# DDServer #

## Compilation and installation ##

Script `compilAndInstall.sh` is dedicated to the compilation and the installation of DDServer.

This script use these following arguments:

* -d (required) : Destination folder in which DDServer will be deployed,
* -u (required) : DDService entry point,
* -r (required) : Path to the folder that contains the DD.res file,
* -b (required) : Path to the DDBASE folder,
* -l (optional) : Path to the user local directory. By default it's `/usr/local`. DDServer dependencies (netCDF lib., CDF lib., DDClient lib. and libxml2) will be search in this folder during the compilation.
* -h (optional) : Proxy host and port, write in the following pattern: `proxy_host:proxy_port`. To define only if DDServer is installed behind a proxy,
* -p (optional) : Proxy user name and password, used to authenticate the user to the proxy, write in the following pattern: `proxy_user_name:proxy_user_password`. To define only if DDServer is installed behind a proxy.