2.3.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/Helios2/E1/helios2-e1-all corefit : protons Helios corefit data product 2018-10-12T10:48:29Z Corefit data set contains estimates of number density, velocity, and temperatures of the proton core population in the solar wind created from systematic fitting of all the original Helios 3D distribution functions. Please acknowledge Helios E1 team and David Stansby in any publication spase://CNES/Person/David.Stansby DataProducer Dataset Description https://www.davidstansby.com/2017/09/18/new-helios-plasma-dataset.html spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open AMDA at CDPP http://amda.cdpp.eu Text Helios Data Archive Helios corefit data product spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/Helios2/E1 ThermalPlasma 1976-01-17T01:42:11Z 1980-03-08T17:46:32Z PT40S PT300S Heliosphere Status (fitting status flag) takes the following values: * 1: successful fit; * 2: successful fit, magnetic field varies too much for reliable number densities and temperatures; * 3: successful fit, no magnetic field data available; * 4: failed fit Ion instrument flag takes the following values: * 1: I1a ion instrument data; * 2: I3 ion instrument data status helios2_e1_flag -1 ion_instr helios2_e1_instr -1 density helios2_e1_np cm^-3 t_para helios2_e1_t_para eV t_perp helios2_e1_t_perp eV v_thermal_para helios2_e1_vth_para km/s v_thermal_perp helios2_e1_vth_perp km/s v_rtn helios2_e1_vp km/s 3 r 1 helios2_e1_vp(0) t 2 helios2_e1_vp(1) n 3 helios2_e1_vp(2)