2.4.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/Galileo/PWS/gll-pws-sumelec electric field : summary Electric field spectral density : summary 2012-08-14T11:39:51Z This data set includes 1-minute averages of the electric wave spectra obtained during the period that the Galileo plasma wave receiver was operated during the Jupiter orbital mission (prime, GEM and GMM). The parameter provided for the electric field spectrum is the electric field spectral density in units of V^2/m^2/Hz. When using this data please acknowledge the PI Donald A. Gurnett and Co-I William S. Kurth, NASA, the PDS and the VMO. spase://SMWG/Person/Donald.A.Gurnett PrincipalInvestigator spase://SMWG/Person/William.S.Kurth CoInvestigator spase://SMWG/Person/Raymond.J.Walker DataProducer PDS/PPI http://ppi.pds.nasa.gov/ spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open CDPP/AMDA HAPI Server http://amda.irap.omp.eu/service/hapi Web Service to this product using the HAPI interface. CSV Thank you for acknowledging the use of AMDA in publications with wording like "Data analysis was performed with the AMDA science analysis system provided by the Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse".. See the Rules of the road at http://amda.cdpp.eu/help/policy.html. Please acknowledge the Data Providers. spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open CDPP/AMDA Web application http://amda.cdpp.eu Access to Data via CDPP/AMDA Web application. CSV VOTable CDF PNG Thank you for acknowledging the use of AMDA in publications with wording like "Data analysis was performed with the AMDA science analysis system provided by the Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse".. See the Rules of the road at http://amda.cdpp.eu/help/policy.html. Please acknowledge the Data Providers. PDS GO-J-PWS-4-SUMM-SA60S-V1.0 VERSION 2 spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/Galileo/PWS Waves.Passive ElectricField 1995-12-07T15:21:00Z 2003-09-21T18:34:00Z PT60S Jupiter Jupiter Io Europa Ganymede Callisto Amalthea Io plasma torus GALILEO e-field density gll_pws_sumelec Electric field spectral power density phys.flux.density;phys.electField V**2/m**2/Hz Spectrogram PlasmaWaves ACElectricField