2.2.6 spase://CDPP/NumericalData/AMDA/STEREO-A/PLASTIC/sta-l2-pla proton 1D fit STEREO PLASTIC proton parameters from 1D Maxwellian fits 2015-10-14T14:35:29Z Data from ftp://stereoftp.nascom.nasa.gov. PLASTIC has a ~1 minute energy per charge (E/Q) cadence in which the electrostatic analyzer (ESA) steps through 128 logarithmically spaced E/Q steps from ~80 keV/e, down to ~0.3 keV/e. Proton bulk parameters provided here (speed, density, thermal) are derived from a 1D Maxwellian fit to a single detector rate (no coincidence required), and are corrected for background and dead time. The N/S angle is derived from a peak fitting to the N/S (deflection) rate bins of the same rate. The E/W angle is derived from a separate double coincidence rate. The proton velocity components are corrected for spacecraft aberration and are derived using the N/S and E/W angles. Please acknowledge STEREO PLASTIC Investigation (A.B. Galvin, PI) and NASA grant NNX15AU01G. spase://SMWG/Person/Antoinette.B.Galvin PrincipalInvestigator spase://CDPP/Person/lorna.ellis DataProducer spase://CDPP/Repository/AMDA Online Open http://amda.cdpp.eu NetCDF UNH spase://CDPP/Instrument/AMDA/STEREO-A/PLASTIC ThermalPlasma 2007-01-31T23:59:30Z 2018-04-01T00:00:01Z PT60S density np_sta phys.density;phys.ion cm-3 TimeSeries Ion NumberDensity v_rtn vp_sta phys.velocity;phys.ion km/s Cartesian RTN TimeSeries 3 vr 1 vp_sta(0) vt 2 vp_sta(1) vn 3 vp_sta(2) Ion Velocity |v| vpbulk_sta Scalar magnitude of the velocity in km/s phys.velocity;phys.ion km/s TimeSeries Ion Velocity v_thermal vth_sta phys.velocity;phys.ion km/s TimeSeries Ion Velocity