## Nicolas - [ ] rajouter MAVEN, New Horizons, Cassini, Galileo, ExoMars comme spacecraft cible - [ ] ajouter un bouton ALERT qui permet d'ouvrir une nouvelle page de formulaire : * email * target (= planète, spacecraft, comet) * submit (envoyé ensuite vers un webservice d'AMDA à construire) - [ ] prévoir un bouton EPN-TAP ou l'on mettrait l'outil en relation avec le client VESPA développé par nathanaël - [ ] séries temporelles en échelle log ou linéaire /!\ D3 ne supporte pes les échelles log pour un domaine qui contient le 0. - [ ] juno/rosetta doivent aussi bouger le long de leur orbite lorsque l'on parcourt à la souris les données de la série temporelle; pour les intervalles de temps où rosetta n'existe plus (crash à la surface de la comète) il faut qu'elle disparaisse; pour les intervalles de temps où juno est en orbite autour de jupiter il faut que juno suive jupiter -> tout ceci est configurable dans le fichier de configuration, je n'ai pas les ids ! - [ ] pour l'option jupiter thermospheric models dans l'onglet layer, une fois activée il faut que sur un tracé de la pression dynamique à jupiter tu fasses apparaître trois lignes horizontales en trois couleurs différentes pour les valeurs: Model A compressed Pdyn=0.121 nPa Model B baseline Pdyn=0.060 nPa Model C expanded Pdyn=0.020 nPa ## CME Catalogs 1) https://www.helcats-fp7.eu/catalogues/wp4_icmecat.html et télécharger le catalogue en ASCII, JSON ou VOTAble XML les traits verticaux à repérer sur les données Terre sont délimités par ICME_START_TIME et ICME_STOP_TIME, et il faut prendre le catalogue pour WIND uniquement (qui se trouver au point L1) et prendre aussi 2) https://wind.nasa.gov/fullcatalogue.php ## Future ? - [ ] Rework the images of Rosetta and Juno - [ ] Optimize data aggregation (numpy vectorization?) - [ ] Bump D3JS to v5 (and its promises) - [ ] Enable p67 - [ ] IE compat, if you can (mouahahahahaha good luck) - [ ] Fix the warmup on the prod server (I was kicked out, do it yourselves) - [ ] Set the log level to _error_ in production (see `web/run.py` -- DIY) ## 1.9 - [x] Auroral Emissions (Jupiter) - [x] Auroral Emissions Fixes - [x] Enable the Input selector ## 1.8.3 - [x] Fix whitespaces ## 1.8.2 - [x] Fix Earth temperature ## 1.8 - [x] Auroral Emissions (Saturn) ## 1.7 - [x] Only get SWRT after OMNI - [x] Fix Rosetta & Juno squatting the CDF Download - [x] Layer : Models (disabled) - [x] Layer : Campaigns (disabled) - [x] Layer : Catalogs (disabled) - [x] Layer : Inputs (disabled) - [x] Solve the ticks' month issue ## 1.6 - [x] Re-enable Earth - [x] Layer : CME Catalogs - [x] Add an About page - [x] Rewrite everything using ES6 instead of Livescript - [x] Force domain re-sizing of time series to be sequential - [x] Fix broken, confusing ticks on time series - [x] Make date format in time series saner (DOY) ## 1.5 - [x] Use the new AMDA API - [x] Add Mercury Real Time - [x] Add Venus Real Time ## 1.4.1 - [x] Add logs to hunt a Heisenbug ## 1.4 - [x] Enable Uranus - [x] Enable Neptune ## 1.3.1 - [x] Disable Earth again - [x] Fix the layers being shown outside the clipping area in the time series ## 1.3 - [x] Earth pdyn = pv² (TBD) - [x] Earth omnihour B is a Vector3, use the first scalar - [x] Layers - SW Catalogs ## 1.2 - [x] Restore Earth - [x] Clean NetCDF, stage 1 - [x] Accordion on the parameters list - [x] Check IE compat - [x] Bind the Alert button to a website ## 1.1 - [x] Credit the author of the pixel art planets (`Jr Astronaut`) - [x] … and buy his stuff from https://www.redbubble.com/people/spacefruitdox - [x] Fix a