo Center found? "+bodySelCtrl.getBodiesCenterCombo().store.count(false));
+ //for RTN, select default sun value
+ if(frameCombo.getValue()=='RTN') bodySelCtrl.getBodiesCenterCombo().setValue('10');
+ bodySelWin.add(bodySelCtrl.getBodiesScCombo().ownerCt);
+ bodySelWin.doLayout();
+ bodySelWin.show();
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ getSrcCenter: function() {
+ return this.srcCenter;
+ },
+ getDstCenter: function() {
+ return this.dstCenter;
+ },
getSrcFrame: function() {
return this.getSourceCombo().getValue();
@@ -69,6 +174,7 @@ Ext.define('treps.controller.Frames.FramesSelection', {
treps.Messages.showError('Please select a destination frame');
return false;
return true;
diff --git a/ihm/app/controller/Steps/TransformationDefinitionStep.js b/ihm/app/controller/Steps/TransformationDefinitionStep.js
index f15810f..4641f06 100644
--- a/ihm/app/controller/Steps/TransformationDefinitionStep.js
+++ b/ihm/app/controller/Steps/TransformationDefinitionStep.js
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ Ext.define('treps.controller.Steps.TransformationDefinitionStep', {
scope: me
@@ -95,8 +99,8 @@ Ext.define('treps.controller.Steps.TransformationDefinitionStep', {
onAfterLoad: function(store, records, successful, eOpts)
+ var me = this;
var gridController = treps.app.getController('Data.Grid.SourceDataGrid');
@@ -197,35 +201,55 @@ Ext.define('treps.controller.Steps.TransformationDefinitionStep', {
var vecDefController = treps.app.getController('Vectors.VecDefGrid');
var timeDefController = treps.app.getController('Times.SourceTimeSelection');
+ var srcStore = treps.controller.Data.Store.DataStoreManager.getStore('SourceDataStore');
+ var timeCol = gridController.getFirstColumnDataIndex(gridController.getSourceGrid());
var dataGrid = gridController.getSourceGrid();
- var args = {
- 'id' : treps.model.Session.get('id'),
- 'srcframe' : framesDefController.getSrcFrame(),
- 'dstframe' : framesDefController.getDstFrame(),
- 'vectors' : vecDefController.getVectorsStr(),
- 'timeformatid' : timeDefController.getTimeFormat(),
- 'timepattern' : timeDefController.getTimePattern(),
- 'timefieldid' : gridController.getFirstColumnDataIndex(dataGrid)
- };
+ var srcFrame = framesDefController.getSrcFrame();
+ var dstFrame = framesDefController.getDstFrame()
+ var srcCenter = framesDefController.getSrcCenter();
+ var dstCenter = framesDefController.getDstCenter();
+ console.log('found srccenter: '+srcCenter+' / '+dstCenter);
var infoMsg = [];
- if ((args.srcframe == null) && (args.dstframe == null))
+ if ((srcFrame == null) && (dstFrame == null))
infoMsg.push("No frames selected.");
- if (args.srcframe == args.dstframe)
+ if (srcFrame == dstFrame)
infoMsg.push("Source and destination frames are identical.");
- if ((args.srcframe != args.dstframe) && (args.timeformatid == ""))
+ if ((srcFrame != dstFrame) && (timeDefController.getTimeFormat() == ""))
infoMsg.push("No time field selected. You must be sure that selected transformation don't need to use the time. If time needed, it will be set to 01/01/1970.");
- if (args.vectors == "")
+ if (vecDefController.getVectorsStr() == "")
infoMsg.push("No vector defined. The full source data will be used during the next step.");
+ var args = {
+ 'id' : treps.model.Session.get('id'),
+ 'srcframe' : srcFrame,
+ 'srccenter' : srcCenter,
+ 'dstframe' : dstFrame,
+ 'dstcenter' : dstCenter,
+ 'starttime' : srcStore.getAt(0).get(timeCol),
+ 'stoptime' : srcStore.getAt(srcStore.totalCount-1).get(timeCol),
+ 'vectors' : vecDefController.getVectorsStr(),
+ 'timeformatid' : timeDefController.getTimeFormat(),
+ 'timepattern' : timeDefController.getTimePattern(),
+ 'timefieldid' : gridController.getFirstColumnDataIndex(dataGrid)
+ };
if (infoMsg.length == 0)
@@ -243,10 +267,12 @@ Ext.define('treps.controller.Steps.TransformationDefinitionStep', {
- }var session = treps.model.Session;
+ }
+ var session = treps.model.Session;
doInitStep: function() {
var me = this;
var session = treps.model.Session;
diff --git a/ihm/app/model/Body.js b/ihm/app/model/Body.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..758a106
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ihm/app/model/Body.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Ext.define('treps.model.Body', {
+ extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
+ fields: [
+ {
+ name: 'id', type: 'string'
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'fullname', type: 'string'
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'startTime', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'c'
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'endTime', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'c'
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/ihm/app/store/Bodies.js b/ihm/app/store/Bodies.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08891d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ihm/app/store/Bodies.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Ext.define('treps.store.Bodies', {
+ extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
+ model: 'treps.model.Body',
+ sorters: [{
+ property: 'fullname',
+ direction: 'ASC'
+ }],
+ sortOnLoad: true,
+ remoteSort: false,
+ proxy: {
+ type: 'direct',
+ reader : {
+ type : 'json',
+ root : 'bodies'
+ },
+ api: {
+ read : "TREPSAction.getBodiesList"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ihm/app/view/Bodies/BodiesCombo.js b/ihm/app/view/Bodies/BodiesCombo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b298165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ihm/app/view/Bodies/BodiesCombo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Ext.define('treps.view.Bodies.BodiesCombo', {
+ extend: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox',
+ alias: 'widget.bodies_combo',
+ editable:false,
+ valueField: 'id',
+ queryMode: 'local',
+ emptyText: 'Choose a body',
+ tpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate',
+ '',
+ '{fullname}
+ ''
+ ),
+ displayTpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '{fullname}',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ''
+ )
diff --git a/ihm/app/view/Steps/TransformationDefinition/BodySelectionPanel.js b/ihm/app/view/Steps/TransformationDefinition/BodySelectionPanel.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82f3ab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ihm/app/view/Steps/TransformationDefinition/BodySelectionPanel.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Ext.define('treps.view.Steps.TransformationDefinition.BodySelectionPanel' ,{
+ extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
+ alias: 'widget.bodies_panel',
+ requires: [
+ 'treps.view.Bodies.BodiesCombo'
+ ],
+ initComponent: function() {
+ this.callParent(arguments);
+ },
+ /*tools: [
+ {
+ type: 'help',
+ pageId: 'bodies'
+ }
+ ],
+ */
+ //title: 'Body selection',
+ layout: {
+ type: 'vbox',
+ align: 'center',
+ padding: 5,
+ margin: 5
+ },
+ items: [
+ {
+ xtype: 'bodies_combo',
+ id: 'centercombo',
+ fieldLabel: 'Center',
+ labelWidth: 150,
+ padding: 5,
+ flex: 1
+ },
+ {
+ xtype: 'bodies_combo',
+ id: 'sccombo',
+ fieldLabel: 'Spacecraft',
+ labelWidth: 150,
+ padding: 5,
+ flex: 1
+ },
+ {
+ xtype: 'button',
+ text: 'OK',
+ id: 'okbtn'
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/server/kernel/data/frames.xml b/server/kernel/data/frames.xml
index d4bcec4..48881fd 100644
--- a/server/kernel/data/frames.xml
+++ b/server/kernel/data/frames.xml
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
Heliocentric Earth Ecliptic
- The Heliocentric Earth Ecliptic frame is defined as follows ):
+ The Heliocentric Earth Ecliptic frame is defined as follows :
- X-Y plane is defined by the Earth Mean Ecliptic plane of date,
therefore, the +Z axis is the primary vector,and it defined as
@@ -141,14 +141,24 @@
ECLIPJ2000 centered on Jupiter
+ The value for the obliquity of the
+ ecliptic at J2000 is taken from
+ of 'Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac'
+ edited by P. Kenneth Seidelmann. University Science
+ Books, 20 Edgehill Road, Mill Valley, CA 94941 (1992)
+ page 114 equation 3.222-1
ECLIPJ2000 centered on Saturn
+ The value for the obliquity of the
+ ecliptic at J2000 is taken from
+ of 'Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac'
+ edited by P. Kenneth Seidelmann. University Science
+ Books, 20 Edgehill Road, Mill Valley, CA 94941 (1992)
+ page 114 equation 3.222-1
@@ -533,7 +543,12 @@
ECLIPJ2000 centered on Mercury
+ The value for the obliquity of the
+ ecliptic at J2000 is taken from
+ of 'Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac'
+ edited by P. Kenneth Seidelmann. University Science
+ Books, 20 Edgehill Road, Mill Valley, CA 94941 (1992)
+ page 114 equation 3.222-1
@@ -581,11 +596,18 @@
Ganymede Phi-Omega
+In those Cartesian coordinate system (referred to as MphiO, M=Ganymede, Europa, Io, Callisto),
+X is along the flow direction, Y is along the Moon-Jupiter vector, and Z is along the spin axis.
