2.2.6 spase://CDPP/NumericalData/AMDA/Rosetta/LAP/ros-lap-usc s/c potential (USC) 2016-10-15T14:08:29Z For most science purposes, the most useful s/c potential estimate is the U_SC data product which is available at 32 to 160 second resolution and covers most of the mission. Depending on instrument operational mode, this is taken either from the average over 32 s of measured voltage of a sunlit LAP probe (preferably LAP1) floating with no bias current or voltage applied, sometimes known as Vfloat, or by the equivalent estimate from Langmuir probe bias sweeps, which the voltage Vz at which the current to the probe is zero. We expect U_SC to differ from the true spacecraft potential by a small offset (due to the potential over the probe sheath, of order one volt) and a factor (typically 75-80%) due to some part of the potential field from the spacecraft remaining at the probe position. A parameter DATA_SOURCE indicats which of these methods have been used for every single sweep. spase://CDPP/Person/Anders.Eriksson PrincipalInvestigator spase://CDPP/Person/Erik.Johansson DataProducer RPC LAP User Guide http://amda.irap.omp.eu/help/parameters/RO-IRFU-LAP-UG.PDF ROSETTA RPC-LAP to Planetary Science Archive Interface Control Document http://amda.irap.omp.eu/help/parameters/RO-IRFU-LAP-EAICD_2_0_1_PDF_A.PDF spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Restricted http://amda.cdpp.eu NetCDF PSA RO-C-RPCLAP-5-xxx-DERIV2-V1.0 spase://CDPP/Instrument/AMDA/Rosetta/LAP ThermalPlasma 2014-03-24T08:12:59Z 2016-09-30T10:31:16Z PT32S PT160S u_sc ros_lap_usc V TimeSeries quality value ros_lap_usc_q Quality value in the range 0 (worst) to 1 (best). Corresponds to goodness of fit or how well the model fits the data. TimeSeries data source ros_lap_usc_s TimeSeries quality flag ros_lap_usc_f TimeSeries