small glitch with the time series cursor on zoom ## 1.0.1 - [x] Fix an issue with the Time Series axes - [x] CRON statements to call the cache cleanup and warmup ## 1.0.0 - [x] Fix a bug with data that is offset by one hour. - [x] Use `git describe` as version number ## 1.0.0-rc8 - [x] Make the parameters' toogle buttons smaller - [x] Set time format to 24h in the time series - [x] Add the disabled versions of Uranus and Neptune - [x] Add the `CME Catalogs` layer ## 1.0.0-rc7 - [x] Add disabled layer buttons - [x] Give the future data another color - [x] Change the default interval (from 2 months in the past to one in the future) - [x] Prepare horizontal lines in the time series - [x] Add buttons to the orbits plot zoom to inner or outer heliosphere - [x] Make the Y-Axis of time series dynamic (at the expense of animations) ## 1.0.0-rc6 - [x] Re-lock Earth until we have better support - [x] Add support for inputs STEREO-A, STEREO-B, L1 - [x] More ticks along X-axis (I tried, but it does not behave as expected) - [x] Smaller footer credits - [x] Move the version to the footer - [x] Fix various issues with spacepy and CDF generation ## 1.0.0-rc5 - [x] Cache warmup (generate for today's default interval) `/cache/warmup` - [x] Improve the generated CDF for SAMP - [x] Enable Earth - [x] Enable more precise configuration of each models' parameters ## 1.0.0-rc4 - [x] Sort times series by closeness to the sun - [x] Generate a CDF file (not NetCDF) - [x] Normalize time interval for time series - [x] Make the footer images clickable - [x] Highlight the visits counter - [x] Use a default interval up to 3 weeks in the future - [x] Add interval constraints for orbit models (Rosetta uses P67 after a time) - [x] Make the download with a netcdf file instead of a tarball of CSVs - [x] Support having no position to display (for Rosetta in some intervals) - [x] Make the local cache more resilient to corrupted downloads - [x] Make the local cache more resilient to naming collisions ## 1.0.0-rc3 - [x] Make the targets dynamic in the orbit plot, allowing zoom - [x] Refactor some more to move as much as we can to the config - [x] Cache clear (remove all files) `/cache/clear` ## 1.0.0-rc2 - [x] Refactor and clean up - [x] Add loaders to targets' toggle button ## 1.0.0-rc1 - [x] Support multiple data and orbit models for each target - [x] Cache cleanup (remove old files) `/cache/cleanup` ## 0.1.0 - [x] Cache generated CSVs on the server side - [x] Cache generated CSVs on the client side - [x] Count visits - [x] Zoom in on time series - [x] Loader and targets loading animation - [x] Start/Stop datetime fields - [x] Retry CSV generation when it fails due to a bug in AMDA's API - [x] Remove duplicate NetCDFs from AMDA's API response - [x] Add a version number somewhere - [x] Move the visitors counter to the footer - [x] Download raw data (tarball of CSV) for current time interval and targets - [x] Download raw data as NetCDF for current everything, via SAMP - [x] Add a warning for users with javascript disabled ## 0.0.0 - [x] Initial website skeleton - [x] Initial data bridge between netCDF and CSV - [x] New parameters - [x] Temperature `T` (K) - [x] Density `N` (cm^-3) - [x] Angle Planet-Sun-Earth `Delta_angle` (degrees) - [x] Magnetism => B Tangential - [x] Planets - [x] Probes - [x] Rosetta - [x] Juno - [x] Comets (the one visited by rosetta, p67) - [x] Orbits axes titles - [x] Logo Europlanet - [x] Cache remote NetCDFs locally - [x] Add source name on time series - [x] Support multiple sources - [x] Support enabling/disabling sources