{% extends 'layout.html.jinja2' %} {% set menu_section = 'home' %} {% block title %}Home{% endblock %} {# This is the main template file, along with the layout. #} {# The engine is Jinja2, close to Twig (yet not as good) #} {% block content %} {% macro target_button(target) -%}
{{ target.name }} NO DATA ERROR
{%- endmacro %} {% macro icon(name) %}{% endmacro %}

Loading Heliopropa…
This might take a while.

{{ icon('calendar') }} Time Interval

{{ icon('eercast') }} Planets
{% for target in planets %} {{ target_button(target) }} {% endfor %}

{{ icon('rocket') }} Probes & Comets
{% for target in probes %} {{ target_button(target) }} {% endfor %} {% for target in comets %} {{ target_button(target) }} {% endfor %}

{{ icon('flask') }} Parameters

Drag to zoom in, double click to zoom out.

{% endblock %} {#### CSS ####################################################################} {% block styles %} {% endblock %} {#### JAVASCRIPT #############################################################} {% block scripts_footer %} {#### SAMP ###################################################################} {% endblock %}