+These coordinates are analogous to the earth-centered GSE coordinates that relate to the direction of
+flow of the solar wind onto Earth's environment
+All the vectors are geometric: no aberration corrections are used.
Body-Fixed Frame
+ Archinal, B.A., Acton, C.H., A’Hearn, M.F. et al. Report of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2015.
+ Celest Mech Dyn Astr 130, 22 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5
@@ -628,26 +650,36 @@
Body-Fixed Frame
+ Archinal, B.A., Acton, C.H., A’Hearn, M.F. et al. Report of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2015.
+ Celest Mech Dyn Astr 130, 22 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5
Body-Fixed Frame
+ Archinal, B.A., Acton, C.H., A’Hearn, M.F. et al. Report of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2015.
+ Celest Mech Dyn Astr 130, 22 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5
Body-Fixed Frame
+ Archinal, B.A., Acton, C.H., A’Hearn, M.F. et al. Report of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2015.
+ Celest Mech Dyn Astr 130, 22 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5
Body-Fixed Frame
+ Archinal, B.A., Acton, C.H., A’Hearn, M.F. et al. Report of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2015.
+ Celest Mech Dyn Astr 130, 22 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5
Body-Fixed Frame
+ Archinal, B.A., Acton, C.H., A’Hearn, M.F. et al. Report of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2015.
+ Celest Mech Dyn Astr 130, 22 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5
@@ -739,7 +771,8 @@
Body-Fixed Frame
- Same as SYSTEM_3
+ Archinal, B.A., Acton, C.H., A’Hearn, M.F. et al. Report of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2015.
+ Celest Mech Dyn Astr 130, 22 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5
@@ -770,6 +803,8 @@ flow of the solar wind onto Earth's environment
Body-Fixed Frame
+ Archinal, B.A., Acton, C.H., A’Hearn, M.F. et al. Report of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2015.
+ Celest Mech Dyn Astr 130, 22 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5
@@ -888,7 +923,12 @@ flow of the solar wind onto Earth's environment
ECLIPJ2000 centered on Uranus
+ The value for the obliquity of the
+ ecliptic at J2000 is taken from
+ of 'Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac'
+ edited by P. Kenneth Seidelmann. University Science
+ Books, 20 Edgehill Road, Mill Valley, CA 94941 (1992)
+ page 114 equation 3.222-1
@@ -913,6 +953,8 @@ flow of the solar wind onto Earth's environment
Body-Fixed Frame
+ Archinal, B.A., Acton, C.H., A’Hearn, M.F. et al. Report of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2015.
+ Celest Mech Dyn Astr 130, 22 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5
@@ -923,7 +965,12 @@ flow of the solar wind onto Earth's environment
ECLIPJ2000 centered on Neptune
+ The value for the obliquity of the
+ ecliptic at J2000 is taken from
+ of 'Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac'
+ edited by P. Kenneth Seidelmann. University Science
+ Books, 20 Edgehill Road, Mill Valley, CA 94941 (1992)
+ page 114 equation 3.222-1
@@ -948,6 +995,8 @@ flow of the solar wind onto Earth's environment
Body-Fixed Frame
+ Archinal, B.A., Acton, C.H., A’Hearn, M.F. et al. Report of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2015.
+ Celest Mech Dyn Astr 130, 22 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5
@@ -957,7 +1006,12 @@ flow of the solar wind onto Earth's environment
ECLIPJ2000 centered on Pluto
+ The value for the obliquity of the
+ ecliptic at J2000 is taken from
+ of 'Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac'
+ edited by P. Kenneth Seidelmann. University Science
+ Books, 20 Edgehill Road, Mill Valley, CA 94941 (1992)
+ page 114 equation 3.222-1
@@ -982,6 +1036,8 @@ flow of the solar wind onto Earth's environment
Body-Fixed Frame
+ Archinal, B.A., Acton, C.H., A’Hearn, M.F. et al. Report of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2015.
+ Celest Mech Dyn Astr 130, 22 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5
@@ -1086,5 +1142,40 @@ flow of the solar wind onto Earth's environment
- All vectors are geometric: no aberration corrections are used.
+ Sun-Spaceraft coordinate system
+ RTN Frame is defined as follows:
+ - R is positive from the Sun to the spacecraft.
+ - T is omega cross R, where omega is the sun spin axis.
+ - N is R cross T, which completes the right-handed system.
+ This frame assumes the instantaneous center is located at the Sun,
+ and not the spacecraft. Further, the axes are associated
+ with the normal X, Y, and Z in the following manner:
+ - R -> X
+ - T -> Y
+ - N -> Z
+ Planet-Spaceraft coordinate system
+ The RTP frame is defined as follows:
+ - R is positive from the Planet to the spacecraft.
+ - T is omega cross R, where omega is the planet spin axis.
+ - P is R cross T, which completes the right-handed system.
