The CDPP Heliopropa product gives access to an heliospheric propagator for solar wind prediction at various targets in the Solar System based on a 1D magnetohydrodynamic propagation model originally developed by Tao et al., 2005.
The product gives access to various solar wind parameters (dynamic pressure, velocity, tangential magnetic field, temperature and solar wind density) based on propagation of in-situ measurements from other solar sytem locations (currently Sun-Earth L1). The angles between the targets, Sun and Earth are also provided and are a useful indicator of accuracy which may be degraded away from the Sun-Earth line. For target-Sun-Earth angles away from the Sun-Earth line please be aware that non co-rotating features such as CMEs, either at the source or target, will mean that the resultant model output is not representative of the target environment. Currently the solar system target locations supported by the tool are all of the solar system planets. A shorter time interval can be selected by dragging the mouse in one of the time series plots. To return to the default period double click in a time series panel.
The model runs daily (midnight) at CDPP by taking the most recent L1 data (ACE Real Time data set). Propagated parameters at all planets are then updated accordingly and made available in the interface (blue line for past data, purple line for prediction, the extent of which depends on planet locations).
The default layout is shown in the figure below and displays the dynamic pressure parameter for the planets from Mercury out to Saturn.

Moving the cursor over the time series plots on the right side of the display will show the time and value of the parameters in pop-up bubbles and the locations of the planets in the solar system display in the top left will be updated to show their positions at the corresponding times.This heliospheric view is displayed in HEE coordinates for which the X axis is towards the Earth and the Z axis is towards the ecliptic North pole. This system is therefore fixed with respect to the Earth-Sun line.
The and
buttons below the solar system plot will show either
just an inner solar system view (up to Mars) or the entire solar system (to the
furtherst planet selected)
The button will return a CDF file containing the data (the parameters)
pertaining to the displayed planet(s) with 1h time resolution.
In the top left of the display is a menu icon. Selecting this will slide open the options menu. From here:
- The default time interval can be changed (data will need to be recalculated which may take some time, please be patient)
- The target planets to be displayed can be selected. Click on the corresponding planet item to toggle on/off.
- The parameters to be displayed for each target can be displayed. Click on the corresponding parameter to toggle on/off its inclusion in the time series panels.
The Heliopropa product has been developed by CDPP with support from the Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure project through its Planetary Space Weather Services activities funded from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Number 654208.

Fair Use
#} {##}
{# You may use this service as any public domain service.
{# We provide no warranty of any kind.
{# The source code is available for you to inspect and fork.
{# If you use this service, please cite it and let us know.#}