import random import datetime import StringIO from os import listdir, environ from os.path import isfile, join, abspath, dirname import csv from pprint import pprint from csv import writer as csv_writer from yaml import load as yaml_load from flask import Flask from flask import redirect, url_for, send_from_directory from flask import request from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader from netCDF4 import Dataset # from model.Config import Config # from model.News import NewsCollection, News # PATH RELATIVITY ############################################################# THIS_DIRECTORY = dirname(abspath(__file__)) def get_path(relative_path): return abspath(join(THIS_DIRECTORY, relative_path)) # COLLECT GLOBAL INFORMATION FROM SOURCES ##################################### # VERSION with open(get_path('../VERSION'), 'r') as version_file: version = # CONFIG with open(get_path('../config.yml'), 'r') as config_file: config = yaml_load( # SETUP FLASK ENGINE ########################################################## app = Flask(__name__, root_path=THIS_DIRECTORY) app.debug = environ.get('DEBUG') == 'true' # SETUP JINJA2 TEMPLATE ENGINE ################################################ def static_global(filename): return url_for('static', filename=filename) def shuffle_filter(seq): """ This shuffles the sequence it is applied to. 'tis a failure of jinja2 to not provide a shuffle filter by default. """ try: result = list(seq) random.shuffle(result) return result except: return seq def markdown_filter(value, nl2br=False, p=True): """ nl2br: set to True to replace line breaks with
tags p: set to False to remove the enclosing

tags """ from markdown import markdown from markdown.extensions.nl2br import Nl2BrExtension from markdown.extensions.abbr import AbbrExtension extensions = [AbbrExtension()] if nl2br is True: extensions.append(Nl2BrExtension()) markdowned = markdown(value, output_format='html5', extensions=extensions) if p is False: markdowned = markdowned.replace(r"

", "").replace(r"

", "") return markdowned tpl_engine = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader([get_path('view')]), trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True) tpl_engine.globals.update( url_for=url_for, static=static_global, ) tpl_engine.filters['markdown'] = markdown_filter tpl_engine.filters['md'] = markdown_filter tpl_engine.filters['shuffle'] = shuffle_filter tpl_global_vars = { 'request': request, 'version': version, 'config': config, 'now':, } # HELPERS ##################################################################### def render_view(view, context=None): """ A simple helper to render [view] template with [context] vars. It automatically adds the global template vars defined above, too. It returns a string, usually the HTML contents to display. """ context = {} if context is None else context return tpl_engine.get_template(view).render( dict(tpl_global_vars.items() + context.items()) ) # def render_page(page, title="My Page", context=None): # """ # A simple helper to render the md_page.html template with [context] vars & # the additional contents of `page/[page].md` in the `md_page` variable. # It automagically adds the global template vars defined above, too. # It returns a string, usually the HTML contents to display. # """ # if context is None: # context = {} # context['title'] = title # context['md_page'] = '' # with file(get_path('page/' % page)) as f: # context['md_page'] = # return tpl_engine.get_template('md_page.html').render( # dict(tpl_global_vars.items() + context.items()) # ) def datetime_from_list(time_list): # Day Of Year starts at 0, but for our datetime parser it starts at 1 doy = '{:03d}'.format(int(''.join(time_list[4:7])) + 1) return datetime.datetime.strptime( "%s%s%s" % (''.join(time_list[0:4]), doy, ''.join(time_list[7:])), "%Y%j%H%M%S%f" ) # ROUTING ##################################################################### @app.route("/") @app.route("/home.html") @app.route("/index.html") def home(): return render_view('home.html.jinja2', {}) @app.route("/inspect") def analyze_cdf(): cdf_to_inspect = get_path("../res/") cdf_to_inspect = get_path("../res/") si = StringIO.StringIO() cw = csv.DictWriter(si, fieldnames=['Name', 'Shape', 'Length']) cw.writeheader() # Time, StartTime, StopTime, V, B, N, T, Delta_angle, P_dyn, QualityFlag cdf_handle = Dataset(cdf_to_inspect, "r", format="NETCDF4") for variable in cdf_handle.variables: v = cdf_handle.variables[variable] cw.writerow({ 'Name': variable, 'Shape': v.shape, 'Length': v.size, }) cdf_handle.close() return si.getvalue() @app.route("/test.csv") def get_csv(): si = StringIO.StringIO() cw = csv_writer(si) # Time, StartTime, StopTime, V, B, N, T, Delta_angle, P_dyn, QualityFlag cdf_handle = Dataset(get_path("../res/"), "r", format="NETCDF4") # YYYY DOY HH MM SS .ms times = cdf_handle.variables['Time'] data_v = cdf_handle.variables['V'] data_b = cdf_handle.variables['B'] data_p = cdf_handle.variables['P_dyn'] cw.writerow(('time', 'vrad', 'vtan', 'magn', 'pdyn')) for time, datum_v, datum_b, datum_p in zip(times, data_v, data_b, data_p): cw.writerow(( datetime_from_list(time).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00"), datum_v[0], datum_v[1], datum_b, datum_p )) cdf_handle.close() return si.getvalue() @app.route("/astral_coordinates.csv") def get_astral_coordinates_csv(): si = StringIO.StringIO() cw = csv_writer(si) # Time, StartTime, StopTime, XYZ_HCI, XYZ_IAU_SUN, XYZ_HEE cdf_handle = Dataset(get_path("../res/"), "r", format="NETCDF4") times = cdf_handle.variables['Time'] data_xyz_hci = cdf_handle.variables['XYZ_HCI'] cw.writerow(('time', 'x_hci', 'y_hci')) for time, datum_xyz_hci in zip(times, data_xyz_hci): cw.writerow(( datetime_from_list(time).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00"), datum_xyz_hci[0], datum_xyz_hci[1] )) cdf_handle.close() return si.getvalue() # MAIN ######################################################################## if __name__ == "__main__": # Debug mode on, as the production server does not use this. extra_files = [get_path('../config.yml')], extra_files=extra_files)