+ This frame assumes the instantaneous center is located at planet
+ and not the spacecraft. Further, the axes are associated
+ with the normal X, Y, and Z in the following manner:
+ - R -> X
+ - Theta -> Y
+ - Phi -> Z
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesAbstract.cpp b/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesAbstract.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..776d722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesAbstract.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#include "BodiesAbstract.h"
+#include "../Common/Toolbox.h"
+#include "../TimeManager/TimeManager.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace TREPS::Common;
+using namespace TREPS::File;
+using namespace TREPS::TimeManager;
+namespace TREPS
+ namespace Bodies
+ {
+ BodiesAbstractClass::BodiesAbstractClass(RequestAbstractClass *trepsRequest) : app(NULL), trepsRequest(trepsRequest),
+ errorMsg(""), request(NULL), result(NULL)
+ {
+ this->app = ApplicationClass::getInstance();
+ this->request = new BodiesRequestClass();
+ this->result = new BodiesResultClass();
+ }
+ BodiesAbstractClass::~BodiesAbstractClass(void)
+ {
+ if (this->request != NULL)
+ {
+ delete this->request;
+ this->request = NULL;
+ }
+ if (this->result != NULL)
+ {
+ delete this->result;
+ this->result = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ bool BodiesAbstractClass::init(const bool isSc, const t_Time *startTime, const t_Time *endTime)
+ {
+ this->trepsRequest->setStatus("Initialize bodies abstract class");
+ if (this->request == NULL)
+ {
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Cannot init bodies request");
+ return false;
+ }
+ this->request->setIsSc(isSc);
+ this->request->setTimes(startTime, endTime);
+ //save request file
+/* if (!this->request->saveToFile(bodiesRequest))
+ {
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Cannot save bodies request file");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool BodiesAbstractClass::writeResult(const char *resultPath)
+ {
+ this->trepsRequest->setStatus("Finalize getbodies XML result");
+ FileWriterBodiesClass *fileWriter = new FileWriterBodiesClass();
+ map attributes;
+ attributes.clear();
+ //init the file writer
+ if (!fileWriter->init(resultPath, &attributes))
+ {
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Error to init the file to write " << resultPath);
+ delete fileWriter;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //write file data
+ if (!fileWriter->writeData(result->getBodies()))
+ {
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Error to write data");
+ delete fileWriter;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //save file
+ bool res = fileWriter->save();
+ if (!res)
+ {
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Error to save file");
+ }
+ delete fileWriter;
+ return res;
+ }
+ string BodiesAbstractClass::getLastError(void)
+ {
+ return this->errorMsg;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesAbstract.h b/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesAbstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..653bb5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesAbstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#include "BodiesRequest.h"
+#include "BodiesResult.h"
+#include "../Application/Application.h"
+#include "../File/FileWriterBodies.h"
+#include "../RequestManager/RequestAbstract.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace TREPS::Application;
+using namespace TREPS::RequestManager;
+namespace TREPS
+ namespace Bodies
+ {
+ class BodiesAbstractClass
+ {
+ public :
+ BodiesAbstractClass(RequestAbstractClass *trepsRequest);
+ virtual ~BodiesAbstractClass(void) = 0;
+ //init request
+ bool init(const bool isSc, const t_Time *startTime, const t_Time *endTime);
+ //get list of available bodies for this engine
+ //virtual t_StringList getBodies(const t_Time *startTime, const t_Time *endTime) = 0;
+ //run request
+ virtual bool run() = 0;
+ //write request result
+ bool writeResult(const char *resultPath);
+ //get last error message
+ string getLastError(void);
+ protected :
+ ApplicationClass *app;
+ RequestAbstractClass *trepsRequest;
+ string errorMsg;
+ //get source vector list
+ //t_VectorList getSrcVectorsList(const char *vectorsDef, const char *srcFrame);
+ BodiesRequestClass *request;
+ BodiesResultClass *result;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesCDPP3DView.cpp b/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesCDPP3DView.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6db67b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesCDPP3DView.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#include "BodiesCDPP3DView.h"
+//#include "../../CDPP3DViewSOAPClient/cdppBinder.nsmap"
+#include "../../CDPP3DViewSOAPClient/cdpp3dviewcdppBinderProxy.h"
+#include "../Common/Toolbox.h"
+//#include "../DataRetriever/DataRetriever.h"
+//#include "../File/FileLoaderManager.h"
+#include "../TimeManager/TimeManager.h"
+using namespace TREPS::Common;
+using namespace TREPS::TimeManager;
+namespace TREPS
+ namespace Bodies
+ {
+ BodiesCDPP3DViewClass::BodiesCDPP3DViewClass(RequestAbstractClass *trepsRequest):BodiesAbstractClass(trepsRequest),
+ client(NULL)
+ {
+ //init SOAP client for 3DView Web Service
+ this->client = new cdppBinderProxy(SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE);
+ }
+ BodiesCDPP3DViewClass::~BodiesCDPP3DViewClass(void)
+ {
+ if (this->client != NULL)
+ {
+ delete this->client;
+ this->client = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ bool BodiesCDPP3DViewClass::run()
+ {
+ this->errorMsg = "";
+ //for each vector
+ //for (t_VectorList::iterator it=this->request->getSrcVectors()->begin(); it != this->request->getSrcVectors()->end(); ++it)
+ //{
+ string generalStatus = "";
+ generalStatus += " - Running step : list bodies";
+ this->trepsRequest->setStatus(generalStatus.c_str());
+ t_Bodies bodies = this->callListBodiesRequest(request->getIsSc());
+ generalStatus = "Bodies found: ";
+ generalStatus += bodies.size();
+ generalStatus += " - Running step : filter bodies result";
+ //this->trepsRequest->setStatus(generalStatus.c_str());
+ LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"listBodies result : " << bodies.size() << " bodies found");
+ t_Bodies filteredBodies;
+ //get time manager instance
+ TimeManagerClass *timeMgr = TimeManagerClass::getInstance();
+ for (unsigned int i=0;iapp->getLog()->getPtr(),"BodiesCDPP3DView.run(): in for : " << i);
+ ns4__Body* body = bodies.at(i);
+ ns4__TimeRange* coverage = body->coverage;
+ if(coverage==0) continue;
+ //LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"BodiesCDPP3DView.run(): body " <name.c_str()<<"/"<app->getLog()->getPtr(),"BodiesCDPP3DView.run(): body " <name.c_str()<<"/"<startTime<<"/"<stopTime);
+ time_t lBodyStart = coverage->startTime;
+ time_t lBodyStop = coverage->stopTime;
+ time_t lFileStart = timeMgr->to_TIMESTAMP(request->getStartTime());
+ time_t lFileStop = timeMgr->to_TIMESTAMP(request->getStopTime());
+ //LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"BodiesCDPP3DView.run(): compare body start: " << ctime(&lBodyStart));
+ //LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"BodiesCDPP3DView.run(): compare body stop: " << ctime(&lBodyStop));
