2.3.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/Cassini/RPWS/cass-rpws-neproxy electron proxy Langmuir Probe : electron proxy 2017-10-19T17:01:00 Cassini RPWS Neproxy data contains all available RPWS Langmuir probe (LP) floating potentials and secondary products. Cassini RPWS Langmuir Probe proxy electron density data are derived using an empirical relation between the floating potential and CAPS measured densities, for the entire mission. Spacecraft potential data are also derived from LP floating potential. spase://SMWG/Person/William.S.Kurth PrincipalInvestigator spase://CNES/Person/J.Wahlund DataProducer PDS home page https://pds-ppi.igpp.ucla.edu/data/CO-SS_S-RPWS-5-NEPROXY-V1.0/CATALOG/NEPROXYDS.CAT spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open AMDA amda.cdpp.eu NetCDF PDS CO-SS_S-RPWS-5-NEPROXY-V1.0 spase://CDPP/Instrument/AMDA/Cassini/RPWS ThermalPlasma 2004-08-27T00:03:27Z 2015-12-31T22:28:25Z PT640S Saturn Occasional RPWS Langmuir probe voltage sweeps have interference in individual sweep samples. These samples have been filtered away before analysis and should not pose a problem for the delivered output parameters. The Ufloat proxy method for this data set is applicable only for densities below 5 cm^-3. To avoid uncertainty of the transition region, data are limited to radial distance beyond 7 Rs from Saturn and absolute magnetic latitude above 15 degrees. Also the data inside 10 Rt from Titan are not included for the same reason. The proxy method uses the photoelectron condition directly measured by the instrument and therefore not available when LP is totally in shadow. floating potential cass_neproxy_fpot phys.potential;phys.elecField;instr.obsty V TimeSeries Other s/c potential cass_neproxy_scpot phys.potential;phys.elecField;instr.obsty V TimeSeries Other density e- cass_neproxy_e phys.density;phys.electron cm-3 TimeSeries Electron NumberDensity