2.2.6 spase://CDPP/NumericalData/AMDA/thaMIS/C/ESA/thc-esa-l2i ion full mode 2017-03-13T15:42:30 "Full Mode" is a low-time-resolution data product useful for large-scale surveys of THEMIS data. It generally maintains the "full" 32 energies sampled, and have an 88 solid-angle map. Full distribution data are 1-spin snapshots of the plasma with a measurement cadence of either 32 spins (in "Fast-Survey Spacecraft Mode") or 128 spins ("Slow-Survey Spacecraft Mode"). spase://SMWG/Person/Charles.W.Carlson CoInvestigator spase://SMWG/Person/James.P.McFadden CoInvestigator spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open AMDA amda.cdpp.eu NetCDF IRAP_THEMIS spase://CDPP/Instrument/AMDA/THEMIS/C/ESA ThermalPlasma 2007-03-07T15:58:39Z 2018-04-06T19:39:14Z PT96.27S Earth.Magnetosphere density thc_n_i Ion Density phys.density;phys.atmol.ionStage cm-3 TimeSeries Ion NumberDensity v_gse thc_v_i phys.veloc;phys.atmol.ionStage km/s Cartesian GSE TimeSeries 3 vx 1 thc_v_i(0) vy 2 thc_v_i(1) vz 3 thc_v_i(2) Ion Velocity |v| thc_v_i_tot Module of Velocity phys.veloc;phys.atmol.ionStage km/s TimeSeries Ion Velocity temperature thc_t_i Temperature phys.temperature;phys.atmol.ionStage eV TimeSeries 3 t_para 1 thc_t_i(2) t_perp1 2 thc_t_i(0) t_perp2 3 thc_t_i(1) Ion Temperature spectra thc_ion_sp phys.flux.density;phys.energy;phys.atmol.ionStage eV/(cm^2-s-sr-eV) Spectrogram Ion EnergyFlux