+ //LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"BodiesCDPP3DView.run(): compare filter start: " << ctime(&lFileStart));
+ //LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"BodiesCDPP3DView.run(): compare filter stop: " << ctime(&lFileStop));
+ //check if body timerange covers file timerange
+ if((lBodyStart-lFileStart)<0 && (lBodyStop-lFileStop)>0) {
+ /*ns4__Body *lNewBody = soap_new_req_ns4__Body(body->soap, body->naifId, body->modelId, body->name,
+ soap_new_req_ns4__TimeRange(body->soap, lBodyStart, lBodyStop),
+ body->type, body->color, body->size,
+ body->prefFrame, body->prefCenter, body->prefStarSubset);
+ */
+ filteredBodies.push_back(body);
+ }
+ }
+ LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"BodiesCDPP3DView.run(): filtered bodies result : " << filteredBodies.size() << " bodies found");
+ //copy result xml file in op workspace
+ generalStatus = "Bodies filtered: ";
+ generalStatus += filteredBodies.size();
+ generalStatus += " - Running step : Save bodies result";
+ //LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"BodiesCDPP3DView.run(): set Status");
+ //this->trepsRequest->setStatus(generalStatus.c_str());
+ //add result
+ //LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"BodiesCDPP3DView.run(): set result");
+ this->result->init(filteredBodies);
+ //}
+ return true;
+ }
+ t_Bodies BodiesCDPP3DViewClass::callListBodiesRequest(bool isSc)
+ {
+ bool res = false;
+ t_Bodies response;
+ string method = "listBodies";
+ //Init 3DView listBodies request
+ _ns3__listBodies listBodiesRequest;
+ _ns3__listBodiesResponse listBodiesResponse;
+ if(isSc) {
+ listBodiesRequest.pType = ns4__BodyType__SPACECRAFT;
+ LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"BodiesCDPP3DView.callListBodiesRequest(): type : sc");
+ res = (this->client->listBodies(&listBodiesRequest,&listBodiesResponse) == SOAP_OK);
+ } else {
+ listBodiesRequest.pType = ns4__BodyType__PLANET;
+ LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"BodiesCDPP3DView.callListBodiesRequest(): type : planet");
+ //ns4__BodyType__PLANET, ///< xs:string value="PLANET"
+ //ns4__BodyType__SATELLITE, ///< xs:string value="SATELLITE"
+ //ns4__BodyType__COMET, ///< xs:string value="COMET"
+ //ns4__BodyType__ASTEROID, ///< xs:string value="ASTEROID"
+ res = (this->client->listBodies(&listBodiesRequest,&listBodiesResponse) == SOAP_OK);
+ t_Bodies planets = listBodiesResponse.return_;
+/* listBodiesRequest.pType = ns4__BodyType__SATELLITE;
+ res = (this->client->listBodies(&listBodiesRequest,&listBodiesResponse) == SOAP_OK);
+ for(unsigned i=0;ideleteTimeList(listNewFrameOrbRequest.pDateTimeInput);
+ //this->deleteVectorTuple3d(listNewFrameOrbRequest.pDataInput);
+ //#endif
+ if (!res)
+ {
+ this->errorMsg = "Error during the call of ";
+ this->errorMsg += method;
+ this->errorMsg += " of 3DView Web Service";
+ if (this->client->soap_fault_string() != NULL)
+ {
+ this->errorMsg += " (";
+ this->errorMsg += this->client->soap_fault_string();
+ this->errorMsg += ")";
+ }
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),this->errorMsg);
+ } else {
+ response = listBodiesResponse.return_;
+ }
+ return response;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesCDPP3DView.h b/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesCDPP3DView.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fff67c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesCDPP3DView.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#include "BodiesAbstract.h"
+#define CDPP3DVIEW_TIME_PATTERN "[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss].[mls]"
+namespace TREPS
+ namespace Bodies
+ {
+ typedef vector t_Bodies;
+ class BodiesCDPP3DViewClass : public BodiesAbstractClass
+ {
+ public :
+ BodiesCDPP3DViewClass(RequestAbstractClass *trepsRequest);
+ ~BodiesCDPP3DViewClass(void);
+ //retreive bodies
+ bool run();
+ private :
+ //pointer to the WS client
+ cdppBinderProxy *client;
+ //retreive all bodies
+ t_Bodies callListBodiesRequest(const bool isSc);
+ //filter bodies with their coverage
+ t_Bodies filterBodiesRequest(const t_Time *startDate, const t_Time *endDate);
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesRequest.cpp b/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesRequest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5fc326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesRequest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#include "BodiesRequest.h"
+#include "../Common/Toolbox.h"
+#include "../XMLManager/XMLManager.h"
+using namespace TREPS::Common;
+using namespace TREPS::XMLManager;
+namespace TREPS
+ namespace Bodies
+ {
+ BodiesRequestClass::BodiesRequestClass(void) : startTime(), stopTime()
+ {
+ }
+ BodiesRequestClass::~BodiesRequestClass(void)
+ {
+ }
+ void BodiesRequestClass::setIsSc(bool isSc){
+ this->isSc=isSc;
+ }
+ bool BodiesRequestClass::getIsSc(void) {
+ return this->isSc;
+ }
+ void BodiesRequestClass::setTimes(const t_Time *startTime, const t_Time *stopTime)
+ {
+ this->startTime = *startTime;
+ this->stopTime = *stopTime;
+ }
+ t_Time BodiesRequestClass::getStartTime(void) const
+ {
+ return this->startTime;
+ }
+ t_Time BodiesRequestClass::getStopTime(void) const
+ {
+ return this->stopTime;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesRequest.h b/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesRequest.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69e5ea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesRequest.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#include "../Common/TREPSTypes.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace TREPS::Common;
+namespace TREPS
+ namespace Bodies
+ {
+ class BodiesRequestClass
+ {
+ public :
+ BodiesRequestClass(void);
+ ~BodiesRequestClass(void);
+ //set spacecraft type query boolean
+ void setIsSc(bool isSc);
+ //get spacecraft type query boolean
+ bool getIsSc(void);
+ //set times
+ void setTimes(const t_Time *startTime, const t_Time *stopTime);
+ //get start time
+ t_Time getStartTime(void) const;
+ //get end time
+ t_Time getStopTime(void) const;
+ private :
+ bool isSc;
+ t_Time startTime;
+ t_Time stopTime;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesResult.cpp b/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesResult.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..297dd3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesResult.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "BodiesResult.h"
+namespace TREPS
+ namespace Bodies
+ {
+ BodiesResultClass::BodiesResultClass(void) : app(NULL)
+ {
+ this->app = ApplicationClass::getInstance();
+ }
+ BodiesResultClass::~BodiesResultClass(void)
+ {
+ }
+ t_Bodies *BodiesResultClass::getBodies(void) const
+ {
+ return const_cast(&this->bodies);
+ }
+ bool BodiesResultClass::init(t_Bodies bodies)
+ {
+ //reset result
+ this->bodies = bodies;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesResult.h b/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesResult.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7488dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/kernel/src/Bodies/BodiesResult.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#include "../Common/TREPSTypes.h"
+#include "../Application/Application.h"
