2.4.1 spase://CNES/Observatory/CDPP-AMDA/Geotail Geotail Geomagnetic Tail Lab 1992-044A GTL ISTP/Geotail GGS/Geotail 2016-08-05T18:19:18Z The GEOTAIL mission is a collaborative project undertaken by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The Geotail spacecraft was designed and built by ISAS and was launched on July 24, 1992. After fulfilling Its original objective of studying the dynamics of the Earth's magnetotail over a wide range of distance, extending from the near-Earth region (8 Earth radii (Re) from the Earth) to the distant tail (about 200 Re) its orbit was changed. Since February 1995 Geotail has been in an elliptical 9 by 30 Re orbit where it has provided data on most aspects of the solar wind interaction with the magnetosphere. spase://SMWG/Person/Guan.Le ProjectScientist spase://SMWG/Person/Masaki.Fujimoto ProjectScientist spase://CNES/Person/CDPP-AMDA/A.Nishida ProjectScientist spase://CNES/Person/CDPP-AMDA/D.Fairfield ProjectScientist Geotail home page at ISAS http://www.stp.isas.jaxa.jp/geotail/ Information about the Geotail mission NSSDC's Master Catalog http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=1992-044A Information about the Geotail mission Earth.Magnetosphere Earth.Magnetosphere.Magnetotail Heliosphere.NearEarth 1992-07-24T00:00:00 Distant tail campaign, various orbits between 8 and 210 Re: August 1992 - October 1994