# WARNING : IF YOU BREAK THIS FILE YOU'LL BREAK THE WEBSITE. Tread carefully. # Remember, you can test the website locally, see the README. # The HTML metadata in the page header. # Don't put double quotes (") in any of these fields. meta: title: Heliopropa ☼ Solar System Weather keywords: - science - cdpp - europlanet - space - weather # Will be shown by search engines below the title of the page. description: Heliospheric propagation 1D MHD model for solar wind prediction at planets, probes and comets. # The top bar header: title: CDPP / Heliopropa description: Heliospheric propagation 1D MHD model for solar wind prediction at planets, probes and comets. links: - text: Model href: "https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2004JA010959/abstract" - text: Horizon 2020 href: "https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/" # A list of authors that will appear in the HTML metadata and possibly in the # authorship page as well. The order does not matter, it will be shuffled. authors: - name: Richard Hitier role: Software Padawan mail: richard.hitien@irap.omp.eu - name: Antoine Goutenoir role: Software Ninja mail: antoine.goutenoir@irap.omp.eu - name: Myriam Bouchemit role: Code Reviewer mail: myriam.bouchemit@irap.omp.eu - name: Nicolas André role: Project Lead mail: nicolas.andre@irap.omp.eu - name: Vincent Génot role: Project Coordinator mail: vincent.genot@irap.omp.eu #amda: "http://cdpp.irap.omp.eu/BASE/DDService/getDataUrl.php?dataSet={dataSet}&StartTime={startTime}&StopTime={stopTime}" amda: "http://amda.irap.omp.eu/DDService/getDataUrl.php?dataSet={dataSet}&StartTime={startTime}&StopTime={stopTime}" defaults: input_slug: 'om' # Data files are in data/catalog/ # Constraints are joined by an outer OR and an inner AND layers: models: - slug: "jupiterthermospheremodel" name: "Jupiter Thermo." desc: "Jupiter Thermosphere Model" campaigns: - slug: "hstjupiterobservations" name: "HST Jupiter" desc: "Hubble Space Telescope Jupiter Observations" live: true - slug: "hstsaturnobservations" name: "HST Saturn" desc: "Hubble Space Telescope Saturn Observations" live: true catalogs: - slug: "cmecatalogs" name: "CME Catalogs" desc: "Coronal Mass Ejection Catalogs" data: - doc: "https://www.helcats-fp7.eu/catalogues/wp4_icmecat.html" url: "https://www.helcats-fp7.eu/catalogues/data/ICME_WP4_V10.json" file: "ICME_WP4_V10.json" start: "ICME_START_TIME" stop: "MO_END_TIME" om: venus: constraints: [ { SC_INSITU: ["VEX"] } ] mercury: constraints: [ { SC_INSITU: ["MESSENGER"] } ] - doc: "https://www.helcats-fp7.eu/catalogues/wp4_arrcat.html" url: "https://www.helcats-fp7.eu/catalogues/data/HCME_WP4_V6.json" file: "HCME_WP4_V6.json" start: "TARGET_ARRIVAL" om: mars: constraints: [ { TARGET_NAME: ["MARS", "MAVEN", "MSL"] } ] - doc: "https://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/CME_list/UNIVERSAL/text_ver/" url: "https://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/CME_list/UNIVERSAL/text_ver/univ_all.txt" file: "univ_all.json" start: "DATETIME" om: earth: ~ inputs: - slug: "om" name: "OMNI" desc: "The default input." - slug: "art" name: "ACE-RT" desc: "ACE Real ime" - slug: "dsc" name: "DISCOVR" desc: "DISCOVR" - slug: "solo" name: "SOLAR-O" desc: "Solar Orbiter" - slug: "sa" name: "STEREO-A" desc: "The first of the STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory), a solar observation mission." - slug: "sb" name: "STEREO-B" desc: "The second of the STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory), a solar observation mission." #Comets #67P p67_orb_all # #Probes #Maven maven_orb_cruise #Juno juno_cruise_all #Exomars exomars_cruise_all #Rosetta ros_orb_cruise # To add a new target, you must : # 1. Configure it here # 2. Create the two related images in `web/static/img/target/` # # `slug` is used internally, and should match \[a-z0-9]+\ (NO dashes /!\) # `name` is displayed in the time series (should be short) # `title` appears on mouse hover, and can be longer # `locked` is for sources that are "coming soon" # `default` sources are shown to incoming visitors, others need user activation # `orbit` holds the orbit configuration data # `models` holds the configuration data for each model # the slugs are ids for AMDA targets: - type: 'planet' slug: 'mercury' name: 'Mercury' title: 'Mercury' orbit: models: - slug: 'mercury_orb_all' semimajor: 0 semiminor: 0 models: om: - slug: 'tao_mercury_sw' art: - slug: 'tao_mercury_swrt' dsc: - slug: 'tao_mercury_dsc' solo: - slug: 'tao_mercury_solo' sa: - slug: 'tao_mercury_sta' sb: - slug: 'tao_mercury_stb' locked: false default: true - type: 'planet' slug: 'venus' name: 'Venus' title: 'Venus' orbit: models: - slug: 'venus_orb_all' semimajor: 0.72333199 semiminor: 0.7233154 models: om: - slug: 'tao_venus_sw' art: - slug: 'tao_venus_swrt' dsc: - slug: 'tao_venus_dsc' solo: - slug: 'tao_venus_solo' sa: - slug: 'tao_venus_sta' sb: - slug: 'tao_venus_stb' locked: false default: true - type: 'planet' slug: 'earth' name: 'Earth' title: 'Earth' orbit: models: [] # Earth has no orbit models, we hard-coded it to (1, 0) # Earth has a LOT of data files, compared to the others. models: om: - slug: 'omni_hour_all' parameters: pdyn: 'RamP' - slug: 'ace_swepam_real_1h' # [u'Time', u'Dens', u'Vel', u'Temp', u'flag', u'StartTime', u'StopTime'] parameters: dens: 'Dens' vtot: 'Vel' temp: 'Temp' #btan: 'Bgsm' # /!. VECTOR2 (actually, does not exist) sa: - slug: 'omni_hour_all' parameters: pdyn: 'RamP' - slug: 'ace_swepam_real_1h' parameters: dens: 'Dens' vtot: 'Vel' temp: 'Temp' sb: - slug: 'omni_hour_all' parameters: pdyn: 'RamP' - slug: 'ace_swepam_real_1h' parameters: dens: 'Dens' vtot: 'Vel' temp: 'Temp' locked: false default: true - type: 'planet' slug: 'mars' name: 'Mars' title: 'Mars' orbit: models: - slug: 'mars_orb_all' semimajor: 1.52366231 semiminor: 1.51700011 models: om: - slug: 'tao_mars_sw' art: - slug: 'tao_mars_swrt' dsc: - slug: 'tao_mars_dsc' solo: - slug: 'tao_mars_solo' sa: - slug: 'tao_mars_sta' sb: - slug: 'tao_mars_stb' locked: false default: true - type: 'planet' slug: 'jupiter' name: 'Jupiter' title: 'Jupiter' orbit: models: - slug: 'jupiter_orb_all' semimajor: 5.45516759 semiminor: 4.95155843 models: om: - slug: 'tao_jup_sw' art: - slug: 'tao_jup_swrt' dsc: - slug: 'tao_jup_dsc' solo: - slug: 'tao_jup_solo' sa: - slug: 'tao_jup_sta' sb: - slug: 'tao_jup_stb' tap: target_name: 'Jupiter' locked: false default: false - type: 'planet' slug: 'saturn' name: 'Saturn' title: 'Saturn' orbit: models: - slug: 'saturn_orb_all' semimajor: 9.53707032 semiminor: 9.5230773 models: om: - slug: 'tao_sat_sw' art: - slug: 'tao_sat_swrt' dsc: - slug: 'tao_sat_dsc' solo: - slug: 'tao_sat_solo' sa: - slug: 'tao_sat_sta' sb: - slug: 'tao_sat_stb' tap: target_name: 'Saturn' locked: false default: false - type: 'planet' slug: 'uranus' name: 'Uranus' title: 'Uranus' orbit: models: - slug: 'uranus_orb_all' semimajor: 19.19 semiminor: 19.17 models: om: - slug: 'tao_ura_sw' art: - slug: 'tao_ura_swrt' dsc: - slug: 'tao_ura_dsc' solo: - slug: 'tao_ura_solo' sa: - slug: 'tao_ura_sta' sb: - slug: 'tao_ura_stb' locked: false default: false - type: 'planet' slug: 'neptune' name: 'Neptune' title: 'Neptune' orbit: models: - slug: 'neptune_orb_all' semimajor: 30.06896348 semiminor: 30.06785516 models: om: - slug: 'tao_nep_sw' art: - slug: 'tao_nep_swrt' dsc: - slug: 'tao_nep_dsc' solo: - slug: 'tao_nep_solo' sa: - slug: 'tao_nep_sta' sb: - slug: 'tao_nep_stb' locked: false default: false - type: 'probe' slug: 'bepi' name: 'BepiColombo' title: 'BepiColombo' orbit: models: - slug: 'bepi_cruise_all' # - slug: 'mercury_orb_all' models: om: - slug: 'tao_bepi_sw' art: - slug: 'tao_bepi_swrt' sa: - slug: 'tao_bepi_sta' locked: false default: false - type: 'probe' slug: 'solo' name: 'SolarOrbiter' title: 'SolarOrbiter' orbit: models: - slug: 'so_orb_all' # - slug: 'earth_orb_all' models: om: - slug: 'tao_so_sw' art: - slug: 'tao_so_swrt' # sa: # - slug: 'tao_so_sw' locked: false default: false - type: 'probe' slug: 'psp' name: 'Parker Solar Probe' title: 'Parker Solar Probe' orbit: models: - slug: 'psp_orb_all' # - slug: 'earth_orb_all' models: om: - slug: 'tao_psp_sw' art: - slug: 'tao_psp_swrt' sa: - slug: 'tao_psp_sta' locked: false default: false - type: 'probe' slug: 'rosetta' name: 'Rosetta' title: 'Rosetta' orbit: models: - slug: 'ros_orb_cruise' stopped_at: '2014-08-02T00:00:00' - slug: 'p67_orb_all' started_at: '2014-08-02T00:00:00' #stopped_at: '2016-09-30T11:19:00' # 'XYZ_HEE' is not present in http://amda.irap.omp.eu/DDService/BASE/DATA//ORBITS/P67.NEW/P67_2014212000005000.nc.gz # parameters: # hee: 'XYZ_HEE' models: om: - slug: 'tao_ros_sw' sa: - slug: 'tao_ros_sw' sb: - slug: 'tao_ros_sw' locked: false default: false - type: 'probe' slug: 'juno' name: 'Juno' title: 'Juno' orbit: models: - slug: 'juno_cruise_all' stopped_at: '2016-07-05T03:53:00' - slug: 'jupiter_orb_all' started_at: '2016-07-05T03:53:00' models: om: - slug: 'tao_juno_sw' sa: - slug: 'tao_juno_sw' sb: - slug: 'tao_juno_sw' locked: false default: false - type: 'comet' slug: 'p67' name: 'Churyumov-Gerasimenko' title: 'Churyumov-Gerasimenko (coming soon)' orbit: models: - slug: 'p67_orb_all' parameters: hee: 'XYZ_HEE' models: om: - slug: 'tao_p67_sw' sa: - slug: 'tao_p67_sw' sb: - slug: 'tao_p67_sw' locked: true default: false # Tao Model OMNI_input #Rosetta tao_ros_sw 2014-01-01T00:00 2017-01-21T00:00 #Juno cruise tao_juno_sw 2012-01-01T00:00 2016-11-02T22:00 #Mercury tao_mercury_sw 1990-01-01T01:00 2017-02-19T00:00 #Venus tao_venus_sw 1990-01-01T01:00 2017-02-19T00:00 #Mars tao_mars_sw 1990-01-01T01:00 2017-02-19T00:00 #Jupiter tao_jup_sw 1990-01-01T01:00 2017-02-19T00:00 #Saturn tao_sat_sw 1990-01-01T01:30 2017-02-19T00:00 toots: - date: "2019-03-29" text: "Enable Stereo-A and Stereo-B input sources." - date: "2019-02-01" text: "Add Saturn's Auroral Catalog." - date: "2018-11-16" text: "New changes to the UI, and more icons." - date: "2018-10-02" text: "Adding an About page."