+#include "../../CDPP3DViewSOAPClient/cdpp3dviewcdppBinderProxy.h"
+//#include "../DataRecord/DataRecordList.h"
+//#include "../Export/ExportManager.h"
+using namespace TREPS::Common;
+using namespace TREPS::Application;
+namespace TREPS
+ namespace Bodies
+ {
+ //declare stype as in Bodies/BodiesCDPP3DView.h
+ typedef vector t_Bodies;
+ class BodiesResultClass
+ {
+ public :
+ BodiesResultClass(void);
+ ~BodiesResultClass(void);
+ //init listBodies result
+ bool init(t_Bodies bodies);
+ //get result
+ t_Bodies *getBodies(void) const;
+ private :
+ ApplicationClass *app;
+ t_Bodies bodies;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/File/FileWriterBodies.cpp b/server/kernel/src/File/FileWriterBodies.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e2fad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/kernel/src/File/FileWriterBodies.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+#include "FileWriterBodies.h"
+#include "../TimeManager/TimeManager.h"
+#include "../Common/Toolbox.h"
+using namespace TREPS::Common;
+using namespace TREPS::TimeManager;
+namespace TREPS
+ namespace File
+ {
+ FileWriterBodiesClass::FileWriterBodiesClass(void): filePath(""), writer(NULL)
+ {
+ this->app = ApplicationClass::getInstance();
+ this->writer = new XMLManagerClass();
+ }
+ FileWriterBodiesClass::~FileWriterBodiesClass(void)
+ {
+ if (this->writer != NULL)
+ {
+ delete this->writer;
+ this->writer = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ bool FileWriterBodiesClass::init(const char *file_path, const map *attributes)
+ {
+ if (!this->close())
+ {
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Cannot close previous document");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!this->writer->create("treps"))
+ {
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Cannot init xml document");
+ return false;
+ }
+ Node *rootNode = this->writer->getRootNode();
+ if (rootNode == NULL)
+ {
+ this->close();
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Cannot get root node");
+ return false;
+ }
+/* if (!this->writer->addAttributeToNode("version", "1.2", rootNode))
+ {
+ this->close();
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Cannot set VOTable version");
+ return false;
+ }
+/* if (!this->writer->addAttributeToNode("xmlns:xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", rootNode))
+ {
+ this->close();
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Cannot set xmlns:xsi");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!this->writer->addAttributeToNode("xmlns", "http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/v1.2", rootNode))
+ {
+ this->close();
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Cannot set xmlns");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!this->writer->addAttributeToNode("xmlns:stc", "http://www.ivoa.net/xml/STC/v1.30", rootNode))
+ {
+ this->close();
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Cannot set xmlns:stc");
+ return false;
+ }
+ Node *bodiesNode = this->writer->addChildToRoot("bodies");
+ if (bodiesNode == NULL)
+ {
+ this->close();
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Cannot add bodies node");
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool res = this->writer->save(file_path);
+ if (res)
+ this->filePath = file_path;
+ else
+ this->close();
+ return res;
+ }
+ bool FileWriterBodiesClass::writeData(const t_Bodies *bodies)
+ {
+ if (!this->writer->isInUse())
+ {
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"File not initialized");
+ return false;
+ }
+ //get bodies node
+ Node *bodiesNode = this->writer->getChildFromRoot("bodies");
+ if (bodiesNode == NULL)
+ {
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Cannot get bodies node");
+ return false;
+ }
+ //Add bodies
+ TimeManagerClass *timeMgr = TimeManagerClass::getInstance();
+ //init iso pattern
+ string isoPattern = timeMgr->getPatternFromTimeId("iso-mls-z");
+ timeMgr->setCurrentPattern(isoPattern.c_str());
+ //typedef t_Bodies::iterator tBdIter;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;isize();i++) {
+ ns4__Body* body = bodies->at(i);
+ ns4__TimeRange* coverage = body->coverage;
+ t_Time lBodyStart;
+ t_Time lBodyStop;
+ if(!timeMgr->from_TIMESTAMP(coverage->startTime, lBodyStart)) {
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Cannot convert "<name.c_str()<< " start time");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!timeMgr->from_TIMESTAMP(coverage->stopTime, lBodyStop)) {
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Cannot convert "<name.c_str()<< " stop time");
+ return false;
+ }
+ Node *bodyNode = this->writer->addChildToNode("body", bodiesNode);
+ string strId;
+ stringstream strstr;
+ strstr << body->naifId;
+ //itoa(body->naifId,buff,10);
+ this->writer->addAttributeToNode("id", strstr.str().c_str(), bodyNode);
+ //this->writer->setNodeContent(strstr.str().c_str(), this->writer->addChildToNode("id", bodyNode));
+ this->writer->setNodeContent(body->name.c_str(), this->writer->addChildToNode("fullname", bodyNode));
+ this->writer->setNodeContent(timeMgr->to_PATTERN(lBodyStart).c_str(), this->writer->addChildToNode("startTime", bodyNode));
+ this->writer->setNodeContent(timeMgr->to_PATTERN(lBodyStop).c_str(), this->writer->addChildToNode("endTime", bodyNode));
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool FileWriterBodiesClass::save(void)
+ {
+ if (!this->writer->isInUse())
+ return false;
+ bool res = this->writer->save(this->filePath.c_str());
+ /*if (res)
+ {
+ //check xsd validity
+ if (!this->writer->isValid(TREPS_VOTABLE_XSD))
+ {
+ LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"The generated VOTable is not valid!");
+ }
+ }*/
+ return res;
+ }
+ bool FileWriterBodiesClass::close(void)
+ {
+ if (this->writer->isInUse())
+ {
+ this->writer->close();
+ this->filePath = "";
+ }
+ return !this->writer->isInUse();
+ }
+ bool FileWriterBodiesClass::isOpened(void)
+ {
+ return this->writer->isInUse();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/File/FileWriterBodies.h b/server/kernel/src/File/FileWriterBodies.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc760e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/kernel/src/File/FileWriterBodies.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+//#define TREPS_VOTABLE_XSD "votable-V1.2.xsd"
+//#include "FileWriterAbstract.h"
+#include "../XMLManager/XMLManager.h"
+#include "../../CDPP3DViewSOAPClient/cdpp3dviewcdppBinderProxy.h"
+using namespace TREPS::XMLManager;
+namespace TREPS
+ namespace File
+ {
+ //declare stype as in Bodies/BodiesCDPP3DView.h
+ typedef vector t_Bodies;
+ class FileWriterBodiesClass
+ {
+ public :
+ FileWriterBodiesClass(void);
+ ~FileWriterBodiesClass(void);
+ //create XML file and add general attributes
+ bool init(const char *file_path, const map *attributes);
+ //write bodies in xml file
+ bool writeData(const t_Bodies *bodies);
+ //save the XML file
+ bool save(void);
+ //close the xml file
+ bool close(void);
+ //test if a file is opened
+ bool isOpened(void);
+ protected :
+ ApplicationClass *app;
+ private :
+ //path to the initialized file
+ string filePath;
+ //pointer to the xml writer
