2.2.6 spase://CDPP/NumericalData/AMDA/Cassini/MAG/Saturn_Orbit/cass-mag-krtphr 0.02 sec high resolution MAG data 2017-10-12T16:00:00 High-resolution magnetic field data from the Cassini magnetometer during the Saturn orbital phase in KRTP coordinates obtained from NASA/PDS plasma node spase://CDPP/Person/Michele.Dougherty PrincipalInvestigator spase://CDPP/Person/Steve.Kellock DataProducer cass-mag-orb PartOf orbit saturn spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open AMDA amda.cdpp.eu NetCDF PDS CO-E_SW_J_S-MAG-3-RDR-FULL-RES-V2.0 spase://CDPP/Instrument/AMDA/Cassini/MAG MagneticField 2004-05-14T00:00:24Z 2017-01-01T00:00:17Z PT0.02S PT0.25S Saturn Saturn.Titan Saturn.Enceladus Saturn.Dione Saturn.Rhea Saturn.Tethys Saturn.Mimas Saturn.Iapetus Interstellar These data contain persistent noise signals at 0.2, 8, 16 Hz, and associated harmonics. This noise was not observed during ground testing of the instruments and is anticipated to be interference arising from the spacecraft. Removal of these signals is at the user's discretion. b_krtp cass_b_krtphr Magnetic Field in KRTP coordinates phys.magField nT TimeSeries 3 br 1 cass_b_krtphr(0) btheta 2 cass_b_krtphr(1) bphi 3 cass_b_krtphr(2) Vector Magnetic |b| cass_bmag_krtphr Magnetic field vector magnitude phys.magField nT TimeSeries Magnitude Magnetic