2.2.6 spase://CDPP/NumericalData/AMDA/MAVEN/SEP/mav-sep1-anc ancillary 2016-12-12T10:48:29Z Principal Investigator : Davin Larson, SSL, Berkeley spase://SMWG/Person/Davin.Larson PrincipalInvestigator SEP web page, Summary sheet http://lasp.colorado.edu/home/maven/science/instrument-package/sep/ mav-sep1-all PartOf telescope 1 spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open AMDA at CDPP http://amda.cdpp.eu Text.ASCII AMDA is a science analysis system provided by the Centre de Donnees de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse PDS maven-sep-calibrated/anc spase://CDPP/Instrument/AMDA/MAVEN/SEP EnergeticParticles 2014-09-21T23:59:59Z 2016-08-14T23:59:28Z PT32S Mars forward : FOV center in MSO mav_sep1_fmso Geometric center of telecope 1 forward field of view in MSO coordinates TimeSeries 3 x 0 mav_sep1_fmso(0) y 1 mav_sep1_fmso(1) z 2 mav_sep1_fmso(2) Positional rear : FOV center in MSO mav_sep1_rmso Geometric center of telecope 1 rear field of view in MSO coordinates TimeSeries 3 x 0 mav_sep1_rmso(0) y 1 mav_sep1_rmso(1) z 2 mav_sep1_rmso(2) Positional forward : FOV center in SSO mav_sep1_fsso Geometric center of telecope 1 forward field of view in SSO (spacecraft solar orbital) coordinates TimeSeries 3 x 0 mav_sep1_fsso(0) y 1 mav_sep1_fsso(1) z 2 mav_sep1_fsso(2) Positional rear : FOV center in SSO mav_sep1_rsso Geometric center of telecope 1 rear field of view in SSO (spacecraft solar orbital) coordinates TimeSeries 3 x 0 mav_sep1_rsso(0) y 1 mav_sep1_rsso(1) z 2 mav_sep1_rsso(2) Positional forward : FOV center in IAU mav_sep1_fare Geometric center of telecope 1 forward field of view in IAU Mars coordinates TimeSeries 3 x 0 mav_sep1_fare(0) y 1 mav_sep1_fare(1) z 2 mav_sep1_fare(2) Positional rear : FOV center in IAU mav_sep1_rare Geometric center of telecope 1 rear field of view in IAU MARS coordinates TimeSeries 3 x 0 mav_sep1_rare(0) y 1 mav_sep1_rare(1) z 2 mav_sep1_rare(2) Positional forward : sun angle mav_sep1_fsun Angle between the geometric center of telescope 1 forward field of view and the direction of the sun degrees TimeSeries Positional rear : sun angle mav_sep1_rsun Angle between the geometric center of telescope 1 rear field of view and the direction of the sun degrees TimeSeries Positional forward : pitch angle mav_sep1_fpitch Angle between the geometric center of telescope 1 forward field of view and the magnetic field direction averaged over the 32 second interval degrees TimeSeries Positional rear : pitch angle mav_sep1_rpitch Angle between the geometric center of telescope 1 rear field of view and the magnetic field direction averaged over the 32 second interval degrees TimeSeries Positional forward : nadir angle mav_sep1_fnadir Angle between the geometric center of telescope 1 forward field of view and the nadir direction, i.e. towards the center of Mars degrees TimeSeries Positional rear : nadir angle mav_sep1_rnadir Angle between the geometric center of telescope 1 rear field of view and the nadir direction, i.e. towards the center of Mars degrees TimeSeries Positional forward : fraction mars mav_sep1_fmars Fraction of telescope 1 forward field of view taken up by Mars TimeSeries Positional rear : fraction mars mav_sep1_rmars Fraction of telescope 1 rear field of view taken up by Mars TimeSeries Positional mars :fraction sky mav_sep1_rsky Fraction of the sky filled by the disk of Mars TimeSeries Positional