+ XMLManagerClass *writer;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestBodiesGet.cpp b/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestBodiesGet.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f22455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestBodiesGet.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+#include "RequestBodiesGet.h"
+#include "../Bodies/BodiesCDPP3DView.h"
+#include "../Common/Toolbox.h"
+#include "../TimeManager/TimeManager.h"
+using namespace TREPS::Common;
+using namespace TREPS::Bodies;
+using namespace TREPS::TimeManager;
+namespace TREPS
+ namespace RequestManager
+ {
+ RequestBodiesGetClass::RequestBodiesGetClass(void):RequestAbstractClass(), startTime(), stopTime()
+ {
+ this->outputType = OUTPUT_XMLFILE;
+ }
+ RequestBodiesGetClass::~RequestBodiesGetClass(void)
+ {
+ }
+ string RequestBodiesGetClass::getRequestId(void)
+ {
+ return "bodies_get";
+ }
+ bool RequestBodiesGetClass::load(RequestLoaderClass *loader)
+ {
+ //init request and lock workind dir where we will generate result file
+ if (!this->initOpId(loader,true))
+ {
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Cannot get op Id");
+ return false;
+ }
+ //get isSc
+ string isSc = loader->getArgStrByName("issc");
+ if(isSc.compare("true")==0) {
+ this->isSc = true;
+ } else {
+ this->isSc = false;
+ }
+ LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"RequestBodiesGetClass found isSc "<isSc);
+ //get start time
+ string startTime = loader->getArgStrByName("starttime");
+ //get end time
+ string stopTime = loader->getArgStrByName("stoptime");
+ //get time manager instance
+ TimeManagerClass *timeMgr = TimeManagerClass::getInstance();
+ string pattern = timeMgr->detectPattern(startTime.c_str());
+ timeMgr->setCurrentPattern(pattern.c_str());
+ timeMgr->from_PATTERN(startTime.c_str(),this->startTime,false);
+ timeMgr->from_PATTERN(stopTime.c_str(),this->stopTime,false);
+ LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"RequestBodiesGetClass converted start and stop "<getPatternFromTimeId("iso-mls-z");
+ timeMgr->setCurrentPattern(isoPattern.c_str());
+ //LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"RequestBodiesGet init getBodies");
+ if (!getBodies->init(this->isSc, &(this->startTime),&(this->stopTime)))
+ {
+ this->lastMsg = getBodies->getLastError();
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Error to init transformation request");
+ return false;
+ }
+ //get bodies
+ bool res = getBodies->run();
+ if (!res)
+ {
+ this->lastMsg = getBodies->getLastError();
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Error during get Bodies between "<to_PATTERN(this->startTime).c_str()<<" and "<to_PATTERN(this->stopTime).c_str());
+ } else {
+ //get working dir
+ string dirPath = this->dirMgr->createNewDir(false);
+ if (dirPath.compare("") == 0)
+ {
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Error create dir path");
+ return false;
+ }
+ //LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Got dirPath: "<filePath += getPathCorrection(this->app->getConf()->getWorkingDirPath().c_str());
+ this->filePath += getPathCorrection(dirPath.c_str());
+ this->filePath += "bodiesList.xml";
+ //LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"*** RequestBodiesGet writer to file "<filePath.c_str());
+ if (this->filePath.compare("") == 0)
+ {
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Error to get bodies result file path");
+ return false;
+ }
+ getBodies->writeResult(this->filePath.c_str());
+ }
+ //this->success = res;
+ delete getBodies;
+ return res;
+ }
+ void RequestBodiesGetClass::writeResult(ResultWriterClass *writer)
+ {
+ //No result file for this request
+ }
+ string RequestBodiesGetClass::getResultFileSuffix(void)
+ {
+ return "";
+ }
+ string RequestBodiesGetClass::getXMLFilePath(void)
+ {
+ return this->filePath;
+ }
+ string RequestBodiesGetClass::getStringResult(void)
+ {
+ return "";
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestBodiesGet.h b/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestBodiesGet.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d29e91d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestBodiesGet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#include "RequestAbstract.h"
+namespace TREPS
+ namespace RequestManager
+ {
+ class RequestBodiesGetClass : public RequestAbstractClass
+ {
+ public:
+ RequestBodiesGetClass(void);
+ ~RequestBodiesGetClass(void);
+ //return request id
+ string getRequestId(void);
+ //load request inputs
+ bool load(RequestLoaderClass *loader);
+ //run request
+ bool run(void);
+ //write request result
+ void writeResult(ResultWriterClass *writer);
+ //get suffix used for result file
+ string getResultFileSuffix(void);
+ //get path to result XML file
+ string getXMLFilePath(void);
+ //get string result
+ string getStringResult(void);
+ private:
+ t_Time startTime;
+ t_Time stopTime;
+ bool isSc;
+ string filePath;
+ string lastMsg;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestManager.cpp b/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestManager.cpp
index d0ec645..fc78a05 100644
--- a/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestManager.cpp
+++ b/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestManager.cpp
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include "RequestResetOp.h"
#include "RequestSourceInfo.h"
#include "RequestSourceGet.h"
+#include "RequestBodiesGet.h"
#include "RequestFramesGet.h"
#include "RequestRunOp.h"
#include "RequestResultInfo.h"
@@ -75,6 +76,8 @@ namespace TREPS
this->request = new RequestSourceInfoClass();
else if (typeStr.compare("source_get") == 0)
this->request = new RequestSourceGetClass();
+ else if (typeStr.compare("bodies_get") == 0)
+ this->request = new RequestBodiesGetClass();
else if (typeStr.compare("frames_get") == 0)
this->request = new RequestFramesGetClass();
else if (typeStr.compare("run_op") == 0)
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestRunOp.cpp b/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestRunOp.cpp
index 24d1c62..fb7d10e 100644
--- a/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestRunOp.cpp
+++ b/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestRunOp.cpp
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ namespace TREPS
namespace RequestManager
- RequestRunOpClass::RequestRunOpClass(void):RequestAbstractClass(), srcFrame(""), dstFrame(""), vectorsDef(""), timeFieldId(""),
- timeFormatId(""), timePattern(""), success(false), lastMsg("")
+ RequestRunOpClass::RequestRunOpClass(void):RequestAbstractClass(), srcFrame(""), dstFrame(""), srcCenter(""), dstCenter(""),
+ vectorsDef(""), timeFieldId(""), timeFormatId(""), timePattern(""), success(false), lastMsg("")
@@ -37,12 +37,28 @@ namespace TREPS
return false;
+ //get start time
+ string startTime = loader->getArgStrByName("starttime");
+ //get end time
+ string stopTime = loader->getArgStrByName("stoptime");
+ //get time manager instance
+ TimeManagerClass *timeMgr = TimeManagerClass::getInstance();
+ string pattern = timeMgr->detectPattern(startTime.c_str());
+ timeMgr->setCurrentPattern(pattern.c_str());
+ timeMgr->from_PATTERN(startTime.c_str(),this->startTime,false);
+ timeMgr->from_PATTERN(stopTime.c_str(),this->stopTime,false);
//get source frame
this->srcFrame = loader->getArgStrByName("srcframe");
//get destination frame
this->dstFrame = loader->getArgStrByName("dstframe");
//test frames.
