2.3.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/Helios2/E3/helios2-e3-all magnetic field 6-sec average 2018-10-12T10:48:29Z The instrument is a dual configuration of two tri-axial fluxgate magnetometers operating at four different sensitivities (from 0.84 to 0.03 nT). The time resolution, depending the operation mode, telemetry format, and bit rate, for most cases varied from 0.07 to 1.5 seconds. The present data set contains six-second averages of the magnetic field elements in solar-ecliptic (SE) spacecraft-centered coordinates. Data are stored in files on a daily basis. Please acknowledge Helios 2 E3 team in any publication spase://CNES/Person/David.Stansby DataProducer Dataset Description http://helios-data.ssl.berkeley.edu/data/E3_experiment/helios2_6sec_ness/helios.txt spase://SMWG/Repository/CNES/CDPP-AMDA Online Open AMDA at CDPP http://amda.cdpp.eu Text Helios Data Archive Magnetic Field 6-sec Averages spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/Helios2/E3 MagneticField 1974-12-12T01:38:10Z 1981-05-15T23:33:14Z PT6S Heliosphere |b| helios2_e3_bmag Magnetic field magnitude nT b_se helios2_e3_bse Magnetic field in solar ecliptic spacecraft centered coordinates nT 3 bx 1 helios2_e3_bse(0) by 2 helios2_e3_bse(1) bz 3 helios2_e3_bse(2) b_rtn helios2_e3_brtn Magnetic field in RTN coordinates nT 3 br 1 helios2_e3_brtn(0) bt 2 helios2_e3_brtn(1) bn 3 helios2_e3_brtn(2) std_b helios2_e3_std Magnetic field standard deviation nT 3 x 1 helios2_e3_std(0) y 2 helios2_e3_std(1) z 3 helios2_e3_std(2) phihelios2_e3_brtn_phiMagnetic field phi anglephys.magFielddegrees1e-9>TTimeSeries1thetahelios2_e3_brtn_thetaMagnetic field theta anglephys.magFielddegrees1e-9>TTimeSeries1