if ((this->srcFrame.compare("") == 0) && (this->dstFrame.compare("") != 0))
@@ -56,6 +72,28 @@ namespace TREPS
return false;
+ /**** For RTN frames ***********/
+ //get source center
+ this->srcCenter = loader->getArgStrByName("srccenter");
+ //get destination center
+ this->dstCenter = loader->getArgStrByName("dstcenter");
+ if(this->srcFrame.compare("RTN")==0 || this->srcFrame.compare("RTP")==0) {
+ if(srcCenter.compare("")==0) {
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Cannot get source center for RTP/RTN frame.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ //get TimeFile from atoi(srcCenter.c_str())
+ }
+ if(this->dstFrame.compare("RTN")==0 || this->dstFrame.compare("RTP")==0) {
+ if(dstCenter.compare("")==0) {
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Cannot get destination center for RTP/RTN frame.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ //get TimeFile from atoi(dstCenter.c_str())
+ }
bool noTrans = (this->srcFrame.compare(this->dstFrame) == 0);
//get vectors definition
@@ -123,7 +161,9 @@ namespace TREPS
//init transformation engine
TransformationAbstractClass *trans = new TransformationCDPP3DViewClass(this);
- if (!trans->init(this->srcFrame.c_str(), this->dstFrame.c_str(), this->vectorsDef.c_str(),
+ if (!trans->init(this->srcFrame.c_str(), this->dstFrame.c_str(),
+ this->srcCenter.c_str(), this->dstCenter.c_str(), this->startTime, this->stopTime,
+ this->vectorsDef.c_str(),
this->timeFieldId.c_str(), this->timeFormatId.c_str(), this->timePattern.c_str(),
sourcePath.c_str(), requestPath.c_str()))
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestRunOp.h b/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestRunOp.h
index b1926e6..b6b5d89 100644
--- a/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestRunOp.h
+++ b/server/kernel/src/RequestManager/RequestRunOp.h
@@ -40,8 +40,13 @@ namespace TREPS
private :
string srcFrame;
string dstFrame;
+ //for RTN/RTP
+ string srcCenter;
+ string dstCenter;
+ t_Time startTime;
+ t_Time stopTime;
string vectorsDef;
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationAbstract.cpp b/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationAbstract.cpp
index afbaef0..892cff6 100644
--- a/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationAbstract.cpp
+++ b/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationAbstract.cpp
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ namespace TREPS
- bool TransformationAbstractClass::init(const char *srcFrame, const char *dstFrame, const char *srcVecDef,
+ bool TransformationAbstractClass::init(const char *srcFrame, const char *dstFrame, const char *srcCenter, const char *dstCenter,
+ const t_Time startTime, const t_Time stopTime, const char *srcVecDef,
const char *timeFieldId, const char *timeFormatId, const char *timePattern, const char *srcDataFile,
const char *transformationRequest)
@@ -69,6 +70,9 @@ namespace TREPS
this->request->setFrames(srcFrame, dstFrame);
+ this->request->setCenters(srcCenter,dstCenter);
+ this->request->setTimes(startTime,stopTime);
//load src data
if (!this->request->loadSrcData(srcDataFile))
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationAbstract.h b/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationAbstract.h
index 58c57d4..19ac210 100644
--- a/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationAbstract.h
+++ b/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationAbstract.h
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ namespace TREPS
virtual ~TransformationAbstractClass(void) = 0;
//init request
- bool init(const char *srcFrame, const char *dstFrame, const char *srcVecDef,
+ bool init(const char *srcFrame, const char *dstFrame, const char *srcCenter, const char *dstCenter,
+ const t_Time startTime, const t_Time stopTime, const char *srcVecDef,
const char *timeFieldId, const char *timeFormatId, const char *timePattern,
const char *srcDataFile, const char *transformationRequest);
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationCDPP3DView.cpp b/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationCDPP3DView.cpp
index f695729..aa5a95e 100644
--- a/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationCDPP3DView.cpp
+++ b/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationCDPP3DView.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "TransformationCDPP3DView.h"
#include "../../CDPP3DViewSOAPClient/cdppBinder.nsmap"
@@ -99,6 +100,45 @@ namespace TREPS
vectorStatus += intToStr(crtIndex + 1);
vectorStatus += " / ";
vectorStatus += intToStr(nbSrcVectors);
+ //if RTN/RTP, get files
+ vector timeFiles;
+ //get time manager instance
+ TimeManagerClass *timeMgr = TimeManagerClass::getInstance();
+ time_t lStart = timeMgr->to_TIMESTAMP(request->getStartTime());
+ time_t lStop = timeMgr->to_TIMESTAMP(request->getStopTime());
+ LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Search for RTN/RTP " << request->getSrcFrame().c_str()<< "/"<getDstFrame().c_str());
+ if(request->getSrcFrame().compare("RTN")==0||request->getSrcFrame().compare("RTP")==0){
+ LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Search for src timeFile for RTN/RTP "<getSrcCenter().c_str());
+ istringstream iss(request->getSrcCenter());
+ vector splitStr((istream_iterator(iss)),istream_iterator());
+ if(splitStr.size()!=4) {
+ this->errorMsg = "Source frame center should be 4 elements: ";
+ this->errorMsg += request->getSrcCenter().c_str();
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),this->errorMsg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Found src sc: "<getDstFrame().compare("RTN")==0||request->getDstFrame().compare("RTP")==0){
+ LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Search for dst timeFile for RTN/RTP "<getDstCenter().c_str());
+ istringstream iss(request->getDstCenter());
+ vector splitStr((istream_iterator(iss)),istream_iterator());
+ if(splitStr.size()!=4) {
+ this->errorMsg = "Dest frame center should be 4 elements: ";
+ this->errorMsg += request->getDstCenter().c_str();
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),this->errorMsg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"Found dst sc: "<trepsRequest->setStatus(generalStatus.c_str());
- url = this->callNewFrameRequest(&(*it), url.c_str());
+ url = this->callNewFrameRequest(&(*it), url.c_str(),timeFiles);
string generalStatus = vectorStatus;
generalStatus += " - Running step : Compute transformation";
- string url = this->callNewFrameRequest(&(*it));
+ string url = this->callNewFrameRequest(&(*it),timeFiles);
@@ -265,11 +305,68 @@ namespace TREPS
+ //add dynamic frames
+ this->availableFrames.push_back("RTN");
+ this->availableFrames.push_back("RTP");
return true;
+ ns4__TimeFile* TransformationCDPP3DViewClass::callListFilesRequest(int bodyId, time_t startTime, time_t stopTime)
+ {
+ bool res = false;
+ string method = "listFiles";
+ //Init 3DView listBodies request
+ _ns3__listFiles listFilesRequest;
+ //_ns3__listNewFrameOrb listNewFrameOrbRequest;
+ //listNewFrameOrbRequest.pUrlInput = NULL;
+ //listNewFrameOrbRequest.pDateTimeInput = this->createTimeList();
+ //listNewFrameOrbRequest.pInFrame = this->request->getSrcFrame();
+ //listNewFrameOrbRequest.pOutFrame = this->request->getDstFrame();
+ ns4__TimeFileType type = ns4__TimeFileType__ORBIT;
+ listFilesRequest.type = &type;
+ listFilesRequest.pBodyId = bodyId;
+ listFilesRequest.pStartTime = startTime;
+ listFilesRequest.pStopTime = stopTime;
+ //run listNewFrameOrb to perform transformation (rotation + translation)
+ //_ns3__listNewFrameOrbResponse listNewFrameOrbResponse;
+ ns4__TimeFileArray listFilesResponse;
+ res = (this->client->listFiles(&listFilesRequest,&listFilesResponse) == SOAP_OK);
+ LOG4CXX_INFO(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),"found timefiles" << listFilesResponse.timeFile.size());
+ if(res && listFilesResponse.timeFile.size()>0) {
+ return listFilesResponse.timeFile.at(0);
+ } else {
+ res = false;
+ }
+ if (!res)
+ {
+ this->errorMsg = "Error during the call of ";
+ this->errorMsg += method;
+ this->errorMsg += " of 3DView Web Service";
+ if (this->client->soap_fault_string() != NULL)
+ {
+ this->errorMsg += " (";
+ this->errorMsg += this->client->soap_fault_string();
+ this->errorMsg += ")";
+ }
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(this->app->getLog()->getPtr(),this->errorMsg);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
string TransformationCDPP3DViewClass::callGetOrbUrlRequest(const t_Vector *crtSrcVec)
@@ -311,9 +408,9 @@ namespace TREPS
- string TransformationCDPP3DViewClass::callNewFrameRequest(const t_Vector *crtSrcVec, const char *dataURL)
+ string TransformationCDPP3DViewClass::callNewFrameRequest(const t_Vector *crtSrcVec, const char *dataURL, vector timeFiles)
- string TransformationCDPP3DViewClass::callNewFrameRequest(const t_Vector *crtSrcVec)
+ string TransformationCDPP3DViewClass::callNewFrameRequest(const t_Vector *crtSrcVec, vector timeFiles)
bool res = false;
@@ -340,6 +437,10 @@ namespace TREPS
listNewFrameOrbRequest.pInFrame = this->request->getSrcFrame();
listNewFrameOrbRequest.pOutFrame = this->request->getDstFrame();
+ //for RTN/RTP
+ listNewFrameOrbRequest.pInCenter = this->request->getSrcCenter();
+ listNewFrameOrbRequest.pOutCenter = this->request->getDstCenter();
+ listNewFrameOrbRequest.pTimeFiles = timeFiles;
//run listNewFrameOrb to perform transformation (rotation + translation)
_ns3__listNewFrameOrbResponse listNewFrameOrbResponse;
@@ -372,6 +473,10 @@ namespace TREPS
listNewFrameAttRequest.pInFrame = this->request->getSrcFrame();
listNewFrameAttRequest.pOutFrame = this->request->getDstFrame();
+ //for RTN/RTP
+ listNewFrameAttRequest.pInCenter = this->request->getSrcCenter();
+ listNewFrameAttRequest.pOutCenter = this->request->getDstCenter();
+ listNewFrameAttRequest.pTimeFiles = timeFiles;
//run listNewFrameAtt to perform transformation (rotation)
_ns3__listNewFrameAttResponse listNewFrameAttResponse;
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationCDPP3DView.h b/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationCDPP3DView.h
index af015d1..741ab57 100644
--- a/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationCDPP3DView.h
+++ b/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationCDPP3DView.h
@@ -62,11 +62,14 @@ namespace TREPS
string callGetOrbUrlRequest(const t_Vector *crtSrcVec);
- string callNewFrameRequest(const t_Vector *crtSrcVec, const char *dataURL);
+ string callNewFrameRequest(const t_Vector *crtSrcVec, const char *dataURL, vector timeFiles);
- string callNewFrameRequest(const t_Vector *crtSrcVec);
+ string callNewFrameRequest(const t_Vector *crtSrcVec, vector timeFiles);
+ ns4__TimeFile* callListFilesRequest(int bodyId, time_t startTime, time_t stopTime);
//get response
string getURLResponse(const char *response);
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationRequest.cpp b/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationRequest.cpp
index 43fb842..228ff06 100644
--- a/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationRequest.cpp
+++ b/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationRequest.cpp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ namespace TREPS
namespace Transformation
- TransformationRequestClass::TransformationRequestClass(void) : srcFrame(""), dstFrame(""), timeFieldId(""), timeFormat(TF_NONE), timePattern("")
+ TransformationRequestClass::TransformationRequestClass(void) : srcFrame(""), dstFrame(""), srcCenter(""), dstCenter(""), startTime(), stopTime(), timeFieldId(""), timeFormat(TF_NONE), timePattern("")
@@ -50,6 +50,40 @@ namespace TREPS
return this->dstFrame;
+ void TransformationRequestClass::setCenters(const char *srcCenter, const char *dstCenter)
+ {
+ this->srcCenter = srcCenter;
+ this->dstCenter = dstCenter;
+ }
+ string TransformationRequestClass::getSrcCenter(void) const
+ {
+ return this->srcCenter;
+ }
+ string TransformationRequestClass::getDstCenter(void) const
+ {
+ return this->dstCenter;
+ }
+ void TransformationRequestClass::setTimes(const t_Time startTime, const t_Time stopTime)
+ {
+ this->startTime = startTime;
+ this->stopTime = stopTime;
+ }
+ t_Time TransformationRequestClass::getStartTime(void) const
+ {
+ return this->startTime;
+ }
+ t_Time TransformationRequestClass::getStopTime(void) const
+ {
+ return this->stopTime;
+ }
bool TransformationRequestClass::setSrcVectorsDefinition(const char *srcVecDef, const char *srcFrame)
diff --git a/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationRequest.h b/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationRequest.h
index b811ba4..832874a 100644
--- a/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationRequest.h
+++ b/server/kernel/src/Transformation/TransformationRequest.h
@@ -30,6 +30,25 @@ namespace TREPS
//get transformation destination frame
string getDstFrame(void) const;
+ //set transformation centers for RTN/RTP frames
+ void setCenters(const char *srcCenter, const char *dstCenter);
+ //get transformation source center
+ string getSrcCenter(void) const;
+ //get transformation destination center
+ string getDstCenter(void) const;
+ //set times
+ void setTimes(const t_Time startTime, const t_Time stopTime);
+ //get start time
+ t_Time getStartTime(void) const;
+ //get end time
+ t_Time getStopTime(void) const;
//set source vectors defintiion
bool setSrcVectorsDefinition(const char *srcVecDef, const char *srcFrame);
@@ -72,6 +91,10 @@ namespace TREPS
private :
string srcFrame;
string dstFrame;
+ string srcCenter;
+ string dstCenter;
+ t_Time startTime;
+ t_Time stopTime;
t_VectorList srcVectors;
diff --git a/server/php/direct/classes/TREPSAction.php b/server/php/direct/classes/TREPSAction.php
index 3c6a4b7..b7fd671 100644
--- a/server/php/direct/classes/TREPSAction.php
+++ b/server/php/direct/classes/TREPSAction.php
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
function runOperation($arg)
$reqMgr = new RequestManager();
- $res = $reqMgr->run('run_op',array('id' => $arg->id, 'srcframe' => $arg->srcframe, 'dstframe' => $arg->dstframe, 'vectors' => $arg->vectors, 'timefieldid' => $arg->timefieldid, 'timeformatid' => $arg->timeformatid, 'timepattern' => $arg->timepattern), OutputTypeEnum::OUTPUT_RESULTFILE);
+ $res = $reqMgr->run('run_op',array('id' => $arg->id, 'srcframe' => $arg->srcframe,'srccenter' => $arg->srccenter, 'dstframe' => $arg->dstframe, 'dstcenter' => $arg->dstcenter, 'starttime' => $arg->starttime, 'stoptime' => $arg->stoptime, 'vectors' => $arg->vectors, 'timefieldid' => $arg->timefieldid, 'timeformatid' => $arg->timeformatid, 'timepattern' => $arg->timepattern), OutputTypeEnum::OUTPUT_RESULTFILE);
return $res;
@@ -100,6 +100,13 @@
return $res;
+ function getBodiesList($arg)
+ {
+ $reqMgr = new RequestManager();
+ $res = $reqMgr->run('bodies_get',array('id' => $arg->id, 'issc' => $arg->issc, 'starttime' => $arg->starttime, 'stoptime' => $arg->stoptime),OutputTypeEnum::OUTPUT_XMLFILE);
+ return $res;
+ }
function getFramesList()
$reqMgr = new RequestManager();
diff --git a/server/php/direct/config.php b/server/php/direct/config.php
index 915e65f..28d189f 100644
--- a/server/php/direct/config.php
+++ b/server/php/direct/config.php
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ $API = array(
+ 'getBodiesList'=>array(
+ 'len'=>1
+ ),
libgit2 0.21.2